Ok so I'm going to be ranking the killers from Top tier where they need no buffs but maybe some QoL changes, Mid tier where they need some moderate buffs, Bottom tier where they need some considerable buffs and Freddy tier where they are just in need of reworks.
I will be giving their skill cap/reward. Please keep in mind this is all opinion based.
Top tier:
- Nurse - Strongest killer, has the second best (joint) chasing ability, 2nd best at recovering from mistakes, has some insane map pressure and precise accuracy to get to a specific location. She is a considerable skill cap/extremely high reward killer.
- Billy - He is an unbelievable killer and insane at pressuring gens and best at recovering from his mistakes. He's also so fun. He is a low skill/high reward killer.
- Hag - She is amazing. She has the best map presence (notice how all the top tiers are best at something? HMMMMM?!) And she's got insane potential when she controls 1/2 of the map. She is a considerable skill/high reward killer. I will also mention she has the same chasing as Nurse.
- Spirit - She is so fun honestly. She has amazing map pressure, she can mindgame better then any other killer and has the best chasing ability. Honestly she's my favourite killer to play. She's a high skill/extremely high reward killer. Not as strong as Hag or Billy due to her cooldown being a little too long.
- Myers- He's only got her by an inch. But he's here. Best map pressure out of every killer in the game. With his heartbeat changing so often, he's extremely unpredictable. And he's got a dimmer red glow, at one point, I've heard that killers red glow brightness is linked to their heartbeat, so if the kiiler has a low terror radius, they'll have a dimmer red glow, and it gives him more of an opening to mindgame. That's my main reson for his mid tier status. He's strong and can (sort of) counter loops. He's one of the most fun killers and insane. He's definitely a Moderate skill/high reward killer.
Mid tier:
- Clown - One of the best chasing and extremely strong. I don't like him much but I won't deny he's strong. Moderate skill/Decent reward killer.
- Wraith (joint with Huntress) - He has everything Nurse has but he's actually got them at a much lower rate. That is some decent chasing ability, good at recovering from mistakes, decent map pressure, good at getting to a specific location and hes ok at pressuring gens. Low skill cap/Moderate reward.
- Huntress - (Joint with Wraith) @ScottJund I'll admit I was wrong when I said she was bad. She's amazing. Most players can't beat her
. She's almost top tier with a few buffs to her base and one of the few killers who don't need addons. Considerable skill/high reward.
- Pig - Good killer now, she's decent, doesn't need much addons and I don't like her much honestly. Low skill/Decent reward killer.
Bottom tier:
- Trapper - Pretty much trash at everything. - Moderate skill cap/Non existent reward.
- Doctor - Worse then Trapper. High skill cap/No reward.
- Leatherface - Trash. Low skill cap/Low reward.
Freddy tier:
- Legion - He's not bad, he's actually mid tier but he deserves a rework. He has no counterplay, takes almost no skill and annoying as hell. Low skill cap/Low reward.
- Freddy - Nothing. Moderate skill cap/No reward.
I find Doctor much harder to fight than Nurse. But that's probably because I play Stealth first and foremost.
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@Mochan said:
I find Doctor much harder to fight than Nurse. But that's probably because I play Stealth first and foremost.I find Nurse quite hard to face honestly, Doc is so easy. Just keep running. You can get double the amount of loops you would if they try shocking.
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Huntress is top tier imo. You can stop some loops with hatchets and even stop people working on gens if there is line of sight to throw hatchets.
5 -
I think Doctor is mid tier because of the stun from his shock. Yeah, it won’t work all the time, but when it does (and it can at quite a bit of pallets and windows), it’s pretty good. It works much better after the pallet has been dropped because the Survivor will have a harder time getting away (they can’t vault over anything and you’re going to be running towards them, so the Survivor has to either try to stay away from you while the stun is active or just take the hit). All he needs is just some buffs to his base shock and a small illusion buff and he’ll make it into the bottom of top tier.
Myers is way too high. Without add-ons, the best things he has are an instadown and small terror radius. The instadown can be countered by looping and hiding from him and his terror radius can be countered by looking around. It’s also really easy to deny him of evil by just standing behind an object. I would put him in the middle of mid tier.0 -
I would probably put Spirit above Hag and maybe even above Hillbilly honestly. And Doc isn't that bad in my opinion, same for Leatherface.
