Hold W is just too strong. Let's make killers like HAG 4.6 so she can have some chase outside of her traps etc.
4.6 nurse go brrrrrr
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Except Nurse
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I like having some slower killers that rely on their powers to down. The hold W problem is more of a map size issue.
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Hag SHOULD be 4,6, i agree. Maybe Slinger too. But other 4,4 killers have strong chase power to compensate it.
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Slinger doesn't have a strong chase power??
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Why are people even saying "but Nurse..." as if ANY 4.4 killer needs to be 4.6.
Lets rather discuss if Blight should be 4.4 or 4.6 instead.
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He has, but he also has worst map pressure in the game and 32m TR. I have no issue with making him 4,6, but i'm not as sure as about Hag, need testing.
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4.6 Slinger who already has one of the best 1v1 powers. Lol?
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Literally just made a discussion on this, this discussion seems to be playing devil's advocate to mine.
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If such a conversation was about Trickster at the time when he was 4.4, I'm sure you would have said the same about him. "Oh no, he is already crazy annoying, no way he will 4,6". But he ended up being just slightly better than before. I said "maybe", but as always overreacting didn't take long. Average forum, love it.
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Demogorgon should be 6.5 m/s. He’s a good boi and deserves the buff. To make survivors happy, a new emote will be introduced that will allow them to pet his head and scratch his neck.
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The difference between 4.4 and 4.6 in terms of holding W is pretty minimal.
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The difference is that Slinger benefits from hitting M1 when healthy than immediately following up with a shot whereas Trickster beenfits from hitting M2 when healthy than M1 immediately after in which survivors often make little to no distance anyways. Buffing Slinger to 4.6 would only make him deadlier than he already is in 1v1 while adding very little to his map pressure.
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Tier 1 Myers approves of this idea.
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Spirit is 4.4, Don't see why Blight is not an 4.4 killer, grandpa run faster than old trikster
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Yeah, i know difference. Even if he is my second most unlover killer to go against, i have no issue to make him slightly stronger. He is barely low A tier now imo. And please don't pretend he will S tier with this change, not even close.
At least they should revert his TR back to 24. Prerun against 4,4 killer with 32 meters is crazy strong, i don't see a point in it.
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How would this solve Hold W when 4,6-Killers are the ones where Hold W works the best? Killers who are slower have abilities which make up for their lack of Movement Speed.
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Is low A tier a bad place to be? Does every killer have to be S tier?
Did you play when Slinger had a 24 meter TR? It was awful. Everyone ran Monitor & Abuse on him and he literally could shoot and hit you before you even heard his super quiet terror radius.
He's completely fine as he is, the only change I would consider giving him is making his ADS slightly less clunky. Even then, I don't think it's necessary at all.
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absolutely not. Especially not slinger or huntress
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Barely low A tier you say? Why would that be a reason to buff him? A tier is candidate for nerf.
(I dont think Slinger is A tier, rather B, but the point stands)1 -
BVHR doesn't balance maps. they balance killer to play on said map. if killer good, they perform well on all maps and if the killer sucks then they perform bad. In other worse, nurse good, rest bad.
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If we’re gonna go that route and try to just work around said maps then I’d rather them just make the killers even better to compensate for having poor map mobility. I’d rather not go just increasing their move speed.
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buffing m/s individual does fix the problem but often their problem is power itself. Like Nemesis whip requires you to 3 hit people and has poor zombie power. You can base buff m/s... but a more enjoyable change is buffing those two elements to make power enjoyable to use.
They could made pig 4.8 m/s but they buffed her ambush so it is more usable. how usable remains to be seen.