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My survivor is literally invincible to damage from the killer

frankid0u Member Posts: 1
edited March 30 in Bug Reporting

Hey I noticed that in two of my games I had a bug that caused my survivor to be invincible to any damage from the killer throughout the game.

even when I was healing another survivor he couldn't catch me so I'm reporting this bug.

This happened randomly at first I thought it was a simple bug that was going to be fixed but when I played my second game I said to myself who would be better off reporting it because it is very disadvantageous towards the killers

Post edited by EQWashu on
1 votes

Duplicate · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this. Please upvote, or add any additional information, to the initial report here: https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/408572/invincibility-bug#latest

This discussion has been closed.