And what do you mean with Clown being a low skill killer? I mean he definitely doesn't take as much skill as others but perfecting his bottle throws isn't really easy as well.3 -
When fanboys think they know everything because of watching their favorite streamer play..1
@ad19970 said:
I would probably put Spirit above Hag and maybe even above Hillbilly honestly. And Doc isn't that bad in my opinion, same for Leatherface.
And what do you mean with Clown being a low skill killer? I mean he definitely doesn't take as much skill as others but perfecting his bottle throws isn't really easy as well.Did I write low? I meant moderate. Wait I'll sort that out.
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@ForeheadSurviors said:
When fanboys think they know everything because of watching their favorite streamer play..Are you referring to me?
I've played every killer on this list. I base it off of my own experiences.
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@SnakeSound222 said:
I think Doctor is mid tier because of the stun from his shock. Yeah, it won’t work all the time, but when it does (and it can at quite a bit of pallets and windows), it’s pretty good. It works much better after the pallet has been dropped because the Survivor will have a harder time getting away (they can’t vault over anything and you’re going to be running towards them, so the Survivor has to either try to stay away from you while the stun is active or just take the hit). All he needs is just some buffs to his base shock and a small illusion buff and he’ll make it into the bottom of top tier.Myers is way too high. Without add-ons, the best things he has are an instadown and small terror radius. The instadown can be countered by looping and hiding from him and his terror radius can be countered by looking around. It’s also really easy to deny him of evil by just standing behind an object. I would put him in the middle of mid tier.
Nope he'd be top of mid tier but I wanted to give him a better rating. Myers is an extremely strong killer if played correctly. I considered putting him in mid tier but he certainly has top tier.
Doc is unreliable and against a simple loop, he's quite powerless. He can just delay the game. He's really weak compared to Myers.
Myers really only has to deal with 1 or 2 loops before he instadowns but Doc gets looped so hard and most the time, nobody even drops a pallet against him.
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@PolarBear said:
Huntress is top tier imo. You can stop some loops with hatchets and even stop people working on gens if there is line of sight to throw hatchets.But at the same time... You can get looped way too much for her to be top tier. I think she's amazing but a smart survivor does well against a Huntress. I'm a potato but back when I was good at survivor, I could get a ton of loops in against her. It's all about baiting her windup.
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@Poweas said:
Nope he'd be top of mid tier but I wanted to give him a better rating. Myers is an extremely strong killer if played correctly. I considered putting him in mid tier but he certainly has top tier.
Doc is unreliable and against a simple loop, he's quite powerless. He can just delay the game. He's really weak compared to Myers.
Myers really only has to deal with 1 or 2 loops before he instadowns but Doc gets looped so hard and most the time, nobody even drops a pallet against him.
I mean I can't question your opinion but doc is way better against loops than Myers.
Myers is a terrible killer if the survivors are good since he literally has 0 tools against loops. Sure he has 1 down and he can slug but against experienced survivors, he will be bullied hard.
I would still place him above doc but he is no way a top tier killer. Your huntress placement is, imo, very wrong too. She should have been a top tier killer.
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I think Legion is placed too low. Hes not great but hes not Freddy teir either. Freddy is also placed too low, jes got some good mindgames with his phasing1
@Delfador said:
@Poweas said:
Nope he'd be top of mid tier but I wanted to give him a better rating. Myers is an extremely strong killer if played correctly. I considered putting him in mid tier but he certainly has top tier.
Doc is unreliable and against a simple loop, he's quite powerless. He can just delay the game. He's really weak compared to Myers.
Myers really only has to deal with 1 or 2 loops before he instadowns but Doc gets looped so hard and most the time, nobody even drops a pallet against him.
I mean I can't question your opinion but doc is way better against loops than Myers.
Myers is a terrible killer if the survivors are good since he literally has 0 tools against loops. Sure he has 1 down and he can slug but against experienced survivors, he will be bullied hard.
I would still place him above doc but he is no way a top tier killer. Your huntress placement is, imo, very wrong too. She should have been a top tier killer.
No not really. In my opinion, she's not top tier. Neither is Myers but he's so successful with his snowball power that I gave him top tier. I think he's much stronger than Huntress though. Billy is loopable and he maintains 2nd best killer because of his ability to recover from mistakes. I consider Mike to be similar with his snowball power because he is able to turn a game around quickly.
