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Please do something about Backfilling

Seraphor Member Posts: 8,856

Backfilling is what happens when someone dodges a lobby. The system pulls in the next viable player in the queue, bypassing any matchmaking parameters to focus on the quickest turnaround. This obviously leads to terrible match ups, particularly as it tends to be the killer dodging the lobbies they don't like the look of.

Ultimately the problem here is lobby dodging, but backfilling is DBD's response to lobby dodging, and it's not good enough.

For this reason, I will not dodge lobbies as killer… except for when it's obvious that I've been backfilled.

How can you tell? The nanosecond you load into the lobby, you can see that not only have all survivors already loaded in before you, but they've readied up already. When you see this, either your opponents are vastly more skilled than you, or vastly underskilled. Neither of which will be a good time.

And I have to say, I get backfilled far too often these days. It's probably more often than not. It means MMR does not get a chance to work. Even if it did work, no one would know, because backfilling is the dominant method of lobby formation. It means I end up dodging more lobbies than not, wasting my time, their time, and lobby dodging is something I really wish I didn't have to do.

Please Behaviour; apply usual matchmaking parameters to backfilled players. The lobby queue is already more than fast enough. They fill in less than 3 minutes. It will not hurt to wait another 3 minutes if a killer dodges. It's far better than settling for a missmatched killer for a 90 second queue. The time saved does not match the result. You're saving ~90 seconds to load into a one-sided game, that ultimately wastes 10-20 minutes instead.


  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,129

    Matchmaking doesn't work at all though. Soft cap is way too low and hard to drop below + queue times will always be #1.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,288

    I know of one definite way to end lobby shopping & dodging completely, and that's get rid of lobbies altogether. I realize this limits the info the killer gets and consider changes to their builds, but the other problems it would solve may be worth it.

    Gone would be prestige bias, gone would be sifting through profiles, gone would be last-second survs swapping nonsense, and gone would be backfilling.