Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

I Hate Wraith!

Idk why but every freaking time the killer is Wraith they tunnel. Like hard tunneling at 5 Gens. It's like they just go out of their way to make the match as miserable as possible! Now, dealing with with tunneling killers is annoying enough but sometimes you can try to counter but with Wraith? Good luck with that. It's crazy easy for him to camp or tunnel.

It's getting to the point, now that I wanna DC soon as I know it's him we're going against. No point in playing that match when someone's gonna die in like a min without even getting to enjoy the match even a little.

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  • Member Posts: 1,669

    That's the issue with tunneling, some killers can do it better than others. The root cause of you hating Wraith is their tunneling potential and that's justified completely, it definitely creates tedious games. Luckily they aren't too overpowered, so if you can just get to a decent area you can buy some time for your team and do your best. It's bad, I know, but it's all you can do without any reliable anti-tunnel in this economy.

  • Applicant Posts: 137

    I did my best. Truly. When I was death hook I was furious. Wasted as much time as i could, slamming pallets. Think I stunned him once, even. Made quick turns. He eventually caught up n mori'd me, though.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    Wraith is favoured by less experienced players as he has the lowest skill floor of the cast whilst being plenty strong enough to destroy survivors of average skill. Less experienced players tend to get tilted fast. That's why you see so many Wraiths camping, tunneling and being toxic to survivors. They usually aren't very good at the game and either start the match in a bad mood, or begin malding after a chase has lasted more than 15 seconds.

    This isn't new though, as people have been asking for years why Wraith players are so unpleasant lmao.

  • Member Posts: 22

    i dont know if this will help you, but you can always run, DStrike,Off the record,DeadHard,Ressurgence/ and make sure u have a medkit.

    if the killer hits u off the hook and cancel ur off the record, u will have to survive by DS alone and u wont be able to use DH cause ur at mending state, but after he picks u up and u DS the killer, u will be free to use DH, and in case the killers leaves u and dont tunnel, then u can heal with double the speed since ressurgence will allow ur health to be at 50% when ur getting off the hook, and then u will be able to get back to the game quicker, i hope this helps.

  • Applicant Posts: 137

    I have all those. I don't like that DS only works once and while I love Resurgence, Sloppy Butcher ruins it completely atm. Personally I like OTR with Sprint Burst. Forces them to chase me down for that hit. Unfortunately I don't have those maxxed out on Nick, yet. On Jill I do. Boil Over makes me more a pain to carry, too.

    Thanks for the help though. Trying to get better at looping especially for situations like that so I waste the tunnelers time, make em lose.

  • Applicant Posts: 137
  • Member Posts: 868
    edited February 2024

    If it makes you feel better, it's not specific to Wraith, 7.5.0 made tunnelling even worse for basically every weaker/M1 Killer except the powerhouses since they never really needed slowdown to begin with. The STBFL nerf also really didn't help in that regard.

    God I'm gonna have so much editing to do if BHVR fixes the Anti-3-gen system by making it only trigger at the last gen XD

  • Applicant Posts: 137

    Thanks. But yeah. Changing STBFL was so unnecessary imo. And people did predict it would make killer's behavior even worse. After the update, I must say it has gotten worse.

    They should revert it back and if they *must* nerf anything they should be very careful bout it so as to not ruin perks. Don't change the function just dial back the power a tiny bit.

    They should also put bp back on bbq again so killers are incentivised to target different ppl.

  • Member Posts: 133

    This section is about feedbacks and suggestions on game feature, not just players playstyle or profile.

    Do you have any suggestion on how to balance Wraith or tunneling ?

  • Member Posts: 868

    While I wasn't the recipient, I'll give my two cents anyway.

    I honestly believe Wraith to be in a perfect spot right now, at least concerning the character itself, the recent changes I mentioned earlier affected him as well as most Killers.

    A good first step to tackle tunnelling would be to rework STBFL in the following way: Revert the entire nerf and instead make the perk deactivate near hooked Survivors and not work on Basekit BT (or for a certain amount of time after being unhooked), this would encourage Killers using the perk to not camp and tunnel and would keep it's raw chase power while removing it's potential in tunnelling and camping situations in one fell swoop.

