Are we getting more info on the Finisher Mori anytime soon?

It's been nearly a year and a half since the Finisher Mori developer update and subsequent PTB, and it's been radio silence ever since.
It'd be really appreciated if any information was given at all, even if it's the announcement of the scrapping of the idea as a whole. It'd be a shame but I feel like we've been left hanging.
I'd appreciate if a Community Manager could comment on this, as it's been so long since any sort of update has been made on this idea.
EDIT: y'all I do not want the whole basekit unbreakable thing back either I just hope they add Moris as part of the base game in some way
I hope the next update we get is that it has been scrapped.
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I'm hoping the idea has been dumped, at least with how it was. That PTB was terrible.
Just make Cypress Mori basekit, if they really wanted to end the trial with a Mori. It was the simplest, least problematic solution.
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Finisher Mori was a poor idea. Just make Cypress Memento Mori basekit, and rework the offering to work like the other ones except it only kills one, then buff the Ivory Memento Mori to allow you to kill two.
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I don't want it to be scrapped entirely. Having moris be a part of the base game would be really cool, but the way they did it was really weird.
I think it would be a good idea if the Cypress Mori was made basekit, and anti-slug mechanics would activate when 2 Survivors are remaining. That way we'd see the animations more without affecting the base game so much.
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I mean the basekit UB was scrapped and that was kinda required for the Finisher Mori to work or else killers would just slug every game. I can't see it happening anytime soon if ever.
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They can add basekit moris in a different way than how they did it on the PTB. I just want the Cypress mori basekit.
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I've met killer mains before who said they don't use them because they consider it toxic. Its like fatalities in Mortal Kombat. You don't have to do them but a lot of people do them to bad mouth their opponent.
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The Finisher Mori I feel like is something thats gonna suddenly drop on us like they did with the Endgame Collapse.
Before we had it there were I believe 2 PTB's which experimented with closing the hatch. One that was literally just, closing the hatch. Nothing else happened. The 2nd one had the added effect of instantly powering the gates. Then there was radio silence for roughly a year, and then we all of a sudden got a trailer for the Endgame Collapse.
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It was just an idea which they tried and it didn't work. Very similar to the trials warm up idea they had way back.
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Hopefully it's just scrapped. It was a bad idea and making moris basekit doesn't make them more exciting anyway. IMO part of what makes moris cool is that they don't happen in most games and making them more common would take that away. They wouldn't be interesting anymore.
That's just my opinion though.
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Eh, they're not really automatically toxic, same with fatalities. Making them basekit would probably help with that perception too.
I kinda want Brutalities in DBD now actually, imagine chainsawing the last survivor and they split in half at the waist and the game's over. No idea how that'd work in practice (in terms of inputs and stuff) but it'd be funny.
True, but it's been longer than the time between the first PTB and release of the EGC. It just concerns me that we might hear nothing and then it'll be announced as cancelled as a side note on a stream somewhere.
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We don't know if they've decided to take a different angle yet. It's almost guaranteed that we won't see anything like that one PTB but the idea of moris being basekit hasn't been officially scrapped yet.
Having Moris be basekit would open up an incentive for BHVR to start making new ones for all of the killers. It could become a fully-fledged customization option instead of just being attached to a single outfit currently, which would be cool.
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Toxic? Fatalities in Mortal Kombat are awesome, they are one of the reasons why people play that game.
Moris in DBD lack brutality, but they are cool. The downside of them being nerfed is that you barely see them anymore.
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I think this sentiment also comes from a time where people would run Iri Mori’s and just tunnel people off first hook and kill them instantly.
Mori’s used to be stupidly OP, same with keys.
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I do it because Mori’s are fun. I just enjoy the animation.
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Thats fine. But this is also why they should be optional and not a basekit mechanic in the game.
They were and I remember criticizing the old mori system back in the day too. It was beyond unfair that all the killer had to do was hook you once and then tunnel you down off the hook to get the mori. This was also in a time where there were no basekit unhook protections.
They are also optional and bad mouthing. You're not saying GG to your opponent when you do a fatality on them. You're pretty much just throwing a middle finger in their face.
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I disagree with this personally. Death by the hook or death by a mori. How that makes them feel is on them. Mori’s by themselves are not bad mouthing. It’s just an alternate way of defeating your opponent.
(This is in your response to @GeneralV )
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Not necessarily. Fatalities are just cool to do especially on different characters and maps. Experienced players stop doing them because they've seen it before and they want to speed things up.
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I don't like it, hopefully it will never come to game. Especially the PTB version.
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The reason why they are bad mouthing is because they are optional and forces the survivor to watch the killer brutally murder their character in a cinematic scene you can't skip. Its like hitting hooked survivors on the hook. The killer gains nothing from doing it other than some sort of deranged self gratification. The offering itself is also rather unfair as it prevents the killer from having to 12 hook and lets them 4k with only 8 hooks. So its bad mouthing and comes with a match advantage. Survivors don't have an offering that lets them complete their objectives faster, but killers do.
