Tunneling Solution

If a player gets tunneled, meaning that no other player has been downed into the dying state since the last time the survivor was hooked. The tunneled survivor should get a multiplier to blood points up to 3x for basically keeping the killer's attention most of the match.

This multiplier only activates if the survivor is downed and hooked multiple times back to back with other survivors being pursued and downed.

Either that or the killer should suffer from diminishing points for continuously downing the same survivor within a certain span of time. Many killers have taken the game hostage standing over No Mither players that they were mad at and couldn't hook, just so they can watch them bleed out. Just consider it.


  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618
    edited March 2024

    In all fairness, if someone is running No Mither, there's nothing else to do. Just leave them? So they can get up, go do another 20% of a generator and immediately run back to where they can't be hooked the moment they hear the terror radius? Bleeding them out isn't just a valid strategy, it's oftentimes the only strategy you can employ because they've intentionally made themselves unhookable. And standing over someone does not amount to taking the game hostage - the game can still end, and in fact will do so once the bleed timer depletes. They put themselves into that situation, those are the consequences of their actions.

  • BasementDweller
    BasementDweller Member Posts: 497

     Many killers have taken the game hostage standing over No Mither players that they were mad at and couldn't hook, just so they can watch them bleed out.

    What exactly is the killer supposed to do here exactly? As soon as the killer leaves the survivor will just bring themselves up, and the person with No Mither can keep running back to the spot that prevents the killer from hooking them.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    In fact, I think it would be better to double the assessments and bonuses given to survivors who accept chases when other survivors complete their gens. The current value is not commensurate with the value that chasing survivors contribute to Survivor as a whole.