Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Anti 3 gen mechanic feels awful

Member Posts: 190
edited February 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

As someone who plays pretty casual these days, I have to say even from my perspective the anti 3 gen mechanic feels terrible. Especially if you are running any type of kick perks and using them on a highly contested gen. I have had gen blocks occur probably 1 in every 4 games and I genuinely do not even remotely try to 3 gen. A lot of time it triggers on the last 4 gens, even if they are far apart. If survivors are tunneling 1 gen, even if I'm playing well and getting lots of hooks to use pop, pretty quickly the gen blocks.

It feels like the game is saying "No, you are getting too much of an advantage. You aren't allowed to anymore."

Now the survivors are free to work on the gen and I can't interact with it at all. It feels like the worst idea possible to prevent 3 genning. The whole point is to prevent stale gameplay of some dude doing nothing but kicking 3 close by gens. But it's affecting me, a player who just plays normally, doesn't go for 4Ks or 3 gens, generally only runs 1 or 2 gen perks at most.

I just feel like there must be a better way. Just saying "Nope, you aren't allowed to kick this ever again" feels so forced and awful. Imagine if you got 2 flashlight saves and the game just disabled your flashlights for the rest of the game. "No, too many flashlight saves. That's enough." Just a terrible idea.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 464

    If you’ve kicked a gen 8 times, that’s a minimum of 40% regression before accounting for any perks or regression time after the kick. How many times do you really think you need to kick 1 gen in a match?

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    Yeah it feels punishing sometimes. If there’s a central gen that survivors start on early and killer pathing takes you through there a lot, especially if you’re using brutal or something, it can happen more than you’d expect. Perks like nowhere to hide and eruption add extra incentive to kick just add to the issue. Surge can really push that limit quickly on maps like the game or midwich.

    it could have been handled a bit better because punishing a killer with certain perks or perk combos seems like a poor decision.

    never mind having something cool happen like having the entity move gens or something. Just punish the killer by blocking a gen.

  • Member Posts: 6,344

    The models for the gens do have wheels on most of them, so moving gens around isn't too crazy of an idea really, and is something I've never thought about before.

  • Member Posts: 190

    As many times as it takes? If the survivors are trying to hammer out 1 particular gen, are you saying I'm obligated to let it go? What kind of sense does that make? That's taking all player agency away. That's like saying if a guy scores 8 goals in a hockey game (yeah I'm going there) that he's barred from trying to shoot at the net for the rest of the game. It's dumb. It punished people the mechanic was NOT AIMED AT.

    Again, this is supposed to be ANTI 3 GEN. This is not supposed to be "anti gen regression". The entire point of the system is to punish chess merchant type play, where a killer runs 4 gen perks, does nothing but kick gens to try to drag the game on as long as possible. I have stated that not only do I run at most 2 slowdown perks, but usually 1, that I have personally seen the gen block mechanic kick in many, many times, simply because survivors are exploiting the fact that I can only kick it so many times.

    You're suggesting there should be a limit on how many times you can make a good decision in a game. You're suggesting that if I see a gen at 90% with 2 guys working on it, that I should let them finish it. Do you truly not understand how messed up that logic is? Like I said, if a survivor got 4 flashlight saves, you would NEVER consider it fair for their flashlight to just disappear or be locked for the rest of the game.

    The mechanic needs to be redesigned. OBVIOUSLY 3 genning should be addressed but what I'm saying is this isn't it.

  • Member Posts: 1,063

    The people who are responsible for the anti 3 gen system are killer players who kept holding matches hostage for between 30 minutes and an hour. Blame Knight, SM and Singu for that. It's not like BHVR was desperate to spend time coming up with a fix. Not when they could be pumping out Feng's 346th costume.

