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Feedback and Suggestions

What should be nerfed

I'm wondering what things you think are OP in the game and want to be nerfed? Write down the version of what you want before and after the nerf.

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  • Member Posts: 787

    I just want old pain res back tbh

  • Applicant Posts: 137

    Legion's Feral Frenzy and the Unknown's grenade attack.

  • Member Posts: 755

    Map offerings. Pretty much gives one side, especially survivors sided; a straight up advantage, in being able to get their choosen map and 100% used their build at their maximum potionial and efficiency in those maps guarantee. It makes SWF with stack perk builds for that map impossible to beat, and could put the other side in a not favorable situation.(I had a game one time, in which the Survivors send me to RPD as Huntress or Hillbilly; and I simply couldn't down as effectively with the abundance of windows and strong pallets next to each other.)

    I say Map Offerings should no longer give you 100% per Offering, and should give you like a increase chance to go there; like 25% per map offering; all four survivor must be able to used it together in order to go there 100%, as well as all lobby members should be able to see any offerings before the match starts. Also, Buff that map offerings canceling offering, to be able to be actually capable of canceling any map offering, regardless if all 4 players used the same Offering or not.

  • Member Posts: 1,491

    If I'm being honest Pain Res. + Pop combined together is quite ridiculous at this point.

  • Member Posts: 1,382

    Gen regression stacking on high tier killers is the biggest problem right now.

  • Member Posts: 3,347
    edited March 2024

    Map offerings. I don't care if it's killer or survivor that uses them, the moment I see one I think of how often they in one way or another mean a terrible match inbound and at this point I think I'll just give in to my temptation to kill the game process in loading no matter if the offering "benefits" me or not.

  • Applicant Posts: 137

    Legion is not weak and Feral Frenzy is incredibly annoying to deal with. Even if they give Legion a better chase speed to balance him out better, I just want that annoying power nerfed or changed.

    Give and take.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    the problem with legion is there is no give and take there is only a take. what makes legion so annoying for survivor is that they need to mend over and over again and i understand that but for legion to be how they are you need the mending.

    legions core is the speed and the hit and run to dmg as many survivor as possible. you cant take his mend away cause its needed to make his playstyle possible or the survivor would just keep doing gens. you need some kind of side objective for the survivor to do that keeps them of gens. its absolutly possible to change mending into anything else that takes time but would that make legion any less annoying?

    so if you want to take the annoying from legion you take legion as a whole from the ligon players. legion is fairly weak if the sruvivor know what they do and since legion is kinda annoying and disliked to face they wont get any better so its not a super common killer

  • Applicant Posts: 137

    Aside from the mending it's awful they can just speed vault windows, pallets etc. Only line of defense survivors have and there are legions who abuse this mechanic to tunnel survivors. Happened to me twice, today. Even with sprint burst one match and lots of running, vaulting that Frenzy lasted a long, long time. Idk how but it did. And they weren't tagging, they were using it to tunnel.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    But you know legion can't down you in frenzy except when they can chain all hits and thats a survivor problem and when they vault a window and candle frenzy they get slowed heavy so you should get enough distance so the frenzy vault was worthless

  • Applicant Posts: 137

    Frenzy shouldn't last that long though. Maybe there should be a longer cooldown. I don't think they should vault faster than survivors, either. At least with Plague all you have to deal with is broken status and basic chase speed. With Legion it's a one hit down and he can outrun you.

  • Member Posts: 1,719
    edited March 2024

    Things I think are OP? Alrighty...

    Iri Head needs no introduction. Just rework the thing entirely. Let them ricochet once or something. It'll be dumb, but at least it'll be fun.

    Pinky FInger - REWORK THE ADD-ON! Please! Stop with this Insta-down craze! Here, anyone who's Invigorated gets a 30% action speed boost (vaulting, breaking, etc.) for the duration.

    Buckle Up - The healer should not be protected with Endurance. Or shouldn't work with FtP. Or both.

    It did have a longer cooldown. People (survs and killers) collectively hated it and said it was too much. They also don't vault faster than survivors; 0.9 seconds vs 0.5 seconds. And what are you talking about? Legion gets a hit on you, then fatigues, and then has to chase normally, just like Plague. Only exception is if they chained 4 hits, meaning the entire team screwed up.

  • Applicant Posts: 137

    During Feral Frenzy, they do. Point is, they can abuse Feral Frenzy to go after an unhooked survivor and even with the short fatigue, they're able to force you into chase again even with Sprint Burst. And they still move pretty fast out of Frenzy. It just doesn't help that they catch up to you especially if it's a bad map with too many deadzones.

  • Member Posts: 123

    Things that should be nerfed? All of the killers that lack any reasonable counterplay or who’s counterplay is very weak, such as Nurse, Spirit, Artist, Skull merchant, Wraith, and Xenomorph.

    Aside from killers, some things should be in place to alleviate tunneling as it is such an issue right now. Like making survivors not leave blood pools or scratch marks for 10 seconds when unhooked to help reset that’d be a balanced change can’t really abuse untrackability.

  • Member Posts: 1,437

    They should bring back lightburn and make that it applies for the problematic killers and those who already had it.

  • Member Posts: 822

    lightburn imo is somewhat welcomed to return except for wraith since he’s the only m1 killer who was harmed the most by it

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 2024

    Wraith also needs it back, there is 0 counterplay against him. He just starts uncloak in front of pallets cancels it and you are forced to drop it instant, otherwise he just hits you because of the speed boost.

    All wraiths I played against did always tunnel and his super speed makes it impossible to do anything against it.