About his mindgames though... I've heard/witnessed that his red stain is dimmer then most killers. Because the killers stain is linked to their heartbeat which is why Billy has a much brighter one then Hag. Making him an extremely effective mindgamer.
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@PhantomMask20763 said:
I think Legion is placed too low. Hes not great but hes not Freddy teir either. Freddy is also placed too low, jes got some good mindgames with his phasingThey both need reworks that's why they're Freddy tier.
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Myers at top tier XD
0 -
Why is Legion not in all five of those top tier spots
He can breathe heavier than Myers and that automatically makes him OP
1 -
Legion should have his own tier because he’s even worse.1
You got the top tier and very bottom tier killers right.
0 -
Honestly, I like your tier list! Finally someone who sees doc as trash killer like I do. I personally would put Leatherface over doc just because he can one hit down and break pallets very fast, but that's just personal preference I guess.
Also, you nailed it why the top tier killers are top tier: map pressure aka high mobility/overall presence. Exactly why killers with just 110% can get F'd really hard.
I think we should play and chat together some time, usually I enjoy playing with people who have quite similar tier lists like mine0 -
I personally would put Freddy in Low Tier rather than the bottom.
Even though I agree he is arguably the worst killer in the game, with the right addons he really can be a Nightmare for some Survivors. But again, with the right addons.
Addon/Perkless Freddy is pretty much terrible, but not as terrible as Legion (imo)Not that I am denying that most people who play Freddy just play Tunnel-o-vision instead of doing anything smart.
Pretty good tier list, I personally agree with most of it.0 -
Why are you blaspheming legion, they are too low on the darn list lol0
@Poweas said:
@PolarBear said:
Huntress is top tier imo. You can stop some loops with hatchets and even stop people working on gens if there is line of sight to throw hatchets.But at the same time... You can get looped way too much for her to be top tier. I think she's amazing but a smart survivor does well against a Huntress. I'm a potato but back when I was good at survivor, I could get a ton of loops in against her. It's all about baiting her windup.
I agree that she still gets looped a lot but if it's a good map like MacMillan Estate, at some loops you can just hold your hatchet and if the survivors are crouching they cannot go around the loop and with correct timing you can hit them.
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Tbh i'd say huntress is top tier with addons and perks, sometimes even above a competent nurse on an open map.
Clown can be situationally top tier, best at anti looping thats for sure
doctor is the best anti stealth in the game, expecially with iron maiden in the game now. only way to combat him is calm spirit. he's not as good at loops, but the shock can be super bloody effective.0 -
@Ihatelife said:
Myers at top tier XDYeah it's a genuine opinion. He's so strong and if you can't see that then you've obviously not played/faced him enough.
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@Gardenia said:
Why are you blaspheming legion, they are too low on the darn list lolI might rename 'Freddy tier' to 'Rework tier' to avoid confusing people.
I meant for that tier to be for the killers who need reworks. Obviously Legion is mid tier but he gets the 'Freddy tier' treatment because he needs a rework rather than buffs.
Hope ya understand.
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@DwightsLifeMatters said:
Honestly, I like your tier list! Finally someone who sees doc as trash killer like I do. I personally would put Leatherface over doc just because he can one hit down and break pallets very fast, but that's just personal preference I guess.Also, you nailed it why the top tier killers are top tier: map pressure aka high mobility/overall presence. Exactly why killers with just 110% can get F'd really hard.
I think we should play and chat together some time, usually I enjoy playing with people who have quite similar tier lists like mine
We should totally. If you play on Xbox or PC, I'm down. Although if Xbox, my gold has ran out and I need to get it at some point.
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@No_Mither_No_Problem said:
Why is Legion not in all five of those top tier spotsHe can breathe heavier than Myers and that automatically makes him OP
Lol. But nah. Myers is top tier not for his unique breathing but for his mindgames, map pressure and his unpredictability. I'm going to add a bit about his red glow because everyone seems to disagree with me.
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You can loop even a Nurse if she's bad. When I play Doc I rarely allow more than a lap around a loop. Judging a killer based on bad players is anything but smart.
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I find Michael a little bit harder to fight simply because you don't know where he is coming from and he can always take you by surprise, not only that but i feel like once he's on you he never leaves you.
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@White_Owl said:
You can loop even a Nurse if she's bad. When I play Doc I rarely allow more than a lap around a loop. Judging a killer based on bad players is anything but smart.
No I'm rank 1. I judge them based on the ones I face/play. And I'll happily admit Doc is not effective at all against a loop. I don't base it on bad players.
