Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Alternatives to removing map offerings

Member Posts: 6,300
edited February 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Posted this idea in the Feedback area responding to ditching map offerings, but want more discussion about it, and to brainstorm ideas.

Many players, in particular those in the role of the killer, view Map Offerings as an offensive method of grossly tilting a trial in favor of one side. They'll often yeet on out during the burning offerings screen, or DC/afk/hook suicide themselves during the match, any of which ruins that trial for everyone.

I view this as more of a problem with various map designs than a problem with the offerings themselves. Some have suggested changing those offerings to reduce the chances of going somewhere rather than boost that chance. While I would prefer the maps be tweaked to deal with the imbalances, many seem to have little faith in the devs doing that well or any time soon. So what I propose is the following:

In the last twenty seconds of the lobby countdown four maps (no repeat realm) are displayed. The killer then can veto one of them. The survs next vote on the remaining choices, and the killer breaks all ties. SWF of three or four have no votes, leaving it up to rng at that point.

Favored maps due to new release or major overhaul make up two choices displayed, of two of their variants should they have any.

Some killer builds like #########-yourself Myers won't appreciate this, but I have the feeling those builds will be gone at some point anyway.

Thoughts? 🤔

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 5,498
    edited February 2024

    I'm not in favor of any system that grants another player priority over my offerings. I believe it's preferable to lower the values of map offerings and increase the chance to go to a specific map without guaranteeing it. I much rather prefer a system where we all suggest the entity which map to play.

    The current system, where Survivors have much more control, is preferable to a system where players can completely veto or vote out others' input in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 6,300
    edited February 2024

    Years back they had more common brown offerings for the maps that increased the chances of getting a particular realm, and the more rarer offerings further increased those chances. I don't believe any offering then or now guarantees those chances 100%, but I may be mistaken. I seem to remember it being the old slightly/moderately/greatly tremendously wording.

    I believe it was changed to just one rarity to streamline things and lessen bloodweb bloat.

  • Member Posts: 5,498

    What you're saying aligns with my recollection. However, I'm not entirely sure if I agree with that choice. While it certainly made map offerings much more useful for achieving objectives, it also transformed map offerings into a powerful tool for Survivors to influence the game against a Killer.

    I think it would be better to have those small chances to go to a place, which then would require luck or 4 offerings to ensure.

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