Survivor's marked by Ghostface question

Just wanted a quick verification.
After fully marking a survivor without being revealed, that marked survivor will not be able to reveal Ghostface, and only that survivor will hear and see his terror radius and red stain?
Which would make something like Olsen's Journal addon make sense (marked survivor's are oblivious)
The other 3 survivors that are not fully marked can reveal Ghostface and are undetectable for them?
Best Answer
Ghostface remains undetectable after marking a survivor, and the marked survivor still won't be able to hear his terror radius or see his red stain. If another survivor reveals Ghostface (or if he gets stunned or misses an attack), then he will lose his undetectable status and all survivors (including the marked survivor) will then be able to hear his terror radius and see his red stain.
Olsen's Journal is fairly redundant in a lot of cases since Ghostface will still be undetectable a lot of the time, and ideally in most cases you don't want to mark a survivor if you can't end up downing them quickly. But if you do mark someone and end up not downing them, then this addon can force them to play a bit more cautious for a little while.