the new huntress buffs really aren't needed

she's already pretty strong in her current state, these buffs are ridiculous
Hell, she JUST got a basekit buff to reload speed not that long ago.
I'm not against weaker Killers getting some attention (still hoping they fix the 3-gen system and STBFL) but Huntress was already pretty strong and already had a pretty high pickrate.
2 -
Literally made huntress a zoner with these changes lmao. It's actually pretty amazing how much my opinion of a killer can 180 from playstyle alone but the difference between playing against someone who just holds hatchets and walks you down vs GIGA AURA SNIPER 5000 is massive. And sadly they buffed the laziest playstyle for the killer once again.
Don't really mind the +2 hatchets tho i as long as her extra hatchet addons are adjusted for it.