Gideon Still Hell on Earth for Killer

Can't go 2 games without some pink-haired flashlight Nea trying to send me to this map for their epic looping compilation. I didn't see it on the roadmap despite it being a huge problem, exacerbated by excessive map offerings.
I really don't mind it too much
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I really don't mind getting tunneled too, doesnt mean it isnt a problem.
On topic, best solution I can give the OP, stop playing m1 killers, they are frankly pathetic and have a low skill ceiling, try some of the good killers and try and get good plays most of the good killers can counter the loops on that map if you get good enough.
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The Game is an absolutely tiny map with two stories and limited sightlines.
To OP, use that to your advantage. M2 Killers don't care too much about the map and a lot of M1 Killers have stealth or slowdown. Sucks if you wanna play Clown though.
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It should just be a one-story indoor map like Lery's. I'd rather have a big map any day than a tiny one packed to the gills with god pallets. It's not as bad when I play Bubba because I can create a dead zone, but there shouldn't be a map that gimps half the killer cast and I shouldn't be afraid to queue up as Clown because of the possibility I'll be sent to this map (which has been happening every day)
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All Killers have maps they are unfavorable on.
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The Huge Problem In Question:
The Game isn't bad for killers, it's bad for killers that rely on bloodlusting and actually requires good macro.
Nurse, Blight, Ghostface, Spirit, Wesker are all decent on this map.
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"just play a killer you don't want to play" isn't balance, my main shouldn't be unplayable on this pile of pallets
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Unfavorable because it takes a long time to traverse is one thing
Unfavorable because there's like 4 pallets blocking the hallway is another
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Billy on RPD.
Nurse on Lerys.
Blight on RPD.
These are all Killers with the same issues. Some maps are gonna be worse for you.
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But this map is worse for the majority of the killer cast
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Agreed until you mentioned GF, an m1 killer on the game is easy to loop, if you sonehow on earth get downed by a ghostface on the game you had to do a horrible misplay.
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He's stealth and the map doesn't have good sightlines.
Lery's has a lot of safe windows and good pallets, but GF is still picked heavily there.
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What you don't know is The Game is actually killer-sided! But only after you smash all 30+ pallets. That's easy enough, right?
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For who?
Trapper: Sure, but he's also Trapper, he's kinda bad everywhere.
Wraith: Nah, The Game is alright for him.
Billy: Maybe? You can shred pallets fast, but his mobility isn't useful.
Nurse: C'mon.
Hag: Yeah, it's bad for Hag.
Doctor: Kinda? Skillcheck Doc goes hard. So does fast detonation.
Huntress: No orbitals but pallets are a death trap.
Bubba: It's not horrible.
Pig: Can be fine.
Freddy: All maps are bad for the Fredster.
Clown: Yup, it's bad.
Spirit: Nah, she's okay here.
Legion: He's great here.
Plague: She's fine.
GF: He's good here.
Demogorgon: He's okay. Kinda the same as Bubba and Billy.
Oni: Pretty bad here.
Deathslinger: He's okayish. Easy shots.
PH: He's good here. Easy hits
Blight: Same as Bubba. He's okay.
Twins: They're good there. Easy slugs.
Trickster: is okay there. Easy knives.
Nemesis: Good there. Easy hits.
Pinhead: Good. Easy Box.
Artist: She's fine, bird at loop.
Sadako: Unknown after her 9000th rework. She used to be good there.
Wesker: bad map.
Knight: Good map. Small and Guards are brutal on multiple floors.
SM: 3 gen ouch. Area denial ouch.
Singularity: Meh. Not good or bad.
Alien: Good map. Easy tail hits over pallets.
Chucky: Once again, easy hits over pallets. Or under, rather
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While the Gideon map is a harsh environment for many killers, certain killer and perk concepts come alive.
Unless there is an offering, it's a game of luck for both survivors and killers. Let's overcome adversity and do our best.
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They should give it the Haddonfield treatment and make the map bigger before removing some of the pallets. Old the game had the exact opposite issue.
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I will say Trapper is actually decent here. Sure there is some pallets he can't play around but he can put smart traps and make them death ends for survivors. Most maps survivors will just leave because map is large but not the Game.
