Feedback on the feedback survey

Just a few questions and things that puzzled me about the survey that I thought I'd share. I'm not sure if the feedback from the survey does anything because I haven't seen anything come of it, not even the results of it which would be interesting.
13. The people I play with sometimes…
What is the point of this question? You get all sorts of people on DBD. Especially the way I play on killer where I 8 hook and let everyone go if there are 2 gens or less remaining. Even if they fail, I let the person who I think did the most work get hatch. I've come to learn that playing to win in this game is utterly pointless and no fun for a lot of people. Generally speaking people are very positive to me or at the very least silent.
On solo survivor however you get real jerks on both side and I try give the benefit of the doubt. Whether it’s tomes, not knowing any better (because the game lacks a real tutorial) or any number of excuses but some survivors I come across go beyond rational explanation. Tunnelling being the optimum strategy doesn’t help matters as far as the killer is concerned.
Simply put I hit agree on everything because that’s true. Everyone I play with sometimes does one of those things listed. If it meant 'in general' or on average, sure that's different but again that's strongly based on whether I'm playing killer or survivor. Things are naturally worse when I'm on solo survivor.
In general there's a lot of good in this community but there's a lot of toxicity too and ironically I think certain mechanics in the game encourage toxicity way more then needed. In my opinion the devs could take more action to reduce toxicity. You can't change people but you can change the rules of the game.
I also would like the devs to play some solo survivor a bit, anonymously and record their games in full without cherry picking. I won't pick on you for being bad (and neither should anyone else) but some of the things stated lack awareness of obvious issues.
21. What chance is there for synergy with other killer perks?
For Undone this is pretty questionable because the potential for synergy is there but it is just a really terrible perk for what it is trying to do, even on skill check Doctor you have better options. So does that have synergy or not? Because you don’t want to use the perk but the potential is still there if it were better?
61. To improve matchmaking wait time, after how long in queue should survivor bots fill regular trials?
I think this should only be if the killer opts in and any survivors who would be put into such a game opt into it as well. However I wasn’t given a chance to say this, I had to state a number.
Other questions.
I also wonder if there's a point to putting anything in the 'is there anything you want to say box' at the end. Some of the questions asked are very loaded as if you've already come to the conclusion you are going with while ignoring other possibilities.
For custom games for example, there was no talk of putting killer bots into the game. Without friends how can you practice anything survivor related without killer bots? They don't have to be amazing, ideally they shouldn't cheat (like survivor bots do) but still should be relatively competent at playing m1.
On the issue of bots, there's more to say but probably better suited to its own thread.