Killer Tier List [7.5.1]

My opinion on where the Killers stand as of the recent patch which brought nerfs to Blight's add-ons, as well as reworks for Hillbilly and Sadako (post Sadako buffs) + suggestions to changes for the Killers that need them. Killers are ordered from left to right within each tier. Feel free to post your own tier lists, suggest your own changes or comment on mine!
The Nurse
- Overpowered and has been for 7 years straight
- Needs a rework, she's practically playing a different game
The Blight
- Less overpowered after the add-on nerfs
- Still oppressive, however
- Make him 110% movement speed, every other Killer with a busted chase power is
The Spirit
- High mobility, strong chase power, very consistent provided your ears are functioning
- If Survivors are injured it's very difficult for them to outplay her
- If you're not accurate with the Power, you'll find yourself in a very difficult spot
The Mastermind/Albert Wesker
- High mobility, strong chase power, consistent and not too difficult to get good at
- Easier to dodge and counter than the killers above him
- Infection mechanic provides somewhat decent distraction from objectives
The Good Guy/Chucky
- Stealthy, difficult to see, high mobility, strong chase power
- Takes a fair bit of skill to master
- Remove the random footsteps so he's easier to track
The Artist
- Oppressive anti-loop, can pressure and injure survivors from anywhere on the map
- Her anti-loop could do with some nerfs, almost impossible to beat her at certain tiles
The Oni
- Slow early game, but once he gets the first hit it's game on
- If Survivors can delay the first hit for a good amount of time, he can start to struggle
- High mobility and one shot power give him incredible map pressure
- Survivors forced to waste time healing if they don't want to feed him power
- 180 flicks need to be removed, basically impossible to counter
The Plague
- Survivors are forced to either stay injured all game or give Plague one of the most oppressive abilities in the game
- With lots of slowdown and her strongest add-ons, she becomes very oppressive
- If Survivors are good at looping and don't cleanse the Plague can be in for a rough time
- Iri Seal needs to be nerfed or given a new function
The Executioner/Pyramid Head
- Ability to damage survivors through walls makes him strong at loops
- Punishment is fairly predictable and easy to dodge, however
- Cages allow him to hard tunnel without being punished
- Add-ons are ATROCIOUSLY bad, he needs an add-on pass
The Huntress
- Can injure survivors from extreme ranges, high snowball potential, can down survivors and end chases in seconds
- Struggles with long and high loops/tiles, and loses distance if she runs out of hatchets as she is now forced to reload
- Fix her hitboxes, overall she's pretty balanced
The Xenomorph
- The tail attack is incredibly oppressive in chase
- If Survivors set up turrets well Xeno can start to struggle
- Fine as is in my opinion, although a slight reduction to the miss cooldown on the tail attack would be nice
The Cenobite/Pinhead
- Incredible pressure and slowdown, if you understand the spawn logic of the box the Survivors are in for a miserable game
- Randoms can't be relied on to solve the box causing him to be a good pub-stomper
- If they play around the box well, becomes a fairly average anti-loop Killer
- Fine as is, although Iri Lament Configuration is annoying as hell to go against
The Hillbilly
- Rework was fantastic, he feels amazing to play as and is one of the most fun Killers to play as
- He's in a near perfect spot in my opinion
The Demogorgon
- Most balanced Killer
- Strong chase power but isn't oppressive or difficult to counter by any means, good map pressure/traversal
- Moderate add-on pass would be nice, other than that amazing Killer
The Hag
- Can be oppressive if she's able to keep her web of traps up
- Good pub stomper since she's rarely played and most players don't know how to counter her
- If Survivors know what they're doing and destroy her traps regularly she struggles severely
- Can be bullied by good survivors pretty easily
The Singularity
- Has to spend time setting up at the start of the game but starts to shine once Survivors start getting slipstreamed
- Takes a lot of skill but the pay-off feels lacking compared to other high skill killers
- Survivors can hold onto EMPs and shut down your power pretty easily
The Dredge
- Mediocre anti-loop ability
- Teleporting to lockers outside of nightfall feels clunky
- Reliant on nightfall to become more powerful but it takes a while to charge without keeping survivors injured
The Deathslinger
- Really strong anti-loop and ranged ability, but is punished severely for missing
- Not much to say, good if you hit your shots, bad if you don't
The Cannibal/Bubba