You're judging him off of bad survivors. Same thing.
0 -
@Poweas said:
@White_Owl said:
You can loop even a Nurse if she's bad. When I play Doc I rarely allow more than a lap around a loop. Judging a killer based on bad players is anything but smart.
No I'm rank 1. I judge them based on the ones I face/play. And I'll happily admit Doc is not effective at all against a loop. I don't base it on bad players.
You're judging him off of bad survivors. Same thing.
I'd say it depends on the loop though. At almost all pallet loops I agree, his shock therapy is useless. Against window loops his ability can pretty much be a built in Bamboozle though, very strong in certain situations. At the killers shack for example, he is probably one of the best killer to deal with that loop, aside from Nurse of course, since he can deny both the window and pallet. A small buff to his chase potential would be nice. Just don't forget, if you ever buff Doctor so his power is actually useful at pallet loops, denying pallets and then being able to hit to survivors before looping and reaching the pallet again, he'd be able to make every pallet absolutely useless which would make him very overpowered.
0 -
@ad19970 said:
@Poweas said:
@White_Owl said:
You can loop even a Nurse if she's bad. When I play Doc I rarely allow more than a lap around a loop. Judging a killer based on bad players is anything but smart.
No I'm rank 1. I judge them based on the ones I face/play. And I'll happily admit Doc is not effective at all against a loop. I don't base it on bad players.
You're judging him off of bad survivors. Same thing.
I'd say it depends on the loop though. At almost all pallet loops I agree, his shock therapy is useless. Against window loops his ability can pretty much be a built in Bamboozle though, very strong in certain situations. At the killers shack for example, he is probably one of the best killer to deal with that loop, aside from Nurse of course, since he can deny both the window and pallet. A small buff to his chase potential would be nice. Just don't forget, if you ever buff Doctor so his power is actually useful at pallet loops, denying pallets and then being able to hit to survivors before looping and reaching the pallet again, he'd be able to make every pallet absolutely useless which would make him very overpowered.
I still think he's low tier though.
0 -
@Poweas said:
@ad19970 said:
@Poweas said:
@White_Owl said:
You can loop even a Nurse if she's bad. When I play Doc I rarely allow more than a lap around a loop. Judging a killer based on bad players is anything but smart.
No I'm rank 1. I judge them based on the ones I face/play. And I'll happily admit Doc is not effective at all against a loop. I don't base it on bad players.
You're judging him off of bad survivors. Same thing.
I'd say it depends on the loop though. At almost all pallet loops I agree, his shock therapy is useless. Against window loops his ability can pretty much be a built in Bamboozle though, very strong in certain situations. At the killers shack for example, he is probably one of the best killer to deal with that loop, aside from Nurse of course, since he can deny both the window and pallet. A small buff to his chase potential would be nice. Just don't forget, if you ever buff Doctor so his power is actually useful at pallet loops, denying pallets and then being able to hit to survivors before looping and reaching the pallet again, he'd be able to make every pallet absolutely useless which would make him very overpowered.
I still think he's low tier though.
Yeah of course that's fine. I'm not always sure where to place him myself. Personally I would say he is mid-low or mid tier for me.
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@ad19970 said:
@Poweas said:
@ad19970 said:
@Poweas said:
@White_Owl said:
You can loop even a Nurse if she's bad. When I play Doc I rarely allow more than a lap around a loop. Judging a killer based on bad players is anything but smart.
No I'm rank 1. I judge them based on the ones I face/play. And I'll happily admit Doc is not effective at all against a loop. I don't base it on bad players.
You're judging him off of bad survivors. Same thing.
I'd say it depends on the loop though. At almost all pallet loops I agree, his shock therapy is useless. Against window loops his ability can pretty much be a built in Bamboozle though, very strong in certain situations. At the killers shack for example, he is probably one of the best killer to deal with that loop, aside from Nurse of course, since he can deny both the window and pallet. A small buff to his chase potential would be nice. Just don't forget, if you ever buff Doctor so his power is actually useful at pallet loops, denying pallets and then being able to hit to survivors before looping and reaching the pallet again, he'd be able to make every pallet absolutely useless which would make him very overpowered.
I still think he's low tier though.
Yeah of course that's fine. I'm not always sure where to place him myself. Personally I would say he is mid-low or mid tier for me.
