We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

QoL Improvements for Survivors

Seeing as there's a lot of killer improvements happening with the goal of making certain killers feel better to play, I've been thinking of things that could be done to make survivor feel better to play. I'm going to list as many things as I can that are primarily geared towards making survivor feel better to play but will likely include some minor buffs too.

  1. Item pickup/drop speed - Collecting and dropping items feels really clunky. The animation is really slow and you get glued to the spot whilst doing it. Speeding this up or allowing survivors to cancel the end of the animation into a run would make it feel much better.
  2. Chest opening and dull totem (not Hex) cleansing/booning speeds - This takes quite a while, and the payoff is generally lacking. Most chests contain mediocre items and boons are pretty weak overall. Speeding these up would make interacting with them feel better.
  3. Medkit variety - Finding an ultra rare medkit provides no benefit for the person carrying it, which is what medkits are primarily for. Giving rare and ultra rare medkits an increase to self healing speed, even if it's only an increase of like 10 - 20% would make them feel special in some way.
  4. Self-healing speeds - This one might be controversial. I think the medkit overhaul was good. Limiting medkit capacity and increasing the rarity of the best add-ons was a fair choice. But the increase in self-healing speeds just makes it feel extremely sluggish. The increase doesn't add too much to game balance, but it does make self-healing feel much worse. I feel like the capacity nerf and the add-on pass was enough.
  5. Survivor walk speed - Equipping Fixated really reminds you of how sluggish survivor walk speed feels. Increasing basekit walk speed by 5 - 10% would make it feel much better without impacting game balance much.
  6. Emotes - We only have two. Give us more so we can communicate better. The lack of options to communicate means we have to use teabag morse code most of the time. I've lost count of the amount of times where I've tried to let a survivor know the location of the killer, only for them to run over to them instead.
  7. Item reworks - Survivors have a bunch of items that are either useless or require cobbling things together to make them functional (keys for example). Having seperate items for seeing the killer's aura and seeing teammates aura's would be better than having to modify keys and would reduce some of the clutter in the bloodweb. For example, Blood Amber could be it's own item, rather than requiring a key to use.
  8. Breakable walls - Change the aura of breakable walls to red, so they can't be confused with pallets when using WoO.
  9. Locker locations - This is something both sides have issues with. Killers can't access them when they need to for their power (Dredge being the primary victim of this), and survivors sometimes enter them instead of vaulting. This has been an issue for a while, which makes me wonder if there's some problem that makes it hard to fix, but it would still be nice if it was changed.
  10. Dead Hard - This perk feels massively inconsistent. Sometimes you press the button, a second or two passes and nothing happens. I don't know how easy this would be to fix, but it's pretty annoying for a perk that requires precise timing to use. Also, now that it's limited to only two uses per match, it feels kind of lame that Pyramid Head can stop the perk from activating by putting you in a cage.
  11. Calm Spirit - The 30% speed reduction to opening chests/cleansing totems adds very little to gameplay balance, but it does make doing those actions with it equipped feel awful. please consider removing the de-buff.

I can't think of anything else right now, but I will add more if anything else comes to mind.