Casual mode and Ranked mode please?

Vixxie Member Posts: 5
edited February 27 in Feedback and Suggestions

I feel like one of the biggest issues in this game is that everyone is shoved into lobbies together when everyone wants different things. Some people join for casual gameplay and end up with super competitive (sweaty) players and this ruins the dynamic of the game. If there's two seperate modes; one for casual play where you know you're not there to play competitively, there's no dc penalty, it's not so serious/anything goes, and a competitive mode with a rank system and dc pentalty, for people who want to play competitively, then I think it'll make the environment a lot more healthy. Or people could even play both modes if they chose. Plenty of games have it like this. One example being Apex Legends. Although DbD isn't a shooter game, I really do feel like it'll benefit the fanbase to have 2 seperate playstyle modes to choose from. I understand this would mean changing a bunch of things around, but it's honestly worth it.


  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,970

    The issue with having two modes is that it divides the player base, leading to potentially longer queue times. Additionally, it lacks enforcement on playstyles, making it challenging to differentiate between casual and competitive play. What might be considered competitive play for one player could be casual for another who's just chilling. I also don't think it's a good idea to remove or lower the DC penalty for different modes.

  • Vixxie
    Vixxie Member Posts: 5
    edited February 27

    Maybe queue times will be an issue, but I'd rather deal with that and have a more balanced game dynamic than what's going on now. As a survivor main, I see a lot of killers player super super aggressively and the team gets absolutely wiped because we just aren't there to play aggressively. Then we depip and basically get punished for not being sweaty. And when I play killer, I like to play casually, it's not a big deal to win or lose for me. But I'll get these aggressive swf teams that won't let me hook, block all my chases, and really just ruin the whole vibe. If there's a ranked/competitive mode, people can go play that way with each other and know exactly what to expect. And everyone else can play casually. It's not balanced at all for casual/competitive to be mixed up in one lobby. And as far as the DC penalty goes, casual means casual. It's not that serious, we get bots anyway.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,970
    edited February 27

    Maybe queue times will be an issue, but I'd rather deal with that...

    Unfortunately, you would be in the minority regarding this. It's well-known in most video games, and bHVR likely has statistics on this, that the longer the queue takes, the higher the chance of people quitting to play something else. This leads to even longer queue times, creating a vicious cycle. If you wish to have more broad perspective on this issue, this video by extra credits is a good watch.

    The design of MMR systems unfortunately means that you'll encounter really skilled players at some point. While losing a game might not be enjoyable, I view it as a learning experience, and those tough games won't last forever. If they do, bHVR needs to address it. The system isn't punishing you, and the competitive Killers or SWFs who try harder are not your enemies. All you have to do is let them pass you in MMR.

    I also adopt the mindset of 'it's not a big deal to win or lose for me.' So when I face some competitive survivors, I either let them win or rise up to the challenge and showcase all the Killer tricks I have. This game is much more enjoyable when you meet players where they are at, but the reality of a matchmaking system cant promise us that and neither can a different mode as far as I can see it.

    What bHVR CAN promise us is that you will be matched with a Killer that tries to kill and Survivors who try to survive and that is fine.