Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Why doesn’t Wesker have a lullaby?

Member Posts: 754
edited April 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

since the new unknown perk, I have encountered the nearly perma no TR Wesker a few times.. and it begs the question… why some killers have a lullaby and others don’t. Like insta down killers like Billy vs Sadako?

Genuine question, I’m curious what the threshold a killer gets a lullaby?

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 3,380

    Facts. I agree. I wouldn’t mind Sadakos lullaby if it wasn’t directional. It was also nice when survivors didn’t all use the VTR too.

    I wish it was more map wide so people wouldn’t know where she was exactly.

    You make some interesting points though. I wish I had more to add but I don’t at this time my little yoichi friend :p

    See ya in the 📺

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I'd make a trade where Wesker gets a lullaby if we remove Huntress'

    Huntress annoying noises is noise pollution to me, doubly so with Baba Yaga. I can't stand that skin

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    Agreed. Unforeseen is an overtuned perk IMO. Feels like a perk that screws over solo queue players more than anything. Especially strong on Insta-down killers

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    I'd say that's not really a Wesker issue.

    As for why some killers have them, I'd argue the biggest reason is thematic. Huntress introduced the concept, and her marketing was themed around the lullaby. I believe the devs even hinted at it being a lullaby to soothe the Entity itself.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Yeah. I thought it was fine on the PTB but I think that’s because during the PTB I was expecting to see it most matches so I looked out for it more. Now that it's on live servers and not as predictable I think it's a little overtuned, but it can probably be fixed with just number changes.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    only 4 killers have a lulabye

    huntress because she is a ranged killer

    trickster because its funny

    onion because otherwise she would just be bootleg wraith

    freddy because he can have stealth but not too much

    it would have to be a mostly universal change / stealth nerf to give killers lulaybes just because they use stealth perks and addons. it would be kind of silly to make it just for wesker for a mid tier perk

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    Huntress could just as easily have received a terror radius that has a lullaby sound. the lullaby is nerf to ban usage of terror radius perks on said killer.

  • Member Posts: 253

    Lullabies are only implemented very intentionally, or on Sadako. This begins with the idea the Huntress, being capable of hitting you from any range—even across the entire map—if she's good enough, should probably give you some more warning than the other killers in the game at the time. Trickster got one because he is bootleg Huntress.

    Freddy's is largely thematic but prevents him from being a full-fledged stealth killer in his current Jack of All Trades, Master of None design. It's better than the developing TR, but is still something of a warning. Onryo also has one for presumably the same reason.

    Wesker, on the other hand, has an extended Terror Radius. It seems like it was an incredibly intentional choice to give him this instead of some form of lullaby, and it is actually likely for the sake of promoting perk variety without allowing this fairly mobile and lethal killer from simply rocking up while you're inflicted with Uroburos and killing you before you can react at 92% movement speed or whatever the actual value is. Removing a killer's entire ability to use stealth-based perks is something that shouldn't be done lightly (even though they have done that lightly twice)—This is why they increased Slinger's TR instead of adding a whistle radius or something, because he is supposed to have the ability to be a more stealthy ranged killer.

    Wesker's issue isn't being stealthy, and Unforeseen is probably just a bit overtuned. They probably oughta up Blight's TR, though.

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    You forgot Demogorgon, his STOMPY STOMPY is worse than a lullaby and makes stealth perks/addons useless. "Oh no, I don't hear him scream but the ground is shaking and it's coming from behind that wall. I wonder where Demo could be?"

  • Member Posts: 820

    Don't forget Dredges directional phasing and the fact he gets highlighted bright white when Nightfall happens

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    It's not like not having terror radius is actually strong anyway, I think, so probably fine as is

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    well if we go that in depth

    pig roar

    wraith bings and bongs and whooshing

    dredges whooshing

    trappers breathing

    hags gargling

    nemesis stomping

    knights stomping

    chuckys laughing

    most killers whether stealthy or not have loud sounds that drastically impact stealth with perks, weirdly enough all stealth killers and killers with secondary stealth abilities in their power (except skull merchant because shes special) all have some kind of tell to their stealth or drawback like an uncloak or stand up or roar or cooldown or what have you. Most of them being sound based

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    But none of those are nearly as egregious and many are situational not constant.