I respect your opinion
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@Poweas said:
@No_Mither_No_Problem said:
Why is Legion not in all five of those top tier spotsHe can breathe heavier than Myers and that automatically makes him OP
Lol. But nah. Myers is top tier not for his unique breathing but for his mindgames, map pressure and his unpredictability. I'm going to add a bit about his red glow because everyone seems to disagree with me.
I don’t think you understand
They finally made a Killer that can outmatch Myers in the heavy breathing department
This is legendary news and the Killer is clearly the best one
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Here is my opinion about to Killer Tier List (2.5.0). I'll just don't want to add 1000 explicantions.
- Nurse
- Spirit
- Billy
- Hag
- Pig & Myers
- Huntress
- Wraith
- Legion
- Clown
- Doctor
- Leatherface
- Trapper
- Freddy
0 -
@Poweas said:
@White_Owl said:
You can loop even a Nurse if she's bad. When I play Doc I rarely allow more than a lap around a loop. Judging a killer based on bad players is anything but smart.
No I'm rank 1. I judge them based on the ones I face/play. And I'll happily admit Doc is not effective at all against a loop. I don't base it on bad players.
You're judging him off of bad survivors. Same thing.
I play him at rank 1, so? The ones you face clearly suck, and it's not astounding considering how easy is to rank up, especially with the Doctor. I spent a ton of time practicing his shocks, but whatever, I guess everyone plays against good survivors except me.
0 -
@White_Owl said:
@Poweas said:
@White_Owl said:
You can loop even a Nurse if she's bad. When I play Doc I rarely allow more than a lap around a loop. Judging a killer based on bad players is anything but smart.
No I'm rank 1. I judge them based on the ones I face/play. And I'll happily admit Doc is not effective at all against a loop. I don't base it on bad players.
You're judging him off of bad survivors. Same thing.
I play him at rank 1, so? The ones you face clearly suck, and it's not astounding considering how easy is to rank up, especially with the Doctor. I spent a ton of time practicing his shocks, but whatever, I guess everyone plays against good survivors except me.
No of course you face good survivors. You should've mentioned you've got practice with his shocking. I know for a fact, if you get enough practice with it, you can shut down a loop first try. I used to be like that when I used to be a Doctor main myself. It was a long time ago though. Now I can't shut down loops as well as before. But yes you're probably right in saying he's strong. But I won't consider him top tier because he's got so much in his base kit but he has it at too little value. If snapping out of it took 10 seconds longer, his shocking range was increased by 40%, he gets his time to shock sliced in half, built in mindgame pallets and they made his terror radius more likely to shock a Madness tier 2 survivor, then I'd certainly put him in top tier.
I know for a fact he'd rival the Hag and Billy if they gave that. I'd probably play him again. Nowadays I have way too much fun with Billy and so much fun playing Hag.
0 -
@Axelson said:
Here is my opinion about to Killer Tier List (2.5.0). I'll just don't want to add 1000 explicantions.- Nurse
- Spirit
- Billy
- Hag
- Pig & Myers
- Huntress
- Wraith
- Legion
- Clown
- Doctor
- Leatherface
- Trapper
- Freddy
Nice tier list. Only reason I didn't put Spirit above Billy just FYI is the same reason I don't put Hag above Billy, her power without addons is quite bad. I mean Wraith without addons does great but Spirit without addons has a really rough time and is bad. But with addons (especially the 'tryhard beads' Spirit is amazing and almost as good as Hag who would be 2nd best if you put her best addons. Billy with his best addons is closely matched to Hag and Spirit with theirs, but not there.
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@ForeheadSurviors said:
When fanboys think they know everything because of watching their favorite streamer play..Random Ad-Hominem attack?
adds to list of users to permanently disregard
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Raccoon said:
@ForeheadSurviors said:
When fanboys think they know everything because of watching their favorite streamer play..Random Ad-Hominem attack?
adds to list of users to permanently disregard
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@Poweas said:
@SnakeSound222 said:
I think Doctor is mid tier because of the stun from his shock. Yeah, it won’t work all the time, but when it does (and it can at quite a bit of pallets and windows), it’s pretty good. It works much better after the pallet has been dropped because the Survivor will have a harder time getting away (they can’t vault over anything and you’re going to be running towards them, so the Survivor has to either try to stay away from you while the stun is active or just take the hit). All he needs is just some buffs to his base shock and a small illusion buff and he’ll make it into the bottom of top tier.Myers is way too high. Without add-ons, the best things he has are an instadown and small terror radius. The instadown can be countered by looping and hiding from him and his terror radius can be countered by looking around. It’s also really easy to deny him of evil by just standing behind an object. I would put him in the middle of mid tier.
