When will either cross save or mouse and keyboard console support be implemented?

I've been playing for years on PSN and have bought about half the licensed characters and unlocked most original characters. There are characters and skins I want to buy now, but I can't justify spending more money when so much of the content is not practically useable without mouse and keyboard. I couldn't afford a gaming pc in the past but now that I've got one, I'd gladly pay for the game again, but I'm not going to do that if non of my characters or progress transfer over. I get that cross-save is difficult on a licensing and purchases level. However, I honestly can't fathom why the console versions don't have mouse and keyboard support yet. It can't be a question of fairness since the game is quite widely crossplay. Playstation already has the architecture, and dbd being primarily made for pc obviously already has the interface. What's the holdup?