Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Perks that have nice effects but the numbers are too low

As you probably know, there are a lot of perks that have decent effects, but the values are very bad (for example extremely high cooldowns). Here are a couple of them that could easily be buffed to create more diverse gameplay. None of these perks would suddenly become overpowered, but the usage would definitely go up. I'm going to start with survivor perks in this post:

  1. Babysitter - Scratch marks and pools of blood could be suppressed for much longer to discourage tunneling, for example 26/28/30 seconds instead of lasting only 4/6/8 seconds.
  2. Boons should have a larger radius now that CoH is not as oppressive as it used to be (could be either 26m or 28m instead of 24m)
  3. Calm Spirit - Instead of reducing the interaction speed with totems and chests by 40/35/30%, the speed should be increased by 6/8/10%.
  4. Cut Loose - The cooldown can easily be reduced to 30 seconds (from 45 seconds)
  5. Empathic Connection - There is no reason why the range should be lower than Empathy (64/96/128 meters instead of 32/64/96 meters). Also the healing speed could also get a slight buff to 15% or 20% (from 10%).
  6. Fast Track - Increasing the bonus progression to 1.5% per token (from 1%) could make this perk somewhat viable.
  7. Friendly Competition - This perk literally saves you only about 3 seconds on a gen, but only if you find it very fast and work on it for the whole duration. The repair speed could easily be increased to 6% (from 5%) and the effect can last 70/80/90 seconds (from 45/60/75 seconds).
  8. Lucky Star - Grunts of pain should be suppressed for longer, because killers will usually look around the area for more than 10 seconds. The duration can stay the same, but it should start AFTER you leave the locker. You use this perk to be quiet at lockers which means it should be very good at doing so.
  9. Poised - The perk is already very situational, but the effect doesn't last that long anyway. The duration could be increased to 16/18/20 seconds (from 6/8/10 seconds) and it should also hide pools of blood.
  10. Solidarity - Might as well increase the converstion rate to 65/70/75% considering how situational it is (from 40/45/50%).
  11. Teamwork perks should have a MUCH shorter cooldown, at least 80/70/60 seconds (from 180/160/140 seconds). They need other changes, but this would be a good start.

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  • Member Posts: 361
    edited February 2024

    I'd love to see Wake Up's gate opening speed be increased from 25% to 50%. For a perk that won't even see any value in less than half of matches, it should have a stronger effect when it finally sees use.

    Self-Preservation and Better than New could also use number increases. The former could suppress scratches, blood, and grunts for 20 seconds rather than 10, and maybe increase the activation range from 16 meters to 32. And the latter could increase healing, chest unlocking, cleansing, and blessing speed from 16% to 25%, at least as a start.

  • Member Posts: 4,796

    I agree with pretty much all of these, and I'd love to see them.

    I'm not sure if Boons would need a global range increase, +2m would be nice though. I'd like to see the underperforming boons buffed individually.

    Another perk that could use a number boost is Inner Focus, up the range from 32m to 128m. There's no reason to have such a restrictive range on an effect like that.

  • Member Posts: 1,669

    Too busy making unnecessary changes unfortunately. These number changes would definitely help steer away from the meta's popularity.

    I simply cannot wait for the next meta shakeup to gut every perk because number adjustments are too difficult these days...

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