Hooking bug

CptNutShack Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2
edited February 20 in Bug Reporting

So this is the first time Ive ever seen this. So Ive had a lot of people block hooks when I play killer… but usually they are in front of me. I was playing as Knight because there were a lot of sweats and I just wanted a good game… get to exit gate and down one… there was another with them. I pick up the downed survivor and head towards a hook. Granted I am looking all over for the other survivor. I get to hook and it doesnt let me hook or even give me the prompt… and the hook was there, it hadn’t been sabotaged. I turn around and the guy is crouched behind me… before I could get a swing the survivor I carried broke out and they escaped…

i guess my question is, has anyone else had a similar situation? I love playing this game but am getting tired of the bugs that us killers have to face.

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This has been already reported and it's under review. Thank you!

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