They get boring really fast. Don't get me wrong. I'm a big Mortal Kombat fan (up until MK X) and its always cool to see the new things when a new game comes out but as far as the fatalities go you just get sick of seeing them after awhile.
Post edited by KateMain86 on0 -
They are also optional and bad mouthing. You're not saying GG to your opponent when you do a fatality on them. You're pretty much just throwing a middle finger in their face.
Nope, you are just seeing an awesome animation. Same with the current Moris.
If I am playing Mortal Kombat and my opponent finishes me with Erron Black's Six-Shooter fatality or Freddy Krueger's Welcome To My Nightmare (those two are amazing) there is absolutely no way I'm taking it as some sort of BM. Again, same with Moris.
On both games your character's brutal death is a possibility, and it should be. We're talking about a horror game and a fighting game, after all.
They aren't toxic, never have been.
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I get that but Mori’s also waste time, can’t use pop or certain perks after which helps the survivor.
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You're assuming the intent behind every reason why the player does it is of no ill will. If you think every time a killer moris a survivor they're doing it to say GG then I don't know what to tell you. You're speaking from your own perspective on this. It most certainly does not reflect the experience of every player out there. I know from my own experience with my friends and that of the thousands of other players I've played with that moris have not been received well by everyone. Maybe it would be different if moris were a basekit feature for killers since the beginning players would see them differently but they've always been an optional way to eliminate a survivor. You don't have to do it, so when a killer does do it I hope you can see how players could take it as a form of BM.
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It most certainly does not reflect the experience of every player out there
It doesn't, but neither does yours. We have to offer our own perspectives, and they might not be true for everyone else out there, but that is what makes a debate. Otherwise, this discussion becomes pointless.
I absolutely do not see Moris as a form of BM, they are simply a more elaborate manner of eliminating a survivor from the trial. The same goes for Pyramid Head and Onryo, who can execute such kills at base-kit. Or Myers, who has two add-ons for it. We can also mention Rancor or Devour Hope.
Are all of those toxic? I really do not think so.
Negative opinions towards Moris are often associated only with balance. Together with keys, they were considered overpowered. But that is no longer the case.
And even back then, not everyone disliked them. I've even played with several survivors who had usernames requesting Moris.
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The idea was good but the execution was so poor i hope it was completely scrapped.
Nurse was so broken she could end a game in less than 50 seconds. Twins was so bad that it was almost impossible to get a hook if the survivor literally just stood underneath a pallet to counter her. The perk changes didn't help either.
They could just make Cypress Mori basekit and allow one survivor to get back up when multiple people are getting slugged. Thats it, but they made this weird system where everyone was losing.
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I like the idea of a Cypress Mori being basekit at the very least. Still leaves the killer with a choice of sparing the last or killing them, too.
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It's impossible to know what someone's intent is behind using a mori. If you assume the worst of someone's intentions then you tend to end up seeing toxicity everywhere. I've played plenty of games where someone perceives BM purely because they are in a bad mood. One time someone said I was being toxic because I did air combos on them in Tekken. It wasn't toxic. They were just upset that I beat them and they wanted some justification for their salt and subsequent outburst.
A lot of perceived toxicity is just the recipient having a bad attitude. There's plenty of BM in this game, but using a Mori alone isn't enough to dermenine that.
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At this point I doubt the finisher mori will return, which is a good thing because moris are fine the way they work.
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This wasn't on any of the short-term roadmaps we've seen since the anniversary, which means all we can do is wait until the next anniversary to see if it shows up on the next long-term road map.
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I honestly think it wasn't a bad concept. They just needed some sort of scaling recovery speed for survivors depending on how many are on the ground, and maybe a Kill / Mercy trigger for killers that wanted to spare the last survivor.
Most new mechanics BHVR tries to implement into the game tend to suck because they never plan some backup mechanics to prevent bad actors on both sides, and are very prone to one-and-done update stuff and not add community feedback despite insisting they'll be "monitoring the new feature in the upcoming months and act accordingly".
Besides, I really liked the transition to the mori.
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But it does reflect the opinion of many players I have played with over the past 3 years. You were speaking exclusively from your own experience and opinion about them as if there was nothing intrinsically wrong with it. The mere fact that moris are optional and by no means required to win a match makes them a form of BM. Its fine if players are doing it for a challenge or think it'll give them a better chance to win, but don't pretend like there is never any ill intent behind players using them. I've dealt with enough toxic killers over the past 3 years to know otherwise. I can tell you the many leatherface killers I've went against using the red mori and face camping before the changes weren't doing it to be sportsmanlike and without any ill intent. Like I said, if moris were built into the game as normal gameplay from the very beginning we wouldn't be talking about this.
