A Freddy rework that would be thematic while still having counter play for survivors.

I had this idea floating around for a while, as an old Freddy main who has stopped playing him as much, I really miss how unique he used to feel. Nowadays Freddy is quite mediocre, having basically no power for the first minute of the game until he finds and hits a survivor. This rework aims to address this, by giving him a power he can use to prepare his chases later on, and to make him more thematic.
So what is the buff to Freddy? Basically letting Freddy do this:
The Nightmare can now instantly teleport to nearby snares he places around the map.
- While holding the power button, press the secondary ability button to teleport to a snare you are facing within 16 metres.
- The Nightmare can only teleport to a snare trap after it has been active for 10 seconds .After the Nightmare has teleported to a snare trap, that trap will go on cooldown and become inactive for 30 seconds. During this period, the Trap cannot be seen or interact with survivors, and the Nightmare will be unable to replace the trap.
- Snare traps no longer disappear when triggered by survivors.
That is the first major change, allowing him the ability to cut off survivors at will if he has planned his traps properly. Now for counterplay for survivors.
- Survivors that are asleep can now interact and remove the snare trap without creating a noise notification, after a channel time of x seconds. Doing so will make the snare inactive for 60 seconds.
- The Nightmare cannot teleport to a snare that is within 16 metres of a survivor that is protected from the dream status effect from waking up with a clock.
And lastly, just a couple changes to his dream projection.
- If the Nightmare dream projects to a generator, this sets all snare traps within 16 metres on cooldown.
- Dream projection now no longer has a global audio queue.
…and that is my buff to Freddy. Now I was actually planning on this concept before the Unknown released, but there are still key differences. First of all, there is a distance limit, so if Freddy wants to teleport to a gen across the map, he will still need to use dream projection to do so, with the same warning he currently gives survivors.
In addition, he cannot zone survivors effectively using this, as he cannot teleport to a trap he has just placed, as it must be active for 10 seconds first. This promotes setting the trap up ahead of time, which he can do much faster than Hag. Meanwhile, survivors outside of a chase can disable the snares for 60 seconds. This might sound unfair, but remember that currently in the live game the trap will dissappear completely, forcing Freddy to set it up again.
If you made it this far through this essay I have written, I do appreciate it. I was a Freddy main back when he released in 2017. I stuck with him for many years, and while I don't play him much anymore I would do anything to see him become revived and given love by Bhvr.
Thanks for reading.