Nope he'd be top of mid tier but I wanted to give him a better rating. Myers is an extremely strong killer if played correctly. I considered putting him in mid tier but he certainly has top tier.
Doc is unreliable and against a simple loop, he's quite powerless. He can just delay the game. He's really weak compared to Myers.
Myers really only has to deal with 1 or 2 loops before he instadowns but Doc gets looped so hard and most the time, nobody even drops a pallet against him.
Doc is reliable against windows. He can shut down jungle gyms easily. You just have to start charging up your shock early (when you start depends on if you're running a shock range increase add-on or not). It's the same thing with pallets (although there aren't as many safe pallets for him as there are windows).
Myers only has deal with 1 or 2 loops if the Survivors are dumb enough to feed him. If they stay behind objects and out of his LoS, then reaching another EW tier can be hard.
0 -
@Axelson said:
Here is my opinion about to Killer Tier List (2.5.0). I'll just don't want to add 1000 explicantions.- Nurse
- Spirit
- Billy
- Hag
- Pig & Myers
- Huntress
- Wraith
- Legion
- Clown
- Doctor
- Leatherface
- Trapper
- Freddy
Very nice list
Here’s mine
1 leatherface (his face camp dc power)
2 nurse
3 billy
4 vertexas
5 spirit
6 Swf
7 next chapters killer
8 huntress
9 Clown
10 Myers
11 doctor
12 wraith
13 legion
14 hag
15 random barrel of fire
16 pig
17 trapper
18 Freddy
19 M Cote with his civ 5 power
20 tydetyme1 -
@Poweas said:
@Ihatelife said:
Myers at top tier XDYeah it's a genuine opinion. He's so strong and if you can't see that then you've obviously not played/faced him enough.
Idk, he's not bad, but I wouldn't place him at the top tier. Weak mobility, can't do anything about gen rush, waste a time by stalking people.
0 -
you really dont like the trapper, do you?
i mean, "Trapper - Pretty much trash at everything. - Moderate skill cap/Non existent reward." is a little extreme.
he himself is the most basic killer in the game.
he is just as good as wraith (ignoring the first hit out of invisibility) or M1 billy at chases, so he isnt trash at that. M1 legion would be trash at chases, but trapper is in a solid spot.
his map pressure is pretty bad, i'll admit that, due to the fact that he has the 115% mms and a 36m terror radius.
however, combine him with his power and he has the potential to become VERY strong.
thanks to his traps, his chase potential goes up by a lot. he is even above hag, maybe even above billy.
also, his map pressure gets up by a lot, as you never know weather he put a trap in the looping spot you want to go to next or not. in conclusion: his traps make him almost, this all sounds very strong, but there is one big problem:
he is great with a setup, however, without it, he is pretty bad. like, he is nothing special at chases and he has almost no map pressure.
the problem is, that the trappers setup can be used up / destroyed very easily and fast, leaving him with nothing to catch survivors and putting him in a bad spot. also, survivors caught outside a chase are most certainly not in the trap anymore when you arrive there. it does however give you a general direction to go and forces the survivor to heal back up.i'd say he is actually a high skill cap/ moderate reward killer. he has to put a lot of thoughts in his setups, he needs to predict his preys movement, even before he chases it. he also needs to handle his 6 (number can be increased with add ons) available traps in a way, where he doesnt waste any by putting them in a spot where no one walks by, while also hiding them in places where the survivors outside of chases wont expect them and dont see them, so they dont get disarmed.
his traps are a very powerful tool, as ive mentioned earlier. they oneshot the suvivor inside for a certain periode of time and allow the trapper to end chases instantly, while also cutting down the survivors most beloved looping spots. however, a trap can only be used once before the trapper has to reset it and also needs to switch places so it wont get disarmed conclusion: a good trapper can be a very scary enemy, while a bad trapper will be an easy task.
