Bubba Buff Concept

Hello. I main Leatherface since 2019 and I want to share with my ideas to buff Bubba. I got lik 2-3k Hours experience on him and one thing is sure - he needs base kit changes. The most important - movement speed during the Chainsaw.
My ideas:
Let me know your thoughts!
No offense dude, but this is like the 3rd or even 4th time I'm seeing this exact same post... Can't you come up with something new?
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He came up with change suggestions he deems necessary for his favorite character, it's only right that he shares them with the community and the devs.
It always takes a lot of time for devs to tweak characters (no offense, that's normal as it's a very dense game) and since he worked so hard on this concept it's right that he shares it periodically so it gets attention and hopefully gets taken into consideration by the team
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I don’t know much about bubba but based off from what I can see I like your thoughts and support you :)
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I don't know man if it was a relevant topic for the community it would stay up regardless and there would not be a need to just repost it every week or so... Sometimes your effort just goes to waste if people don't agree with it, even though you might be correct with your assumption and idea. I just don't see much value in such a repost, if it does not get the attention of the community as I don't think the devs have time to read every single post, and if they read a post and deem the idea good then I don't see a reason to repost either because would have probably copied the idea for later when it will be relevant.
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The idea of the post is the same, but now I prepared more things. I created ideas to the new addons, base kit changes, QoL changes with accuracy and with the specific numbers.
Additionally, sometimes we need to spam a little bit - why? Because I posted the same bug or whatever 30 times they finally fixed that. The Mod even said thank to me to nor giving up and constantly reporting the same bug and others bugs.
My posts fixed Carburetor Tunning Guide on Bubba and his cooldowns afer successful Chainsaw Attack. So please, do not change the idea of this post and you can share with your thoughts about the concept. Thanks.
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The 2nd part about that mod makes me kind of sad tbh... Either there are so many bugs in the game that they just forget some and they need to be spammed with it or what not... I mean good for you if you have the energy and good will for that... But honestly if you have to force people towards their luck (in this case fixing bugs they would want to be fixed) by spending that much time on I would not necessarily think that would be worth my time...
You should not need to spam bug reports... You should need exactly 1 for them to either tell you there is no bug, they will look into it or the fix is on the way... But spamming a bug report for weeks should not be necessary...
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Like I have no power to make them read every post, right? I just want my Killer to be fixed and I did everything I could to make it real and that's all.
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Sure, but bug reports/tickets should be read... What else if not those at least?