This change would make becoming the last survivor the most avoided thing ever. I think it would change almost entirely how survivors play the game and not for the better.
I've seen enough survivors tunneled into a mori to come to a pretty clear understanding of what their intent is. Either way, this all comes down to how we each see it personally. I absolutely reject the idea that moris are not used as a form of BM by many players. Besides that, the idea of a finisher mori to end the match seems too rewarding to the killer. It would also mean killers wouldn't have to 12 hook to 4k anymore. I think it would also encourage more slugging to the last 2 survivors since the killer knows that if they down 1 and refuse to hook them they only have to find the other one to win.
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Hopefully they've dropped it and that's why we haven't heard anything
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Like many other things that have been promised, it has been abandoned
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Yeah, calling them toxic is an...interesting take, but everyone has their own perspective. Some of them are just fun (Ghostface's being the most notable) and can lead to some hilarious interactions. And even if the killer were being toxic, I'd rather watch a mori than watch them smack me on hook and/or nod at the camera like a dumb goober.
I mean, if you're being mori'd, you're pretty much dead anyway, so it might as well have some flair.
Once moris were limited to use only after the second hook, they lost most of their utility. Once DS was nerfed, they lost even more (occasionally survs would try to use their DS to offensively in the exit gates, and just mori-ing them instead of attempting the pickup was great, *chef's kiss* level stuff.).
At this point, the only actual use they have is against hook denial/flashlight bully squads, where just getting a downed surv to a hook can be a battle.
I agree with just making the cypress mori basekit if they want to force it to be part of the game. Or attach a BP bonus to successfully using a mori (like +100% Brutality or something).
Another idea I've had is making it so the killer can mori any survivor inside the exit gate, regardless of hook state. Or (and I know this would be problematic so I'm only half serious), allow tombstone style (i.e. regardless of hook or heath state) moris inside the gate. That would make for some crazy endgames, and really curtail exit gate teabagging.
As far as the Finisher Mori, I just thought it was too weird and disjointed from the flow of the game, and I didn't care for it.
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That cursed PTB was so bad that it was one of the few times in DBD history that most of the community on both sides united and agreed that it wasn't good.
That PTB contained arguably the most miserable games I've ever played on either side. The entire idea made tunnelling and slugging the standard.
There's literally a video on Youtube called "1 hour of abusing basekit Unbreakable" that was made during this PTB.
BHVR had some good ideas over the years, basekit Unbreakable/Finisher Mori aren't among those. Hopefully it's gone never to return.
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So does mine. Ever since I first started playing DBD, all the way back in 2018, I've met countless players who like the Mori animations. Especially as they became increasingly more elaborate throughout the years. Oni's mori, for instance, is vastly different from Wraith's.
The mere fact that moris are optional and by no means required to win a match makes them a form of BM.
I don't follow your line of thought here.
Doing Totems is optional, not required to win. Is that also BM? Using keys? Opening Chests?
Something being optional definitely does not make them a form of bad manners. Keys are known as the equivalent to Moris, but using them doesn't automatically makes a player toxic. The complaints about keys had to do with balance, and it is the same for Moris.
A player can be very respectful and still want to use a Mori or a Key during a specific trial. A toxic player is easily able to play a match without using them. I've seen both scenarios since I first started playing.
If you assume the worst for everything that happens in a match, you'll see toxicity everywhere.
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I'd love to add a little choice between ending it with either a hook, mori or mercy hatch. Got the three buttons for it. Picking up, M1 for mori and M2 for sparing. Seems pretty cool to me. Three cutscenes for each action would be neat.
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Even if we brought back the Finisher Mori but it only activated when 3 survivors were dead with 1 left, automatically killing the survivor on down is taking that choice out of the player's hands, and I think that's a bad idea, that's what I dislike about the idea of the Finisher Mori. Let players keep the decision to make for themselves.
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Well of course there wouldn't be the automatic kill on down if this choice was a thing. Though would my proposal make for a good iteration of the finisher mechanic?
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Yeah your idea would work fine I think, though I think just "kill" or "spare" are necessary as options. If the killer wants the hook, they can just pick them up and hook them as normal. But I like your idea because it would speed up the end of the match.
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How is it that we keep circling back to the topic of either the finisher mori or base kit unbreakable every now and then as if their inclusion are still uncertain?
The devs have already stated multiple times by now that those features are not being added and was only part of a test for some larger update.
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The list of things on both sides that are by no means necessary (or even necessarily helpful) to win but can are are sometimes used to BM is a long, long one.
Of course some people use them to BM, I'd make the same (but stronger) argument about flashlights. But like flashlights, I think most people use them because they are fun. To General's point, there's a reason you see a lot more of the more cinematic moris than, say, Wraith or Trapper. They're entertaining. As I said in a previous post, I'd much rather watch a mori than be smacked on hook or bled out.
