Simple solution for tunnelling.
Now that all survivor side tasks got extended (aka healing and gen completion) why not also extend the duration of the hook stages to match with this? 90 or 120 sec hookstage?
Killer can still choose to proxycamp or tunnel. But in this way, the survivor actually has a way to punish this behaviour and actually has a chance to ban this behaviour as being the most profitable. A killer that plays without it, doesnt notice the longer hookstages. Killers whose main playstyle is to camp and tunnel, do.
In this way it is possible again to punish tunnelling which, with the longer gentimes isnt possible anymore and why tunnelling is so effective.
A killer that decides to proxycamp the hook and not check gens, gets punished now for doing so. yeah, you will get someone..but you need a long wait if survs know you tunnelling.
Basically, stay with the hook and good chance you loose the game. Or actually play killer in a hide and seek game (and with all killer bufs and aura perks, this was never easier) and try to do the work too instead of getting most points for being afk at a hook (which is to date still ridiculous that this awards you with the most points as killer, being afk at a hook).
Also, survs have a penalty for unhooking unsafely. why not also add one for killer for every second after ten seconds he is in range of the hook without a surv near?