The Role of a Lifetime!

IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013
edited February 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

What would anybody think about if the next killer and survivor came from a comic book idea?

In the PTB at the moment has a new map of a theatre. And that got me thunking.

How about, Clayface? As the new killer, and Bruce Wayne as Survivor?

I mean, the Joker and Batman themselves have been over done. But why not use Bruce Wayne, taken before he got suited up. Maybe his Perks can involve carrying a pocket gadget but nothing like what involves batman. Wayne Tech for business suit wearing.

As for Clayface, he could be a ranged killer, clay weapon. Perks involving semi slowdown or traps or somethings along Basil's version of Clayface the theatre actor turned super(ish) villain.

Just a thought. Considering BHVR has yet to collab with any Comic Books.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Superyoshiegg
    Superyoshiegg Member Posts: 1,495

    I know it's meme'd quite a lot about it being ridiculous seeing more capable survivors (David, Ash, the RE gang, etc) fleeing from some schmuck with a knife, but still...

    I really can't imagine Batman doing it. I mean, he's *the Bat*.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    Bare in mind, the discussion is about Bruce Wayne, not his alter-ego. And the fact that none in the roster of dbd are at their full power potential. Just look at Freddy Krueger, Pinhead or the like. They have been made to be a dumb-down version to fit the realm of the Entity. Wayne only has his human physical strength. Sure at peak condition. But so does David (by the looks of it).

    Hugo Strange has captured Bruce Wayne and nothing superpowerful has been the case in that. It's Bruce Wayne, not Batman (with his gadgets).

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,919

    Bruce Wayne feels weird and there are Batman villains way more fitting than Clayface.

    Scarecrow would be the best pick for a villain. And for the survivor, Alfred or Jason Todd (before becoming Red Hood) would fit more than having Batman as a survivor.

    Honestly though I think Batman characters would be better off as a Legendary cosmetic collection.

    • Joker over Trickster
    • Scarecrow over Unknown or Doctor
    • Bane over Oni
  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    Scarecrow = the Artist as a skin.

    I know there are many rogues gallary choices but, i thought Clayface sheerly because of a Horror esk design about him would fit DBD.

    As for others, Solomon Grundy maybe but he is brutish like Oni. As well as Scarecrow would be as Clown, tossing hallucinagenic viles of fear. And yes i agree just as Skins. There are many choiced, but i am referring to actual lore being taken into the Entity's realm added to the Fog's collection.

    And to my mind, Clayface fits the bill. As well as BRUCE WAYNE, Not as Batman.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,919
    edited February 2024

    Artist could work for Scarecrow, but I think the hallucinations for Unknown or illusions and screaming from Doctor fit him much better, especially Unknown if you go with a similar monster-ish design to Injustice 2.

    Clayface does fit, but if only one can be added then Scarecrow is the best choice.

    Who would Clayface be the best fit for as a Legendary though? Maybe Singularity for the goopiness? Or Plague but replaced the puke with clay?

    As for Bruce, it still feels weird even if it's not as Batman. I still think Jason is the best as you can have him be taken right before the Joker kills him. Or Alfred just because he's Alfred.