Make Hag 4,6 already

I can say for sure: no buffs helped her at all. She will still be 100% the rarest killer in the game. Yes, it's not so easy to bully her with traps now, but the rest of the gameplay has remained literally the same.
Hag my least favourite killer in the game, but i keep giving her chances from time to time. And every time i have the same question in my head: why i keep trying, if she is THAT awful. Yeah, i know what some of you can answer, like "her strange is not in chase", "she plays differently", but i don't feel like it's true.
The only way to play this killer is control small area with 3 gen and hope for the best. And with anti-3 gen mechanic It became significantly harder. So devs says that you can't hold gens/territory anymore. But what the hell should i do with Hag? So i should place my 10 traps across whole map, keep them fresh after every disarm or use, hope these 10 traps will be in right plays, so i won't be just 4,4 killer without power. How should i pressure 4 survivors on gens across whole map without anything? It's just sound anecdotal and impossible even on a paper.
Hag is extremely outdated killer imo and even make her 4,6 won't be enough, i think. BHVR, please open a twitch and watch how every third DBD streamer has "Hag only for 500 subs" in description. Then open your own stats and watch on least popular killers. Maybe there is a reason for that besides "she doesn't put traps fast enough"?
Also i know mains of every killer, EXCEPT HAG. 6 years of watching DBD content and i didn't see anyyyyyy. Isn't it some indicator? (Btw, tell me if you know some Hag main)
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Honestly, that buff has its merits and demerits, and Hag's downfall in the first place was because the traps could now be erased by the survivor at will, so unless something is done to change that, she will remain the same as she was before.
And by the uninformed, Hag has been made into a poster child for camping and tunnel loving killers. As long as these beginners make up the majority of the playing population, it is best not to expect significant buffs from dev.
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Imagine being updated killer and remain most unpopular choice still, lol. (if we keep in mind Twins were disabled)
I don't think removing traps is a reason for this.
And i even agree to remove ability to trap hook in 10 meters if she will get some serious buffs on other hand.
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There is a big difference between not being able to erase it without activating a trap and being able to erase it without activating it, and what's more, she won't be notified. This changed her rating from Low Value to No Value.
Survivors feel less pressure from rescue operations and sometimes stalk hugs.
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Would just encourage zoning even more with her power.
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Why is she 110% anyways? I never understood that. For huntress and spirit it made sense but for hag? Why
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she is already strong killer. i dont remember winning against any good hag with their insane trap placement. she is rarely picked because she is boring to play/against. she doesnt need any buffs.
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My idea:
Make it so she can't camp hooks.
And make her 4.6 m/s
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People have the 500 sub thing for hag because they hate playing her, not because she is weak... Many people also have that for skull merchant, despite that killer not being weak, they just don't like the playstyle the killer supports, which is fair. I never particularly like playing her or playing against her, but she used to be super easy to win with when I started playing the game, you could even run her perkless, just because nobody had a clue what do do against her, but when you do the same as with trapper, dedicate one person to disarm traps, she is somewhat alright to deal with. It is just that every Hag you will encounter just plays the same boring playstyle as basement trapped.
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Just bring back lightburn instead.
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I'm didn't say people don't play her because she is weak. So many players hate playing her for a reason. SM has some fans, mains, enjoyers, Hag just doesn't exist at this point.
As i said above, with 4,6 and some another buff, i agree. With 50% of her strength in camping (what doesn't work against swf and good players anyway), it won't be enough.
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I hate when playing her that I have to set up traps all game and then they just get swiped away :(
I actually think she is pretty strong, but I don‘t like placing traps. Bringing back lightburn instead of the swiping of traps would make her better I think. I also don‘t think she needs 4,6m/s, but it would be interesting if they test 4,5m/s.
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Flashlight interaction was one of the stupidest things in the game. Hey, killer, i bring flashlight, so your power doesn't exist anymore.
Nah, never.
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Disagree, it added some depth to the game and it gave some counterplay against killers, where you had none. In hags case it was better to have lightburn than a basekit counterplay.
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I think Otzdarva likes Hag actually, don't know often he plays her, but as far as I know he put her up on his tierlist of "like to play as". Then we have Supaalf I think it was(?) who did a chase Hag win streak with the movementspeed addon. And then is this German Hag main Michi I think, no clue if he still plays though.
