Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

the deathslinger needs some buffs, hes now the weakest ranged character

Member Posts: 63
edited March 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

he has a 32 m radius but moves at 110, the reason that was given is because he doesnt have a lullaby, i dont see the need for one since his range is only 18 meters anyways that isnt very far. the terror radius gives too much warning, and plus his harpoon hit box is tiny, too tiny. its hitbox is literally a hitscan hitbox but deathslinger is projectile, so you have instances where the spear flies centimeters IN front of survivors faces and miss, while the huntress can crossmap and still land hits with her huge hatchet hitboxes.

there needs to be changes, either make the spear hitbox bigger or increase the speed of the harpoon. slinger is expected to be played perfectly and even still the results arent great, meanwhile huntress has 7 - 10 hatchets and has unlimted range. i understand the ads nerf, so increase the numbers on deathslingers other mechanics.

make reeling more faster simliar to how roadhogs hook mechanic works from overwatch, or add a instant break chain button to save time. or another change could be to increase the deathslingers movement when reeling, he moves 55 percent movement or 2.2 meters per second add a sensitvity slider to slinger, without it i have to have a higher dpi and thus makes my hip sensitivity too high. also reduce the missed shot penalty , slinger is too punishing for little results. or remove the massive slowdown while reloading, its like the old clown mechanic where he would slow down massively for reloading meanwhile the plague only becomes 5 percent slower when holding puke. even trickster is faster than slinger when holding knives.

make the deathslinger ads movement speed faster, any of these would be nice, he is simply too difficult to play and his maximum return value is mid. too clunky, ive spent around 3000 hours on him, and doesnt feel smooth or powerful to play. according to the spotlight trailer he is meant feel like an fps shooter killer, but it doesnt feel that way. please revisit this old killer and show him some love. lastly some of his weapons hurt the player by blocking the screen like the holiday harpoon and iron maiden skin, this wouldnt be an issue if deathslinger were hitscan like the singularity teleport.

i know slinger is not a high priority killer but just some feedback or acknowledgement would be nice

thank you for reading my silly rant if you made it this far.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 107

    I dunno I play an awful lot of Slinger and I don't think he's in -that- bad of a spot. The problem with Slinger is the same balance issue with Huntress, they are purely a ranged Killer and you have to be giga careful buffing other aspects of their kit that /aren't/ their ranged power as it often tips them over the edge. They just kinda forgot this with Huntress last patch tho lol

    Idk, he seems balanced and fair, he has counterplay with line of sight breaking, a finite range to his power unlike Huntress, good survivors can bodyblock a hoomed target, and a penalty for ADS. On the flipside he has built in slowdown with deep wound on M2, you can land some cracked trickshots through gaps in terrain, and has some really fun addon and build diversity.

    I'd honestly suggest playing around with some different builds and see if it changes your mind. Double reload addons are fun and genuinely catch people off guard, Double Iri addon is really fun in a StealthSlinger build with Plaything, Trail of Torment, Dark Devotion and Tinkerer.

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    Now that the heart sounds are visualized, his heart sounds should be changed to 24 m. With just one change! he will be much better.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    Just make Warden’s Keys base kit and give his add ons a complete overhaul. I think that should be enough honestly.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited March 2024

    its hitbox is literally a hitscan hitbox but deathslinger is projectile, so you have instances where the spear flies centimeters IN front of survivors faces and miss.

    Deathslinger hitbox was balanced around being able to ads in 0.2 seconds. not 0.35 seconds. survivors are not suppose to be able to side-step spear on reaction. it is suppose to be read, a prediction. something that is desperately lost in his current kit.

    he has a 32 m radius but moves at 110, the reason that was given is because he doesnt have a lullaby, i dont see the need for one since his range is only 18 meters anyways that isnt very far.

    He was originally 24 meters and he was also designed around getting initial hits with monitor&abuse because of his ammo capacity of 1 shot. This was previously negative change. in practice, he's not suppose to be reloading at all in the chase.

    On the flipside he has built in slowdown with deep wound on M2

    Deep wound is not useful slowdown when your 4.4 m/s. Your almost committing to nearly every chase due your inability to transition between chases. A good buff for him would be that breaking the chain or successfully hitting a survivor post-chain inflicts mangled status effect permanently. That would be way more useful then deep wound.

    The only way I can see deep wound being good for him is if deep wound applied as chain hits instead the after-hit which would boost his ability to tunnel off hook and ignore BT/OTR or Buckle up. Trickster and Huntress are legit machine guns on deep wound. This is another reason he does not stack up to other possible range options.

  • Member Posts: 333

    i had the same ideas as you do. he definitely needs longer range (~30 meters) and faster harpoon speed to match the range. idk about other buffs but those two are needed. the only reason midslinger is not a complete downgrade of huntress is because he can displace survivors and reload quickly on the spot which makes him theoretically very good at defending a zone. however when it comes down to the gameplay, his numbers are just too low. before ads got nerfed he was good because it was impossible to loop. now he's not very good at antiloop nor at anything else. he can be fine but only in some open and small maps with good generator rng. in comparison, trickster can become a great camper with almost any hook (especially in the middle of a 3 gen) and huntress can do everything better.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    Yes I think the hitbox should absolutly be a bit bigger and the speed of the spear should also be a bit higher.

    Right now I often see my spear going right at the survivor even clipping them a tiny bit but they still can dodge like neo

  • Member Posts: 679

    I don't feel his ADS is that bad if you can consistently hit +10m shots. It becomes more of an issue when survivors are closer to you due to it being pretty slow and easy to predict. The hitbox is probably the most annoying thing as others have mentioned it's not uncommon for the spear to go straight through the target on your screen. This is especially true at short to mid range. Not sure if they could change the hitbox though without messing up the ability to shoot through small gaps properly.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    I'm pretty sure its possible to make a hotbox that has two values. One for objects and terrain and one for player characters

  • Member Posts: 679

    Yeah I'm sure they could but I would imagine they would screw it up in some way lol

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    yeah isnt it kinda funny and sad that the community has these thoughts xD

  • Member Posts: 234

    im not gonna sugarcoat it this killer is dogshit, the hitbox is the size of my toenail and if a survivor is moving erratically it is literally impossible to snipe them from range because of the travel time + the hitbox as I mentioned. the only time you will ever snipe a good survivor is if you get lucky. then you get genrushed because of his craptastic map pressure. people who say hes good are either going against horrible survivors who dont look behind them or they are just delusional end of story

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