A way to truly solve tunneling once and for all

Okey friends listen I know ow what I'm going to suggest sounds a bit strong at first but with that tunneling would be gone.
Make the survivor loose any collision for x. This effect gets cancelled when the survivor does the usual stuff ( no healing gens totems anything) this effect does not occur if the gates are powered. While under this effect the survivor can not use a flashlight or a pallet.
Yeah thats it. I'm probably not the first to suggest something like that but in my mind it's the simplest and best way to end tun Eling for good.
The time should be set to something like two or three minutes. Yes that pretty long but that's the idea I don't want the killer to just follow till the effect ends.
So now to some concerns that probably will come up.
Yes the survivor will reset and you cant do anything about it. If that has an big influence of kill numbers we can demand buffs.
Yes perks like otr or ds would be useless. They can be reworked be happy that tunneling is gone.
I tried to think of any possible negative situation that may happen because of this but I can't think of anything besides the kill rates probably dropping.
What do you guys think about that? Can you think of any negative outcomes I did not think of?
For how many Seconds? 120 Seconds.
You are planning on making Survivors be able to t-bag in front of me consequence free for 120seconds???
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but they also cant do anything to progress the game in any way. they cant bodyblock you they cant save there mates.
if they really decide to hang around you and tbag you instead of getting away and reseting then let them. believe me i dont like tbag either and im the first one that votes for a big vacume that sucks them out the gates so they cant tbag and waste everyones time there but in that situation its like you already have tunneld them out cause they dont do anything.
i would even go so far and say i kinda count on the survivor to use that to be cocky and for them to waste time.
and i want to be clear i dont want to make tunneling less atractive i want it gone with one punch maybe it even needs to be five whole minutes long so really no one trys to wait it out