Invocation: Weaving Spiders

NightEatsPeople Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2
edited February 25 in Feedback and Suggestions

I would like to talk about new survivor's perk weaving spiders,

The idea of invocation perks is very cool and i hope there will be more perks like that but there is problem with weaving spiders, After sitting in basement circle for 120 seconds, all generators will gain 15 charges and perk user will be broken for rest of the match. For me this perk is very unbalanced as small boost to generator progress isn't worth waiting 2 minutes

  • Using this perk at start of match would be useful as it will affect 7 or 6 generators but perk user will be broken all round, and using is at the end of match to avoid health penalty is also useless because low amount of generators will be affected (120 second waiting only for ~60 charges in general), + killer can just kick generators
  • Imagine situation where there are 3 or 2 survivors left and im chased by killer, and by teammates instead of fixing generators sit in the basement doing invocation, its just another reason for solo q teammates to do nothing and waste time while im looping
  • A lot of players will use this perk just because perk type 'Invocation' is cool although the perk itself is weak
  • Perk tiers: At tier 1, this perk gives only 9 charges which is a very big difference compared to tier 3 - 15 charges, some players will use this perk at tier 1 while others have it at tier 3. If that player with perk T1 stars invocation first and other survivors with T3 will join them, all generators will gain only 9 charges although other survivors would make it 15 (Its very big difference)

Here are changes i would make:

  • Instead of adding x charges, weaving spiders will remove charges needed to complete generator
  • Broken is temporary, it may last for 180/160/140 seconds
  • amount of charges is less dependent on tiers

I don't know how else to explain it but this perk just needs buff or maybe small rework

I hope you will read this feedback and do something about this perk, and im sure other players also think the same way