Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Now Is The Time You REALLY Need To Straighten Out The Game

Okay, it's been about 8 years since Dbd was thrusted into this world and for those 8 years, it's been called spaghetti code.

Now of course, I'm alluding to Dbd needing an "Operation: Health" but I'll get there. I was actually playing Rainbow 6: Siege (the game in question that Health belongs to), so I'll actually share my thoughts when I get there.

Picture In A Word Document

That's the best way to describe every update this game recieves. If you've ever put a picture in a word document, you'll see the chaos that unfolds as every single paragraph becomes a jumbled mess of lines.

Honestly, some of these bugs feel like you're playing Mad Libs with how strange they are and how, most of the time, the character or map or object in question wasn't even touched in the update.

Right now, the most recent bug that comes to my head actually sounds like it was generated by a group playing Mad Libs! Oni has full lunge while carrying a Survivor! No other Killer was affected, so why? How? Huh!?

With a straightened out code, at least the bugs would make sense because the character in question got changes. But like, Oni got nothing.

Side Tangent: Kill Switching

Ever since the Breakdown Bug occurred, I can say for the whole community that we're thrilled Kill Switching is a thing. However, it'd be nice if you told us why it's being Kill Switched.

Looping back to my main point, if the code was a more tightly knit, you may not even need to Kill Switch things!

Take the Flashlight exploit. You disabled Appraisal and Dramaturgy because they could give you a Flashlight. BUT, if the code was not built on sticks, maybe you could just take Flashlights out of their equations and keep them enabled.

Operation: Health

Okay so what exactly is Op: Health? Years ago in Rainbow 6: Siege, the code was just as junky as Dbd's. This whole season served as a way to get time to fix up the place.

This is what Dead By Daylight needs.

The main purpose of Health was to fix up the game so updates could come out more frequently because they weren't breaking the game nearly as hard as it was before. That was the idea, of course... I'll get to my grievances later.

All Dbd needs is just a season of healing where you have enough time to iron everything out. Don't worry about money or playerbase or anything like that. You're good. Trust me. You've been in the game for nearly 8 years. You can give us a Tome if you want too. You've got some Characters still left over like Haddie, Dredge, Zarina, Joey, Jeff, and Artist (I think) who haven't received an actual Tome yet. You can even make it extra large if you really want to. Hold us over, and what not.

The Negatives of Health

I have grievances with Ubisoft, so I'll tell you why Health as a whole failed Siege and why you shouldn't copy it 1 to 1.

While Health did iron out the bugs, Ubisoft didn't Pounce on the opportunity. Updates still came out at the exact same rate. Don't do this. If you're gonna make your game more update-friendly, actual remember to update the game.

Remember, this is a multi-player game, the most important B Word is BALANCE. You still wanna have hands on deck for the balance team in case anything crops up. You also wanna make sure they're just on deck at all times so you don't get a dry spell of around 3 months then, when the next update comes out, one of the defenders has an extremely overpowered weapon that terrorizes the game for nearly a year.

Okay maybe I'm still salty about Ubisoft, but you get the idea.

Okay? You can do this! We're okay with the content we have right now and the only reason it feels limited is because nobody wants to have fun and would rather just run the meta 24/7. You can even hold off on the next Chapter and do a health check-up on the game. Unknown is cool enough and nobody plays the Twins anyway (that was a joke).


  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,845
    edited March 20

    It's not gonna happen, not at this point.

    People forget that the only true way to fix the code is by rewriting it from the ground up and that's something that's gonna take longer than just a single chapter, we're talking literal years due to how much content that's in the game. Not only will the process cause all future content or patches to be postponed until it's done, but i highly doubt people are gonna have the patience to wait that long for it to be finished.