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Frequent Disconnection Issue Upon Eliminating Three Survivors as Killer in Dead by Daylight

Frequent Disconnection Issue Upon Eliminating Three Survivors as Killer in Dead by Daylight: Request for Bug Resolution and Compensation
Issue Description:As a killer in "Dead by Daylight," I consistently face disconnections after eliminating three out of four survivors in a match. This issue leads to not being awarded any blood points, which is crucial for game progression. This problem seems exclusive to the killer role, as I do not encounter such issues when playing as a survivor.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Enter a "Dead by Daylight" match as the killer.
- Successfully eliminate three out of the four survivors.
- Experience an involuntary disconnection from the match.
- Observe that no blood points are awarded for the match due to the disconnect.
Expected Behavior:The game should award blood points for every eliminated survivor, regardless of match completion or disconnections. The killer should not be disconnected from the match after eliminating three survivors.
Frequency of Occurrence:This disconnection issue occurs consistently under the conditions described, leading to frequent game interruptions and unwarranted time penalties, now up to four minutes.
Impact on Gameplay:The issue severely affects the gameplay experience and progression as a killer, discouraging from playing the killer role due to unfair penalties and loss of rewards.
Request:I request a resolution to the disconnection bug and compensation for the lost blood points in matches where this issue occurred. Additionally, the time penalties incurred due to these disconnections should be reassessed and removed, considering they result from a recurring game bug.