    The 3-gen change essentially encourages tunnelling since gen-defense is limited, if one slowdown is made weaker then Killers, especially those on the weaker end of the spectrum, have to compensate somehow. Making it activate during the last gen would restore gen-defense while removing infinite 3-gen games.

    Another way to de-incentivize tunnelling would be to give an exponentially-increasing bp bonus when hooking a different Survivor every hook (1-2-3-4, not 1-2-1-2). This wouldn't "fix" tunnelling but less competitive (or players wanting to challenge themselves further) could use this bonus to further encourage spreading hooks and get more benefits from it.

    The incoming Buff to DS will likely help to some degree but I wouldn't count on it alone. Not to mention it's better to reward not tunnelling than punishing it.

    As long as the best slowdown is to get someone out asap then tunnelling will always exist if the player wants to win over anything else but rewarding (either through perks like Grim Embrace or Pain Res or through mechanics) spreading hooks is in my opinion a good step to take.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    Did you play during the gen kick meta? That was the easiest time to play killer. Despite this, tunneling was rampant. You can't blame recent nerfs for an increase in tunneling as it was already happening constantly. It feels like you are taking things you don't like and saying if BHVR reverted those nerfs, tunneling would lessen.

    Like you said "As long as the best slowdown is to get someone out asap then tunnelling will always exist". Giving killers stronger regression will not change this fact. Tunneling will not stop until it's made harder to do. BHVR could give you all the buffs you ask for, and tunneling would still be here. We know this because killers have had even stronger regression than you are asking for and yet they still tunneled.

    Limiting tunneling means that BHVR has to put roadblocks in the way to make tunneling less effective. Incentives and giving killers stronger regression will not do that beause they have tried that and it has never worked.

  • Member Posts: 868

    I did play during the gen-kick meta, and it was indeed pretty miserable, most games would last a long time if the Killer decided to stack slowdown, and tunnelling did exist. But it wasn't the worst period for it (for the record, while 7.5.0 kickstarted a rise in tunnelling, it's not the worst period for it either in the entire game's history, but it's been years since I've seen it being so common.) and it's not like it was every games (there was another problem). Tunnelling had been in a relatively stable state until 7.5.0.

    I never said that fixing the 3-gen system would make tunnelling disappear (I even specified that it wouldn't, nothing will magically make tunnelling disappear for players that want to win first and foremost) but it's rather simple to at least mitigate it to some extent and reward not doing it.

    The thing about the Anti-3-gen system and STBFL nerf is that tunneling got worse and perk variety went down but most noticeably for weaker Killers. I haven't really noticed a difference when facing the powerhouses and that's the thing: weaker Killers felt the need to tunnel more while stronger Killers didn't really care that much. Variety is one of DBD's strength over any other assym and it must preserve it.

    I never asked for any "buffs", merely modifications. Change the activation time of the 3-gen countermeasure and remove STBFL's power near hooks (hardly a buff, it's litterally just nerfing tunneling potential of the previous version while keeping a good chase perk for weaker Killers).

    I just want the gen system to only counter endless games and for playstyle and perk variety to stay broad.

  • Applicant Posts: 137

    My feedback was basically that it's wayyyy to easy for Wraith to tunnel. Camp, even. That needs to change and hard tunneling, too. Not sure what to suggest regarding Wraith's power, though. I think he's just too fast and cloaks so he can make it seem like he's gone, possibly looking for other survs when he's not, and after unhook, can chase recently unhooked survivor rapidly while still cloaked then quickly uncloak/down before they even get a chance to heal.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    You started off your statement by saying that the following nerfs have hurt killers, in a thread about tunneling Wraith players. Then listed the three gen fix and the nerf to STBFL saying it has hurt killer players including Wraith. You are linking those nerfs to an increase in tunneling, whether you intended to or not. If that information is not related to the subject I don't know why you listed them in a tunneling thread.

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