- One shot threat makes him threatening on paper but can be countered easily if you know what you're doing
- Bumping into an object makes you lose significant distance
- Weak map pressure and susceptible to gen rushing
The Nemesis
- Slow early game and can struggle if he doesn't get Tier 2 quick enough
- Power isn't difficult to dodge/play around
- Being infected is not a major enough threat to distract Survivors from objectives
- Zombies either do nothing or can annoy survivors off generators
The Trickster
- Playable on controller with the removal of recoil
- Using knives normally is weaker than before but having Main Event basically every chase kind of makes up for it
- If Survivors are out of position they can be downed fast and there's not much that can be done
- The rework made him better overall but he's still a little lacking
The Onryo/Sadako
- Her current iteration is the closest she's been to balanced and healthy, took us 4 sets of changes and 2 reworks but we got there
- Her chase power is a lot better (Bloody Fingernails is a bit iffy at the moment)
- Condemned has a lot of counter-play now, but that's a good thing because it's now a distraction from generators and a slowdown rather than just free moris
- Spamming TP and trying to force condemned from the start, tunneling and slugging are no longer viable strategies (which is a good thing)
- She takes more skill now, you have to be keeping track of survivors and their condemned stacks, as well as using teleport/demanifest to outplay survivors in chase to get value out of her
- Could do with a revert to the tape animations and some buffs to the lullaby radius to get her in an amazing spot but she's decent at the moment, no more nerfs!
The Knight
- Very hit or miss, guards either help a lot or don't do much
- Suffers from the flaws of an AI based killer
- Some add-ons could be made basekit to help with this
The Twins
- Buggy, clunky to play and promote slugging/tunneling and other unhealthy strategies
- They're getting a rework soon, hope it's good!
The Ghost Face
- Painfully average M1 Killer
- If used right, stealth and one-shot can cause teams to crumble fast
- If your ambush fails, expect a long chase
- If Survivors have decent situational awareness and reveal you often, you'll be struggling a lot
The Pig
- Mid stealth, mid dash, her power sits entirely on the bear traps
- Reliant on her strongest add-ons like Crate of Gears/Tampered Timer to get consistent value out of the traps
- Needs a rework to be good in my opinion, but sizeable buffs to her stealth and dash will suffice
The Skull Merchant
- Significantly weaker now that she can't hold three-gens as well anymore
- There's just better anti-loop killers
- Another rework is needed, make her like a bounty-hunter killer or something so she's actually interesting
The Wraith
- Nothing special, most basic killer design wise
- Decent map traversal, mediocre chase, doesn't really excel at anything or have much potential to dominate
The Legion
- Victim of awful design
- The rework was nice and a step in the right direction, but good survivors know to split up against a Legion, so getting 4 frenzy hits isn't consistent enough to be good
- Survivors mostly stay injured forcing you to play like an M1 killer
- Needs another rework so he's an actual chase killer
The Doctor
- Anti-loop is his best trade, and he's not the best at it unfortunately
- Use Ultimate Weapon on any Killer and you have Static Blast
- Make some of his add-ons basekit and give him an add-on pass so he's more interesting and leans more into the Madness part of his kit
The Clown
- Good anti-loop... and that's it
- Survivors can pre-drop pallets and your only trick is now significantly weaker
- Victim of being gen rushed
- Pinky finger is a dumb add-on, surprised it still exists
- Needs a rework or more base-kit bottles
The Nightmare/Freddy Krueger
- Everything about this killer is boring, his power, playing as him, playing against him
- Only viable with paintbrush
- His entire gameplay looping is placing red puddles
- The teleport is his best ability, and it's worse than quite literally every other teleport ability
- Needs a rework, not only is he weak but also painfully boring and uninteresting compared to his source material
The Shape/Michael Myers
- Remove Purple Tombstone
- Suffers from being an M1 killer
- Tier 1 is stupidly weak to the point that calling him a stealth killer is straight up incorrect, 105% movement speed and no lunge for the trade-off of stealth is an awful design choice
- Needs buffs and an add-on pass or an entire rework
The Trapper
- Make trapper sack basekit but without the downside and he's decent
- That's literally all that he needs to not be the worst Killer
- That and a couple of quality of life changes like making struggling a skill check action or somethind he's on his way