Midwich Ledge on Upper Vault

Wikimancer Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

platform: PC - Steam

map: Midwich

issue (assuming that it is one): a standable ledge on the outside of the upstairs vault location that leads into the courtyard

steps: play as Legion, equip Susie Valentine's Day skin (Head Over Heels), go to Midwich, slow-vault upstairs ledge that leads into courtyard

The other day, I was playing Legion (with the Suzie Valentine's Day skin) and I slow-vaulted the upstairs ledge into the courtyard, but I was just standing there. I was able to step forward and fall down easily enough, so it didn't lock me or anything, but it was certainly unexpected. I went back to verify that it wasn't just a one-off, and I was even able to turn around and get the prompt to vault back inside. I don't think that this is intended map behavior?

Also, coincidentally, I ended up on Midwich again earlier today, as Wraith, and I tested this. I vaulted that same window, and did not land on a ledge.

I suspect that the killer's body size is a factor here, but I haven't tested it thoroughly enough. I also presume that different cosmetics don't affect players' actual hitbox sizes, but I listed my cosmetic, anyway, just in case it matters.

I took a screenshot while it was happening, to report the bug.

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Acknowledged · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review.