Survivor names on lobby screen as killer are messed up

Nordhbane Member Posts: 10

Trying to click the 3rd survivors name (to pop up to view profile) is often really hard as a killer, and sometimes even impossible. I often have to resort to moving my mouse around just below the rank of the survivor until I see the name light up. The UI elements are stacked on top of each other.

Is this how it is for everyone, or could it be that I'm playing on a 16:10 monitor that causes this?

Here's a screenshot of a game where I couldn't click on the third survivor's name:

Trying to click on survivor's names used to be a bit inconvenient with the "hitbox" often being somewhere outside of their actual names, but this latest patch caused the names to be much closer together and much harder to click to pop up the menu.

I'm playing on Steam and it happens every lobby. Most lobbies I am able to find the very small sweet spot to click on the third survivor, but not always.

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  • Nordhbane
    Nordhbane Member Posts: 10

    Captured a video of the problem. As you can see, however much I move around my mouse, I can't get the third survivor's name to light up to click it, and the hitboxes for the other survivors are weird as well.