Disappointing Iron Maiden dlc / expansion

Where are the bells and whistles?

I am disappointed with the lack of quality - BHVR did NOTHING to add to the "thematic" of Eddie (Iron Maiden) skins, only the visuals, no audio, nothing "special" about them at all.

This is as embarrassing as the Attack on Titan cross over.

It would have been SPECTACULAR to have the Oni scream out "RUN TO THE HILLS! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!" when his power activates, or hear an iconic guitar riff anytime the Doctor uses his shock therapy.

Instead we get the mundane and uninspired pathetic paint jobs.


  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,173

    Your opinion seems rather harsh, but I guess that’s your opinion. I quite enjoy the Iron Maiden dlc. I’m looking forward to it. I think they did a beautiful job and the trailer they released you can tell they put a lot of effort into it. I’m proud of them. This is a Win in my hook. ;)

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,851
    edited February 22

    I'm inclined to agree with OP to a certain degree.

    While i don't think the skins themselves are bad (far from), having custom audio related to the killer's powers would have added that extra flavor to them that would have made them even better.

  • Bradcore
    Bradcore Member Posts: 68

    And the price is obscene

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 712
    edited February 22

    Quite frankly, the Dredge and Deathslinger ones (especially Dredge) are very good.

    Honestly if lower-tier Killers weren't made stressful to play since the gen system I'd probably get at least one. (Seriously though, just make the system activate after the 4th gen is completed. Endless 3-gen games are gone, a whole bunch of perks are useable again, weaker Killers don't have to let Survivors do certain gens if the Survivors don't go down quickly and keep pushing high-traffic/central gens, everyone is happy.).

    I wasn't expecting a special Mori, but I'm kinda surprised that there's no music during the attack animations or something.