Suggested changes to matchmaking

Ok, I just had an idea on how to improve the matchmaking.
As most of you probably know, according to the devs, the matchmaking is solely based on Escapes/Kills.
My thought was the following: There is already a mechanic in the game, that tells how well you performed in a match. Pips.
So why not base your MMR on the same system. As the difficulty of pipping increases the higher you get, we would need a certain Grade on which's pipping difficulty the MMR is based. Let's use Gold IV as an example, was it is pretty much in the middle, but this could be any Grade to be honest.
But you could literally make a secondary (hidden) system that works like the Pip system on Gold IV, and instead of Pips it decides over your MMR changes. For example a Minus Pip means your MMR gets lowered, a Pip means it gets higher. A 0-Pip is no change.
What do you think about this system? Feedback is welcome :>