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Were you the blight telling me it's not a blight sided map an hour ago? I hope not.
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This would be quite a bad change. Do we need more maps with Deadzones?
The thing about The Game is that it is not even a survivor-sided map. It is just an easy map to play as Survivor, because you only have one gameplay - loop around safe Pallets. You dont need to do much for it.
And therefore, Pallets cannot really be removed, because The Game does not have anything else except for Pallets. There are like 3 Windows on it which are useable and thats it. Once a Pallet is gone, the zone around it is a Deadzone.
In short term, the breakable Walls should be removed and the Pallets to compensate for them as well. Because some Pallets just got added because others are Deadends until the Gen next to it is done. Long-term, more Windows and unsafe Pallets should be added, with safe Pallets being removed. So that the Map has more to work with than just Pallets and there is more gameplay around them then just running around the Pallets and drop/kick them.
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The Game is great for Ghostface, you just have to play a bit more patient. It’s small, the generators are often in a good position for you to stalk them but also sneak up to them without being seen. 99 them then jump on them later.
They can’t loop you if they go down before reaching a pallet!
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If they go down without reaching a pallet I would strongly recommend them to visit an optometrist. Almost all gens in that map have ample field of view, aside from the bathroom one and the ones inside rooms in the lower floor. The upper floor has an ample view space to avoid getting sneaked on.
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Gideon is actually kinda fun for billy if you run lopro. Enduring and spirit fury for extra damage. It basically turns the map on its head if you know how to lopro curve.
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Do you think the original haddonfield could be balanced by just removing the overpowered houses? No, because it was too small of a map. I mean if the haddonfield rework was a bad rework because of the amount of deadzones is a critisism to the rework, and luckily it's being revisited soon.
Also the breakable walls in the game are some of the only breakable walls that aren't "break this inmediatly" or "never break this" and they actually take thought before interacting with them, similar to those in midwitch.
I agree that it isn't survivor sided, but it is just a really problematic map, making weaker killers weaker and stronger killers stronger.
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The thing about Haddonfield is that they managed to make a Map which is too safe and too unsafe at the same time. If you are in one of the houses, you are quite safe as Survivor, the Houses are very strong. If you are outside of the houses, there is not much you can do.
And this is why Survivors in general run to the houses, because this is where you can loop. The outside Loops are not really good to use.
"Also the breakable walls in the game are some of the only breakable walls that aren't "break this inmediatly" or "never break this" and they actually take thought before interacting with them, similar to those in midwitch."
I would disagree. There is not really any scenario where you want to break a Breakable Wall on The Game, because almost all the time you grant the Survivors access to a strong Pallet without having to complete the Gen in that area. I mean, you can break them if you really, really, really need to get on the other side of the wall, but in general, it is not worth it most of the time and will only hinder you.
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Yes, you are right about the unsafe and safe at the same time, that's the main complain and why it's being looked at.
Also, the breakable walls are very good for movement killers like blight, demo, wesker billy and such, also good for ranged killers to interrupt a survivor holding w, and stealth killers can use it to come from unexpected angles. If you don't break it they cant hold w but you lack the extra mobility.
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There are some arguments about how The Game is a killer sided map but that doesn't change the fact that it's still horrible to play on. It's mind numbing just running after a survivor and breaking pallets every few seconds without even trying to play around any loops. But this is how you have to play on that map. Some of these pallets are so ridiculously strong that they can't even be looped because the killer would easily catch up and get a hit.
It's like Cowshed and Haddonfield in a way. It combines the worst aspects for both sides.
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You play up the usefulness of Plague, Demogorgon and Pig. If the survivors don't cleanse, plague gets no downs because she's M1. Demogorgon's pallet shredding isn't as good as the chainsaw killers and the sightlines aren't long enough for good shreds. Pig, despite it being HER map, actually sucks here and is a straight downgrade from Ghostface because her surprise attacks only net her 1 health state, and the small size of the map means it's easy for survivors to get the trap off.
Don't know if you already knew or just guessed right, but my main is Clown and it gives me an aneurysm to play on this map against semi-competents because my power is useless if the pallet takes up the entire hallway and I can't game it.