
I don't think it's fair that in the waiting room the killer can see the survivors' equipment, so as to replace skills depending on what the survivors have equipped. For example, if they have flashlights, they can change abilities and make them resistant to light, do you realize how amazing this is? So the survivors should also see what the killer is equipped with. Make sure equipped items are darkened
Thing is, survivors can still last second swap to a whole new thing while the killer is locked aside from perks, add ons, and cosmetics. This renders seeing items and countering them a gamble before the match starts.
Next if the survivors see what killer it is, they will likely (very very likely) lobby shop. This is obviously bad.
Last it fits the theme of the entity's hunter prepping to hunt the prey.
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I at least want to be able to see the killer player's name in the lobby, and by this I mean their username/steam/console etc name. It's easy for a killer to lobby dodge survivors that don't want to play with, but can't be done the other way around hmm. Some killer players are toxic af and I'd prefer to know before the game throws me in to a match with them.
I know Anonymous mode exists so if they hide the name then it is what it is, but for those who don't, I like to avoid certain ones.
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Killer cannot change "items". Both will be even. Add-ons can be modified for both.
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Its part of the balance where one killer has to compete with 4 survivor. Its fair that the killer gets a chance to pick his perks to somewhat counter survivor
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Like one perk per survivor... but i think the only problem here is flashlight. But killer can not see this flashlight:
- Surv can swap to a flashlight last second.
- Residual Manifest
I dont see Keys, Medkits and Toolboxes are problem for any killer, and yes one can assume there are BNP or syringe... but i dont think any killer will change their whole loadout for that (they ofted do that regardless, especially that there is always at least one toolbox and medkit). And lightborn is only perk that is valuable if more then two survs bring specific item.
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i mean i dont care so much cause lightborn lives rent free in my build no matter what since last second swap still is a thing but i know a bunch of killers that like to change atleast one perk depending on items