  • Member Posts: 512

    Freddie's Lullaby is a by-product when he originally had pure invisiblity, with next to no ability to tell his position except if you see grass moving or hear his footsteps. If you were awake, you did not hear the terror radius, so the lullaby was the only warning he was nearby and that he could maybe see you. Funnily enough, with Monitor and Abuse with wallhacks he was basically a stealth killer anyway, and could reduce his TR to 8 metres with Paint brush.

    They kept the lullaby when his rework came in, where being asleep made you oblivious. Oblivious was stronger on Freddy originally, back when deep wounds depended on if you were in the terror radius rather than if you were sprinting.

    I don't want them to get rid of the lullaby, because it is one of the few remaining parts of him that still feel thematic. But for some reason Freddy rarely gets changed, which I assume is because New Line are very stingy about making any changes to licensed characters.

  • Member Posts: 820
    edited April 2024

    The devs have actually said they have full control over power and balance decisions because of the nature of DBD as an evolving game, it's why Demo was able to get changes even when he was unavailable.

    It's a good thing they do too, because if a licensed killer was OP and the devs weren't given permission to change it, the game would basically be screwed.

    Technically speaking, the devs can change Freddy anytime they want, he just hasn't been on the priority list for some reason.

  • Member Posts: 512

    Yeah, but right now they are stuck into making sure any adjustments to Freddy revolve around either his snares or fake pallets. They couldn't implement anything like fake generators, fake walls or fake windows. He is supposed to be a dream master but barely feels like it, no wonder survivors say they don't bother waking up.

    Honestly, I wish that Freddy had the teleporting power that the Unknown has, literally his most iconic parts of him is being nearly omnipresent in the dream world.

  • Member Posts: 820

    Very true, it would be cool if he was more of a map manipulation killer with a good tp, instead of just ole Sharp Hand Joe.

  • Member Posts: 253

    I dunno, Demo got some numbers changes even after that chapter got delisted. I think BHVR just doesn't care about Freddy that much, feels like he's here because he's always been at this point, not because BHVR wants him to be

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    Unique terror radii would not be an established thing until Demo. I also don’t see why Huntress would be handicapped in such a way when other killers are way more threatening without a TR. Bubba, for example.

    The only reason I can think of is maybe Iri Heads, but it seems weird to me that they’d design add-ons before her power was finalised.

  • Member Posts: 1,206

    Everything is strong versus no good bad solo queue. That doesn't mean everything should be gutted. Most maps have clear LoS. Personally I prefer a stealth perk over a slowdown.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    pig roar (not constant)

    wraith bings and bongs and whooshing (not constant but pretty egregious)

    dredges whooshing (egregious and constant)

    trappers breathing (egregious and constant to the point of easy tracking in loops)

    hags gargling (egregious and constant to the point of easy tracking in loops)

    nemesis stomping (egregious and constant)

    knights stomping (egregious and constant)

    chuckys laughing (only when using the stealth power to counteract the fact he is stealthy so in terms of situational its the exact opposite of when you would want it)

    Some of them are worse

  • Member Posts: 359

    lullabys are for ranged killers (we dont talk about sadako)

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    I wouldn't say it's the only good stealth perk, Trail of Torment is pretty good now too after the buff.

    I'll agree some of the other stealth perks are a little lackluster though (and Beast of Prey is just garbage).

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    Trail of torment literally tells the survivor the killer has gotten stealth so that they can keep an eye out for them, defeating the purpose of a stealth attack, on top of that it literally shows where the killer activated the perk so you also have an idea were the killer will approach from.

    If you get surprised by ToT either the killer has mindbreaker or you might wanna make an appointment with your eye doctor.

  • Member Posts: 1,400
    edited April 2024

    it is the only stealth perk in the game that gives no general indication on any of its activations. Plaything gives you oblivious, nemesis gives you oblivious, trail of torment highlights the gen, tinkerer gives no indication for the first time but it’s the survivors who activate it and know when a gen gets to 70 the next time they will be undetectable, hysteria gives oblivious, and dark devotion gives no indication for first proc but you know it activates after if you see the obsession get hit.

    What does Unforeseen tell you as a solo player that’s outside the immediate gen terror radius? Absolutely nothing. An overtuned perk that hurts solo queue players more than anyone else in a game where solo queue is already at the biggest disadvantage. They ran out of ideas for stealth perks and just power crept Dark Devotion and Trail of Torment, plus the cooldown is far too short without a way to get rid of it like Trail of Torment. Overtuned.

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