Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Survivors are in their best state.

Member Posts: 8,266
edited March 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Im willing to sacrifice all the buffs survivors got in the past 2 years, UI, basekit BT, AFC, Anti 3 get all the nerfs reverted back to pre 6.1.0

Do killers willing to have 60% kill rate dropped back to 50% ?

Side note: This is not a complain about I think the game should go back to pre 6.1.0 or killers should get nerfs and survivors should get buff.

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 452

    Remember killers don't want a balanced game (50/50). The proof is that the kill rate pre-6.1 was 53% according to devs, yet killers complained that the game was survivor sided even though stats showed it was almost perfectly balanced.

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    If STBFL, hook grab, 3gen all go back to normal, and there's no RBT nerf, I'd definitely go back there, right?

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I miss when Small game is permanent in my build to hunt Ruin/Undying. Or chest build to give teammate powerful Green medkit..But not anymore. Items are fine brining in to the match, but its not worth to spend too much time finding/unlocking chests. Self healing is nerfed so survivors need to find teammates. But only then aura perks are nullified by Ultimate weapon.

    Its pretty much put in Gen perks and sit on Gens because there is no other options.

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    I don't think I've seen anyone say this and be taken that seriously.

    That said, I do think the game as a whole is more balanced in general for a 4v1. Needs more tuning but it's better than when I started, and way better than the stuff I looked up before I started.

  • Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    Me too all those things really didn't do anything until killer got buffed so much base kit . Hell I don't really care if they're in the game now. Those are the least problematic things for survivor they're just band aid BHVR does to not have to fix the core issues with the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    If so, I welcome it. The killer's camping tactics are more ferocious, the survivors let go of the gen early considering they will be hook grabbed when going to the rescue, and the killer has an easier time cornering the survivors with STBFL.

    Survivors will be more likely to get injured since SB will be reduced at the cost of more DH, and Sloppy Butcher will not be nerfed.

    The killer will 3gen kicking many times, so it will be a match against the skill of the survivor. Above all, it is the outcome that the survivors wanted, so there will be no further changes, and no one will be able to complain. Killers don't hesitate to use all kinds of tactics. I think it's wonderful.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    You’ve made a tone argument, and Respectability Politics don’t actually work.

    To counter, C3 makes a fair amount of comments like what you’ve described as optimal for engagement: thoughtful, conciliatory, inviting. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you interact with or acknowledge these comments, however. When I see other people do so, the responses are still defensive and unyielding.

    At least the art makes it more exciting.

  • Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    No they aren't they are exactly the same lol. When did you start playing like 2021. 3 gen meta wasn't even a problem before they super buffed killer and I'm not saying a killer buff wasn't warranted but they gave them 3 base kit strong perks.

  • Member Posts: 2,439

    I agree survivor is bland to an extent but the alternative is worse as a current survivor main. Buffing all the B tier or lower killers to their current power level running the best builds would make them abysmal to play against. If you try and get clown pre 6.1.0 to where he is at now net total including game changes and perks he'd have 5 more bottles and double the slow. Is that better than the average bot like playstyle of 99% of killers?

    The base kit gen time increase of 50s total per game isn't that bad, it's like CSing in league. The last couple killer metas just make it seem worse because they are too good. As an active green med-kit abuser, they were beyond broken, literally a 1/3rd of current heal time.

    All the perks survivors had in their meta pre 6.1.0 were some of the worse designed perks ever by nature.

    Personally I think it's a nerf killer perks moment and revert kick percentage back to 2.5 or EVEN LESS. A bunch of reworks to weak trash design perks.

    The best part of survivor has always been base kit gameplay, killers simply have too much right now.

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    Yes, it's okay for you to think so. Don't worry about me. I actually did that back then, and I don't know what other killer players would say, but I'm fine with it.

    Of course, the condition is that there will be no bubs or nerfs in the future after reverting to before 6.1.0. Then many will no longer be shouting about buffs and nerfs, and will mainly be digging deeper into tactics. wonderful.

    And since you said that the killer buff caused the 3gens problem, if that problem occurs in the future, it will be 100% the survivor's bad play. That's a blessing. We both no longer need to make excuses, so we can only be grateful. I love harsh environments and hate sophistry.

    And I play both Killer and Survivor almost equally, so I have no complaints at all. Sometimes it's an advantage, sometimes it's a disadvantage, but I accept it.

  • Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    Same I play both I actually used to have to try to win as killer back then. I think out of my last 500 games I've lost like 20. By loss I mean not a 4k. Before I stopped caring I did an experiment and I played 100 survivor games escaped 29% your problem is you don't understand that survivor has no control over the game only the killer. After that experiment I never did a gen again.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    I kno I’m not the only one who absolutely loves your sketches, and that you take the time to draw and share a bit of your inner artsy universe w us!

    I realize I’ve said this before and totally not trying to make ya swoon or anything, but these DBD creations are so awesome n bring the community some much needed joy!

    Thanks C3🫶🏽

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    My definition is according to management. So 2k is a draw and borderline. That's enough. Hatch thinks it would be a good idea to give it as a gift since it would be a waste of time. Still, the killer wins.

  • Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    Same so my definition of a win is the same.. Regardless of what you just tried to vomit out my statistics stay the same. Again you miss the point only the killer can dictate the pace of the game.

  • Member Posts: 8,266
    edited March 2024

    Wow this post blown.

    I drew these really long times ago, in 2 difference topics. Its just I drew too much I can re-use the drawings, and merged into one with different texts

    HUD and basekit BT are definitely help Solo, eventhough basekit BT + OTR + DH + DS are far weaker than old BT + DH + DS. I really see no benefit with AFC, Anti 3 Gens are fair on both sides not a buff on survivors.

    I dont think survivors complaining about the buffs on low tier killers. But even if the Devs buff all killers to PTB Huntress level, it doesnt stop killers using that insane strength to tunnel. Thats what I believe most survivor players are worry about.

    If you know me being here for along time (which you dont), you will see most of my posts/comments have drawings instead of a wall of texts. Thats how I show my points.

    If you refuse to see what Im trying to point out, you do you. I dont explain further. I hope these drawings didnt hurt you that much.

    Post edited by C3Tooth on
  • Member Posts: 1,026

    The point is, won't killers complain the same way as survivors if they are reverted to version 6.1.0 or earlier? So I said that's fine. Let's stop there and stop asking each other to improve the development, and let's just compete with what we've been given.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I personally think the kick limited to 4 but increase a kick to 10%. 1-2 slowdown perks are still useful, but 3-4 slowdown stacking is no more possible. At the same time killers who dont use slowdown are even stronger.

  • Member Posts: 3,268


    Devs still want that 60% killrate tho.

    Welcome to patch 6.1A(lternate) in which survivors still get nerfed.

    And hintress still gets that ms boost while aiming.

    *monkey claw closes*

  • Member Posts: 391

    I miss when matches were more chill, you could search a chest or break a totem. Now you have to sits on gens and only do gens or you kill your team.

    Also, killers say they are gen rushed but what else are survivors supposed to do?! If I don't sit on gens then we all die because as soon as the first survivor chased goes down they are tunneled straight off hook. I for one don't want to play survivior and just die every match (I don't expect to escape every match either).

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    It was not that you have time to search a chest, but the time a medkit buy for you would cover the time you run around finding a chest and unlock it (while it being broken with medkits that brought into the game). Medkits are fine now, but its not worth to get one from chest.

    Break a totem? Im not sure, could be because Ruin/Undying and Plaything were popular back then so you do Totems. With Inner healing its 2 birds with 1 stone.

    Its more like the game was more dynamic back then that other mechanics had a chance to involved in the match.

  • Member Posts: 663

    You can tunnel one survivor and then use Noed to secure another kill endgame.

    2k is not a draw/win unless these are addressed.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    If you want 50% killrate you also want 5-10 minutes queue times back?

    I guess you forgot this little detail, I don't know about you, but I will rather have to try a little to escape than waiting several minutes just to play the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

     killers say they are gen rushed but what else are survivors supposed to do

    You realize both sides are at fault for this, right?

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Im desperate to play killers because the BP incentive is +100% on survivors 85% of the time. Killer queue take 5min to find a match.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    I almost always have 100% BP for killers between 20:00-1:00 +/-

    afternoon etc is time for survivors.

    I was talking about time before healing nerf, where survivor queue were hell on earth. Right now there is time to play both roles.

  • Member Posts: 1,437

    I would take it. Give me undying and ruin back.

    I much more prefer a game with a challenge than a guaranteed 4K. I stopped playing survivor, because it‘s no more fun.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    No, its been like this after 6.1.0 Almost 2 years ago.

    The only time killer incentive all time high was the introduction of CoH.

  • Member Posts: 5,105

    Closing the thread here, please remember to keep comments civil and respectful towards others, their thoughts, and comments regarding the Team. Thank you.

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