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Xenomorph skin bugs(or false advertisement?)

Member Posts: 18

Any Platform

Error in the 2 models

Always happens

In multiple advertisements, including the game's own portrait for the killer, The Xenomorph is show having a transparent dome that allows you to ever so slightly see it's skull.

This is alot like how it was in it's own franchise, which is a very nice detail to have! ...This is not how it looks in-game though.

The dome for the head is fully opaque in-game.

Which is surprising considering that there is a fully modeled skull inside the dome of the in-game skin, which the player never gets to see.

Through any 3d software, players are able to see that there is indeed a very detailed skull there, which has messy weight-painting for the jaw bone that end up messing with the skull, the steps to fix the weight-painting takes less than 15 seconds.

If both the transparency and weight painting are fixed, the Xenomorph could finally look like the advertisements and the movies, and be like this in-game!

The default skin is not the only one that suffers from this, the Grid skin looks fine at first glance.

.....Until the head moves.

This is also caused by messy weight painting on the skull. Which is visible in-game during certain animations.

In summary, the default skin lacks the transparent dome and the skull inside needs fixing, and Grid's head has a floating part. Please, fix these issues! These 2 models are so well done and it's a shame to see such detail go to waste.

4 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review

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