The Unknown Hallucinations

funsumme Member Posts: 58
edited March 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

So I was playing a lot of the new killer “The Unknown” and I love his play style with the risk with his ability and giving you a huge reward for hitting a Survivor with your ability.

But when I was playing a lot of “The Unknown” and I hook a survivor to teleport to a hallucination when I look around I don’t see anymore hallucinations anywhere and this is where I want to talk about the hallucination power.

I really, really want Survivors to still have chance but still want him to be really powerful!

If it would be possible, if Survivors have a cooldown to dispel his hallucinations or what I’m talking about is that if a particular Survivor gets a hallucination dispelled they would have a cooldown to dispel another would be 12 or 16 seconds and, also a status effect for that cooldown. Or a another thing if a cooldown is not optional then Killer Instinct when they have dispelled a hallucination!

I just want to have at least something to know or a counter to dispelling multiple hallucinations, or know if they are dispelling a hallucination!

That’s pretty much it,

Thank you!