PC - Deathslinger's Lacerated (Deep Rift) torso piece uses the wrong leg textures with visible seams

Atomicrow Member Posts: 15

Step 1 : Boot the game

Step 2 : Select the Deathslinger in the store (for ease of viewing)

Step 3 : In the store, select the Deathslinger's Lacerated (Deep Rift) torso piece

Step 4 : Notice the left leg uses a completely different brighter texture than the non-deep rift piece, with visible seams

This bug occurs on any graphics setting, however screenshots were taken on Low settings as the brighter lighting made the texture easier to see.

Attached are comparison screenshots of the Lacerated and Lacerated (Deep Rift) torso pieces, as well as red lines marking the visible seams on the Deep Rift torso.

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Acknowledged · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue! It has been forwarded to our team for review.