Blood Moon Feedback

Madarablackgetsuga Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 51

Blood moon is the newest event added to the game, and the entire incentive is to gain bloodpoints, so lets make that more approachable;

Blood Zones:

Blood Zones themselves should be a bit bigger, or have them increase in size over time, and less red or the ability to change scratchmark colors (i know colorblind mode got changed to help with it but i shouldn't need it for the event)

Bloodshot Eye Offering

Since this event is all about being as much of a BP earning goblin as possible, the offering should reflect this. i would add the following; Gain an additional 50% bloodpoints to any actions done in a blood zone AND Flat 200% modifier to all BP gain, but lock this offering strictly to Blood Moon, and keep anniversary stuff as is. Otherwise right now the offering feels...useless? compared to bloody party streamers and other offerings in the same caliber


    HINGIRIK Member Posts: 103

    It's a useless event for neither the survivors nor the killers. Survivores are simply made to be quieter, less bloody, and gain more BP while in range. I have never once seen a gen within range of this circle. If they really want to gain BP, they can go to the circle to heal like CoH. For killers, the Lunge feature is not good for an event. Because the circle is very small and there is not even 1 pallet in it. Also, it is very difficult to find blood globes on the map. And survivors have less privileges because a single circle is used by both killers and survivors (lunge is more privileged than BP for gameplay). They might bring something a little more OP and fun for both teams because this is a limited time event.

  • ownoka
    ownoka Member Posts: 36

    BHVR developers blatant despise for survivors is so evident in this event. I have only played a few games where survivors break 100k and killers are breaking 100K 99% of the time. It's shameful. MMR is totally shut off as well so for those that need blood points the most have just miserable game play and are not benefiting. Many are intentionally dying (I don't blame them, but yet another favor to the killer). Don't get me started on the bugs introduced with these changes.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,196

    Well, the blood circles should form around the generators in my opinion. That way the killer can hunt and find survivors around generators, of course and the survivors get points for doing the generator. It’s a win-win for everybody.

    Currently the blood circles spawn in totem areas so it’s pretty useless

  • ownoka
    ownoka Member Posts: 36
    edited March 27

    The 400% bonus is such a scam with MMR working so badly. First night of 400% is abysmal. I'm being paired with killers so strong that someone is on hook in 30 seconds. Survivors just dying on the hook intentionally (and I don't blame them). I've played 6 games in a row and I'm up against players that are for example prestige 58 Michael Meyers and 24 Nurse. They face camp, prox camp and tunnel and play like they are in tournaments. BHVR developers, it's so shameful that quality of life game play is that miserable. You can't build skill that way. I beg you to improve quality of life for casual players and players who need to grind hard invest in your game.