Proposal to BHVR to think about a new system that solves several problems

fussy Member Posts: 1,164

Hi, devs and readers. I'll start right away: we all know that "DBD killers" comes out almost every six months and everyone ends up the same way. But there was a game that, in my opinion, could really compete with DBD - Gold Express. Unfortunately, its development has stopped, but I believe that there was a lot of good in it that DBD can adopt. At least this post is partially inspired by this game.

So this game had a very nice and useful for the game's health feature: usefulness progress bar.

So idea behind that: if you are doing nothing useful for your team for a long time, this scale will fill up and your aura will be revealed to killer. It took a really long time to be useless for this to work.

So my suggestion is make a similiar system in DBD, but also make MMR work based on this system.

For example (don't take numbers too serious, it's just raw example):

  • To fill up... let's call it Utility Rating System (URS)... need 1000 points. Every 10 seconds of game it fill up with 100 points, so if survivor will do nothing for 1min 40sec, URS will fill up.
  • Every useful action will deplete this bar. -20 points every second of gen repair, -15 points per second for every healing action, -12 points per seconds for cleansing/blessing totem. -300 points for pallet/flashlight save. Yes, there are a lot of perks we need to keep in mind, but i don't see a problem to put work here.
  • I think there should be some multiplier for how long you are in chase. You start with -15 points per second and it adds additional -1 point for every 10 seconds in chase. Obviously, it stops on hook or in dying state.

What problems i believe it will solve:

  • MMR can be based on this system and i believe it's the healthiest way for its work. Because this system don't give f about did you escape or not, but about how useful you were for the team during the match. "You did your best, got 2 full gens done, took a long chase with killer and help other teammates? Don't worry, buddy, i see this." In the end of match URM summarizes all points and survivor with the most points goes up in MMR and survivor with lowest goes down.
  • I think it will help lower and average level of survivors. Why? Because URS will push survivors to complete their tasks, which is what new survivors are bad at and what makes them lose most matches. Remember bush Claud in your matches? Well, yeah, she is afraid of killer. But if she continues to be so useless, she will not be able to avoid meeting with killer. Because he will see her aura soon. Don't you want to progress the game? Then become a bait for killer, buy team time at least this way.
  • It will solve hold game hostage from survivor side. I'm sure everyone had a match, where 2 last survivors don't want to progress the game, because it obviously lost, but both want hatch. So killer wastes 10-20-30 or even 40 minutes (my maximum is ~30 min) and trying to find one survivor to end the game. With URS it will be impossible.

I'm pretty sure there is a lot of "but what about", but I don't want to create word file to answer on all of these. But i believe there are no major issues with this proposal. Will be glad to read your thoughts. Hope devs at least will consider this.


  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,164

    Unfortunately post got lost quickly, but I would like to read opinions.