  • Member Posts: 822

    pyramid head also does that on loops

    it’s called “M2 faking” and it’s just basic mind games you have to play around

    and bringing back light burn on wraith isn’t gonna stop him from tunneling

    But it should be back for nurse and spirit

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2024

    Map sizes. Most maps should be Coal Tower size.

    Strength of loops once the pallet is thrown. Way too many loops are forced pallet breaks rather than being reasonably mind game able.

    Background Player. Unhealthy design. It removes most the killers counter play in avoiding blinds bar getting lucky and near a wall.

    Distortion. Too easy to get tokens. Should provide some aura protection, not permanent all aura immunity all game. Reduce token generation rate.

    Nurse. I’d reduce her post blink lunge range. She should be required to have better accuracy, it’s currently too forgiving.

    Exhaustion perks in general, bar a few exceptions. Or simply provide “actual” counter play. You can generally guarantee every single survivor will be running one and it’s still not worth running anti exhaustion perks because they’re all trash. Buff them or weaken Exhaustions. Currently there’s zero reason you would ever not run an exhaustion perk if you want to win. They’re just always good, no downside generally speaking. That’s bad design.

  • Member Posts: 1,437

    Pyramide head does not force you to drop pallets and his m2 is completely dodgeable.

    Then faking his m2 and doing an m1 does not give him a speed boost, which makes pyramid heads not incredibly unfair.

    I wouldn’t calling his uncloaks mindgames, there is nothing survivors can do besides dropping the pallet at loops („mindgame“). Then he breaks them incredibly fast and catches up instant and repeats that at the next loop until there is nothing left.

    Bringing back light burn on those killers and wraith would give at least some counterplay even when you need a flashlight for it. Will it stop tunneling no, but it could give you some chances.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    No. Because then survivors can still always outclass any map offering the killer could use if you put all at 25%. Offerings should only be usable once per realm per match.

  • Member Posts: 979

    Revert the Huntress changes.

  • Member Posts: 196

    adre, wOO, noed, distortion, sprint and lithe

    they are crutch perks and it makes people win the game they are not supposed to win.

  • Member Posts: 196

    legion is C- tier killer and their power is hot garbage, its literally m1 killer with regular speed but they can only injure fast. playing against legion is incredibly easy and if you struggle, then yeah, you have a problem.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    Hot take, but Dead Man's Switch.

    Pain Res and DMS isn't necessarily OP, but then it circles back to scream perks where the generator is forcibly blocked. The perk feels like unhealthy design, especially when you're queued up up with teammates that don't know how to counter Grim Embrace + DMS, and is ridiculous on Artist because her power forces people off of generators from infinite range. It's a perk that was originally balanced around hooking the obsession, and removing such limitation lead to some ridiculous perk combos.

    The way I'd change it is to bring it back to its Obsession roots and buff it back to 45 seconds. My proposed addition is to make it a token-based perk. After hooking someone that isn't the obsession gain a token, and for the duration the survivor is hooked, the obsession is given the Oblivious status effect while they are doing a Conspicuous Action and lingers for 5 seconds after cancelling their action. After hooking the obsession, , if there is a token available, it is consumed and for the duration that the survivor is hooked, generators are blocked for 1 minute if survivors let go of them. The perk has a 150 second cooldown between generator blocks to prevent people from taking advantage of it by tunneling.

    Basically, the old DMS but with bonuses.

  • Applicant Posts: 137

    I can literally handle Knight, Skull Merchant, Myers, Ghostface, Spirit, Plague etc. easier than Legion. Yet others have more problems with Knight than Legion. For me he's a killer that's ridiculously difficult same with Wraith. Sometimes I win against them but it's a pain and annoying.

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    Spirit? You... could never burn a Spirit. You mean burning away her husk? Pretty situational, not to mention has a high chance of getting you killed since Spirit will hear the clicking. If you mean burning her out of her power, that... was never a thing, unless you mean blinding her out of it (which is still a thing).

  • Member Posts: 822

    Wasn’t that also removed when the devs removed the lightburn mechanic entirely?

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    Blinding her out her power? No, still a thing. If she's blind, her power doesn't work. Ditto for Legion and even Wesker.

  • Member Posts: 755

    Then killer can have a increase chance to 50% instead, it would take alot of commitment in throwing extra map offerings on the survivor end to counter it. Plus, it would be more incentives to used the Anti map offering by the survivor to counter it.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    Still the same problem.

    "A lot of effort" is just called a 4man swf or a lobby where all can chat. It's not that hard.

    Therefore, no stacking. And the Sacrificial Ward should bounce if there are no map offerings as well. (same goes for map offerings if there is a ward)

    In addition a Ward should also prevent any map from the offering(s) to be selected randomly. There is nothing worse than countering Eyrie of Crows with a Ward only to have it pop up randomly.....

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    Same I could say for UW, Pop, PR, GE, NWO...

    Distortion is complicated. It hides that specific person, but by doing so the killer will naturally choose people they can see. And that are usually people who have already been hooked, resulting in early dead teammates because one (or 2) survivors just sit there with 0 hooks.

  • Member Posts: 755

    I agreed, with the fact that using a Ward to prevent a certain map offering to come into play, yet by some stupid random fat chance you end getting the very map the offering was trying to send you. It these kind of moment, the game literally hates you and it make you rage more.

    And if you do not like that proposal, how about Rework map offerings to simply Reverse your chance in going there.... You hate the eyes of crow map, used the map offering and it would be removed from the map pool.

    Or better yet, just scrap map offerings all together and the wards.

  • Member Posts: 1,963

    Honestly, bringing it back, (especially for Nurse ) would be great.

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