The Disciple

Power - The Disciple can summon Monoliths around the map. They generate an aura around them which increases over time to increase the movement speed of the disciple and giving various buffs with addons. The disciple can destroy these monoliths at will, hindering nearby survivors and applying a large chunk of Insanity.
The Disciple can also damage generators and break pallets that are within his terror radius. Breaking a generator puts this on a cooldown however as not to allow abuse of 3 gen scenarios.
Survivors gain Insanity through various interactions with the disciple. Upon reaching tier 1, they will start receiving special skill checks when doing objectives. These do not have a sound notification, missing them applies no debuff. However upon hitting them, the survivor will receive a small % regression to their action and increase their insanity by per tier of insanity. (up to 3)
Survivors at tier 2 insanity will start to see the sky box form into a more hazy altered dimension. As well as occasionally hear the killers terror radius as if it was at its maximum distance (very quietly).
Survivors at tier 3 insanity will see an eldrich horror looming in the sky watching the trial for its amusement. (indoor maps will have their windows replaced with eye balls looking in) Being within range of a monolith when in tier 3 will apply a small hinder. Being hit by an exploded monolith when in T3 will damage the survivor now. (not apply hinder)
Think Lovecraft. The idea is for him to not be overly strong but to instead be more interesting, giving the ability to kick gens at a distance which can potentially work off perks would create unique situations not found with other killers.