Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

What is Your Favorite Non-Meta Killer Build?


To reiterate the question, what build for any killer do you have the most fun running? (Emphasis on fun)

I'm getting bored of running the same old meta perks like PainRes, Pop, Deadlock.

I'm also getting bored of trying to focus my build entirely on securing a 4k every match. Lately, I find getting 1 or 2 kills while using a fun anti-meta build to be rewarding, and more fun.

For an example of what I'm talking about, I recently ran a build for Alien that only net me 0 - 2 kills a match, but the matches were fun and funny.

I used: Bamboozle, Spirit Fury, Enduring and Brutal Strength, with the Addons, Acidic Blood and Self-Destruct Bolt.

Basically walking through every pallet and window with no care in the world. It was funny, because a lot the survivors expect me to respect pallet so they don't throw it, allowing me to get a free auto. Eventually people catch on and start pre throwing pallets, but it's still worth it imo for little moments like that. Plus, the acidic blood & spirit fury/enduring combo is super satisfying.

Anyone got fun and interesting builds that don't focus on winning all the time like that??? :)))

Best Answer

  • SimpleSage
    SimpleSage Member Posts: 87
    Answer ✓

    Aura Huntress and just going for snipes is my go too. Lethal, BBQ, Gear Head, Bitter Murmur, Darkness Revealed, Alien Instinct, etc. are all good choices. There's a thousand ways to build an Aura Huntress.

    Backpack builds are always funny, bonus points if you're Nemesis because he looks really goofy speed punching, or Bubba because you fling the survivor everywhere.

    Jump scare builds, Everyone knows Scratch Mirror Myers, but you can go so much farther with it. Pretend to be an illusion with Doctor or Unknown. Insidious Chucky on Toba and hide in bushes to ambush passing survivors.