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People can also just trigger thr traps on the edge, fulfills the same purpose only faster... It is not like this action that was introduced hurts Hag that much.
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Oh, yeah, of course, depth. You know what added depth in the game? Old Eruption. I'm sure you liked it a lot only because it added depth to the game. Who care how broken it is, if it added mythical "depth". Like should someone complain about not able to do anything within 25 seconds because killer bring perk? Of course no, it added depth. Should someone complain about not able to use his power because someone can deny it by clicking on it with flashlight? Of course no, it added depth. Strong argument, you make me change my mind.
(But Nurse interaction should have stayed, no jokes)
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I watch Otz a lot, but didn't see he played her often. Only after patch.
Supaalf yeah, i watch him as well, but it's chase Hag, and it's different killer tbf.
I don't know Michi, i will check him! Thanks a lot!
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Let's say it had the potential for depth, but not in the way it was introduced back then. Because in Hags case you really only had to use the flashlight for fractions of a second to remove the trap and perform well in that sense, whereas against Nurse for example you needed to be good with the flashlight to achieve something... I have nothing against killer specific items, but they should be done well and offer some learning experience so you need to learn how to use it properly, like flashlights against Nurse, and not just be a button to disable a killers power.
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Yeah, like i said, Nurse flashlight interaction was only fair thing. Because it take a lot of skill and there is no real counterplay to good Nurse. But there were no excuses for every other interaction. Artist was nightmare to play against flashlight. I definitely wouldn't be playing for her now if it stayed. Wraith was nightmare to play against flashlight. And Hag against swf was just funny circus for them.
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You don‘t need to attack me!
Then you also agree with me that lightborn shouldn’t give immunity to blinds, otherwise your whole point makes no sense, because it‘s the exact same.
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Of course, 100%! Like deny whole killer power is same importance thing as you can't blind killer. If killer can't use his power, it's not that big deal, he still can m1 you, but if survivor can't blind killer, it's insta lose. Like you can't do gens without blinds, can't loop without it, without this interaction survivors are useless.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
I just mean it‘s less likely that someone has a flashlight than someone wipping the traps off.
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Yeah, already mentioned above, but thank you anyway!
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As a frequent hag (I'd say probably my 2nd main), please no. She is already in a really, really good place, especially after the buffs. Her killrate sits almost perfectly at bhvr's goal killrate. If it isn't for you it isn't for you (or anyone else), but it is for me and other hag enjoyers and that's okay. In general I'd rather they not 4.6ify all the killers at all tbf, it is a huge balancing task, comes at the cost of the m2 strength, and homogenisation like that just kills identity.
Also, frankly with the way I play Hag, I have never triggered the 3 gen mechanic despite playing an area (I do whilst playing other killers and playing the entire map though, but that's a tangent rant not related to Hag).
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What if they won't touch m2 strength and will make her 4,6?
Btw, i watch right now Hag main which was mentioned above and here what he said:
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and then she'd have less counterplay and end up with a higher than intended killrate.
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Good players will probably still just trigger the traps, because wiping aways takes quite some time...
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I agree. hag should be 4.6. For some reason, dev are stubborn to do that and have this Mint rag & Waterlogged shoe add-on separate.
Hag did not need her traps to become smaller. I don't like my traps being smaller because it makes your web less prone to getting trigged. what hag needed is hindered effect from Waterlogged shoe to be base-kit and have lingering duration of 2 seconds. that way, if a trap is triggered on the side, hindered effect would still allow hag to tp to trap then m1.
the previous 4.6 m/s for waterlogged shoe should be base-kit. The add-on would improve hindered from -8% to 15% and increase m/s by 3% but remove ability to TP.
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The traps being smaller is an amazing buff and has helped with her biggest weakness (harrasers and bait triggers). Sure it is double edged and you'll have to place the traps better now, but it is so, so nice for landing hits against survivors who know the trap is there. Maybe they could've had one of the reversed addons stay as an increased trigger size for the people who prefer a larger trigger range.
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And what's the problem? better higher than lower, in a horror game after all.
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Less counterplay means less interaction and depth to the gameplay, which is in general not something you would want.
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hag is already a extremly toxic killer with how much camping power she has and she has been buffed recently and now she is even worse to face so please stop asking for things making her stronger.