  • Member Posts: 464

    No what I’m saying is by the time you’ve kicked the same gen 8 times, the game should almost be over. Unless you’ve done nothing but protect a 3 gen from the start, this will almost never be an issue.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Well said. The mechanic isn't entirely worthless, it does prevent endless games, but it also affects normal play and punishes Killers for preventing Survivors repairing a generator too much. I can't count the number of times Surge or Pain Res hit the same gen multiple times or I had to kick a gen that Survivor kept going back to and I ended up in a situation where one of the last 3 gens was almost blocked which essentially meant an automatic loss since I couldn't prioritize one gen.

    This is especially true for weaker/M1 Killers that are much more dependent on gen-defense than the powerhouses. There's a reason why tunnelling is at an all-time high: With limited slowdown through gen-regression, Killers need to slow gens somehow and getting one person out asap is boring but efficient.

    The mechanic has potential, but it should only activate after the 4th gen is completed. As it is now it only puts arbitrary limits and punishes Killers for regressing gens and using certain perks the whole match.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    Using Surge it happens every game on gens I've never been watching

  • Member Posts: 464

    If you are getting surge 8 times, that’s 8 downs. Are you winning said games or nah?

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    not when there's 65 get out of jail free cards for survivors

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    It's marketed as an anti 3 gen system but in reality it operates as an anti gen regression perk stacking system.

    Anyone with a basic understanding of how often gen regression occurs will notice that this system does not support the use of multiple gen regression perks. Even Eruption by itself is not worth running.

  • Member Posts: 2,225

    Do you truly not understand how messed up that logic is? Like I said, if a survivor got 4 flashlight saves, you would NEVER consider it fair for their flashlight to just disappear or be locked for the rest of the game.

    Flashlight batteries run out.

    Survivors run out of pallets.

    Certain things have limited uses. There's nothing inherently strange about that. Killers got a limited number of gen regressions and two buffs in return that happen far more frequently.

    I've had one game were I hit a gen that I could no longer kick and I was running No Where to Hide and Eruption. It was the central downstairs gen on RPD and by the time it triggered the game was decided.

  • Member Posts: 4,105
    edited February 2024

    Are you sure the generator is actually blocking from further regression? I also have the warning sign every now and then, but so far the generator never blocked.

    Anyway, 8 stages is statistcly a very rare thing, and the fact that anti 3-Gen was actually a massiv killer buff (+2,5% extra on a kick and removal of gen tapping) makes it actually harder for survivors, not the killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,368

    nah behavior actually did a excellent job with the anti 3 gen system. Stop gen tapping, better base gen regression, and reduce terrible 30mins endless games.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I don't think it is a bad mechanic, tbh. I've yet to see a generator that reached 8 regression events, seems to me it worked the way it was intended to.

  • Member Posts: 120

    A lot of m1 killers end up in 3 gen situations not on purpose, but because they simply don't have anything else going for them other than the territory they've built, especially against good pugs or the occasional Seal Team Squads (most squads like doing dumb things, so lets not get into it). Skull Merchant is an outlier here in that she can do whatever. Lets ignore her for this.

    Now suppose you have a Trapper, Hag, or Singularity, all with the same build, all with surge, corrupt, and 2 other random perks. After their setup, things are likely to escalate into either a snowball, or a 3-gen.

    Even tho they may get some good surge value, odds are its in a compact area near their setup. If the survivors have any second-chance perks, such as unbreakable, MfT, plus those other 2 i can't remember off the top of my head, deadhard, Ect. Odds are one or two of those gens are going to get blocked, especially if its a good team VS a good killer.

    Solution? Delete Skull Merchant.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    What specific builds or strategies are you employing to trigger the 3 Gen system and successfully block a generator?

    I've yet to witness its activation in my own gameplay.

  • Applicant Posts: 67

    Anti-3gen mechanism should only take effect while there are exactly 3gens left on the map.

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    In my opinion they should've just added a gen. So instead of 7 generators you now have 8 on the map, with 5 to repair. So with 1 generator remaining you have 4 gens left, instead of 3. Much cleaner fix

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