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BHVRs Icon URL for Steam Inventory Items is broken for months

xNeoTox Member Posts: 3
edited March 9 in Bug Reporting


the DBD Steam inventory has been broken for more than 4 months. The images for the items are not displayed.

This problem is caused by BHVR itself and NOT by Steam or the consumer.

After less than 5 minutes of research I also found the problem:

The URL/the server where the URL image links lead to is no longer accessible.

I have attached a picture where you can see the URL, which should actually lead to one (of many) pictures:

---> Bloodletting Shirt URL for example:


As you can easily see, this URL leads nowhere, no wonder why no pictures have been displayed for months. It would be really nice if the problem was finally addressed after all this time, the effort to fix it shouldn't be too much.

Post edited by EQWashu on
2 votes

Duplicate · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this. Please upvote, or add any additional information, to the initial report here: https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/402842/steam-inventory-question-marks#latest

This discussion has been closed.