And if often leads to fun (I'll never forget how funny I found it the first time I performed a Ghostface mori and had another surv come teabag on their head as I did it).
Personally, I've never brought a mori because I thought it would rub the survs' faces in their loss. I either bring them for the entertainment value, or because I have "kill by your hand" challenge. And in the past, they did have quite a bit of actual utility. Much less so now, but the most memorable killer match I ever played (which was relatively recently), I only won because I brought a mori (it was a very good flashlight/hook denial squad, and being able to skip the pickup/hook phase at the climax of the game won it for me).
But I think part of the issue here, as it often is, is that a lot of people assume the intent of their opponent. And if the mori comes at the end of a tunneling, the mori isn't the issue, it's the tunnel.
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Your view on it doesn't matter at all cause it doesn't change the intent the Killer has, whether its BM or just a daily challenge. Its just you made up your mind about something to disregard having to think about each situation.
Also your last point is wrong in every regard.
- Killers don't have to 12 hook to get a 4k, its something thats often not even in their control (Is a Killer that can't get a 12 hook game because survivors refused to save each other toxic to you too?)
- Slugging for the 4k as you describe already exists, its a seperate issue. Think about it like this: If cypress mori was basekit right now, would removing it fix it? Would removing cypress mori from the game as it is right now reduce slugging for 4k?
- Some Killer mains claim flashlight saves are toxic and they are right by your logic because they are also completely optional and not required to win.
- Saying that something would be more acceptable if something happened earlier is a poor argument that reflects poorly upon the one saying it 90% of the time. Its actually just saying that you would accept something with no thought behind it.
The first 2 points makes me think you don't even play DBD really, you will rarely see a 12 hook game where the Killer did not slug for the 4k. Just record one of your sessions and show me because i really want to play in your region at your MMR if that is the case.
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I think they’ll eventually give survivors the basekit Unbreakable without coupling it to the finisher mori
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Some of them are just fun (Ghostface's being the most notable) and can lead to some hilarious interactions.
Freddy's is my favorite, of course. I like how it is taken directly from the movie.
Overall, I agree with everything you said here. The ability to mori survivors inside the Exit Gate regardless of hook states would probably be a bit broken, but hell it would hilarious sometimes.
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Worst PTB ever so I hope they learned and just never do it again.
I think they probably discarded it (good) because there is no road map for it and its been pretty long time since it was talked about.
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The only things I've ever really considered toxic in DBD is camping, tunneling and slugging. When I say moris are a form of BM because they are optional has to do with the means by which the killer chooses to eliminate the survivor. That is why I used the fatality in MK comparison as an example. You can end the match with a basic attack, or you can choose to rip their spine out and hold it up as a trophy. You see how the 2 different ways to end the match can be taken very differently. I know some people don't care. We just have different perspectives on this. If you're fine and never see any ill intent behind having your guts ripped out, especially after being tunneled down, then more power to you. I see it as BM. If moris were the only way killers could eliminate survivors then it would just be part of the basic mechanics of the game so you could never really consider any other intent. There are some occasions where I don't consider moris as BM. Its usually when it involves proxy camping and tunneling that I do, which unfortunately is what I see most common with them. If you're tunneling survivors, I just consider you toxic.
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How a game mechanic of an offering is toxic? it is just a cool cutscene which make every killer even more unique. When playing survivor I prefer to die in the hook instead of being moried, sure, but it doesn't mean I consider it something toxic. Also, considering how rare the mori offerings are because most people perfer to use BP offerings make the mories feels like a waste of resources when designing a killer, a finishin mori would make them more frequent so it doesn't feel like something wasted in every killer.
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A finisher mori would negatively effect how survivors play the game too much in my opinion. I think many, maybe even most survivors wouldn't want to be the last survivor. They could see it as humiliating, or not care either way. Its too risky of a change that risks changing the way people play the game too much.
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I see what you’re views on moris are but I feel as though a lot of people have a bad stigma over moris due to what they used to be with the one hook moris and even back in 2016 when you could be moried on your first down. People usually used moris if they reaaaaaallly wanted to win and it was considered “toxic”. Nowadays though, they’re whatever.
But I do usually see killer playing a tad bit sweatier when they bring in a mori.
I personally don’t like being moried because I’m numb to them and don’t care to see the animation especially when the killer was playing sweaty. It’s like dying over and over again in a Resident Evil game and you have to sit through the long killing animation. It’s cool for the first few time then you’re like “looks like I’m just gonna sit here for 30 seconds and look at this same animation I’ve seen 50 times already. Yay.“ I do definitely see what you mean with the MK comparison.
Overall I would still say moris are fine and in a much better place than they used to be but the stigma of the old moris still exist