Trapper is certainly not at bottom tier, but somewhere in mid tier.
he does need some buffs to be a great killer though.
also, i might accept him in bottom tier when we take the ridiculous amount of bugs that are going on with him atm in consideration. like, i know of 3 bugs atm, which are completely breaking him.<-- is a trapper main (so he doesnt like to see his main boi at the bottom of the list)
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@Poweas said:
@White_Owl said:
@Poweas said:
@White_Owl said:
You can loop even a Nurse if she's bad. When I play Doc I rarely allow more than a lap around a loop. Judging a killer based on bad players is anything but smart.
No I'm rank 1. I judge them based on the ones I face/play. And I'll happily admit Doc is not effective at all against a loop. I don't base it on bad players.
You're judging him off of bad survivors. Same thing.
I play him at rank 1, so? The ones you face clearly suck, and it's not astounding considering how easy is to rank up, especially with the Doctor. I spent a ton of time practicing his shocks, but whatever, I guess everyone plays against good survivors except me.
No of course you face good survivors. You should've mentioned you've got practice with his shocking. I know for a fact, if you get enough practice with it, you can shut down a loop first try. I used to be like that when I used to be a Doctor main myself. It was a long time ago though. Now I can't shut down loops as well as before. But yes you're probably right in saying he's strong. But I won't consider him top tier because he's got so much in his base kit but he has it at too little value. If snapping out of it took 10 seconds longer, his shocking range was increased by 40%, he gets his time to shock sliced in half, built in mindgame pallets and they made his terror radius more likely to shock a Madness tier 2 survivor, then I'd certainly put him in top tier.
I know for a fact he'd rival the Hag and Billy if they gave that. I'd probably play him again. Nowadays I have way too much fun with Billy and so much fun playing Hag.
No, I too won't say he's top tier, I just think the whole community underestimate him a lot. Imo it could be re-evalueted if he got some buffs to his shock attacks, which at the moment are very hard to use properly without hurting yourself and whose addons are more of an hindrance since they buff the "wrong" part of the shocks.
1 -
@Poweas said:
@Axelson said:
Here is my opinion about to Killer Tier List (2.5.0). I'll just don't want to add 1000 explicantions.- Nurse
- Spirit
- Billy
- Hag
- Pig & Myers
- Huntress
- Wraith
- Legion
- Clown
- Doctor
- Leatherface
- Trapper
- Freddy
Nice tier list. Only reason I didn't put Spirit above Billy just FYI is the same reason I don't put Hag above Billy, her power without addons is quite bad. I mean Wraith without addons does great but Spirit without addons has a really rough time and is bad. But with addons (especially the 'tryhard beads' Spirit is amazing and almost as good as Hag who would be 2nd best if you put her best addons. Billy with his best addons is closely matched to Hag and Spirit with theirs, but not there.
If you know how to do mind-game with Spirit then you don't really need add-ons.
@Mister_xD said:
you really dont like the trapper, do you?i mean, "Trapper - Pretty much trash at everything. - Moderate skill cap/Non existent reward." is a little extreme.
he himself is the most basic killer in the game.
he is just as good as wraith (ignoring the first hit out of invisibility) or M1 billy at chases, so he isnt trash at that. M1 legion would be trash at chases, but trapper is in a solid spot.
his map pressure is pretty bad, i'll admit that, due to the fact that he has the 115% mms and a 36m terror radius.
however, combine him with his power and he has the potential to become VERY strong.
thanks to his traps, his chase potential goes up by a lot. he is even above hag, maybe even above billy.
also, his map pressure gets up by a lot, as you never know weather he put a trap in the looping spot you want to go to next or not. in conclusion: his traps make him almost, this all sounds very strong, but there is one big problem:
he is great with a setup, however, without it, he is pretty bad. like, he is nothing special at chases and he has almost no map pressure.
the problem is, that the trappers setup can be used up / destroyed very easily and fast, leaving him with nothing to catch survivors and putting him in a bad spot. also, survivors caught outside a chase are most certainly not in the trap anymore when you arrive there. it does however give you a general direction to go and forces the survivor to heal back up.i'd say he is actually a high skill cap/ moderate reward killer. he has to put a lot of thoughts in his setups, he needs to predict his preys movement, even before he chases it. he also needs to handle his 6 (number can be increased with add ons) available traps in a way, where he doesnt waste any by putting them in a spot where no one walks by, while also hiding them in places where the survivors outside of chases wont expect them and dont see them, so they dont get disarmed.
his traps are a very powerful tool, as ive mentioned earlier. they oneshot the suvivor inside for a certain periode of time and allow the trapper to end chases instantly, while also cutting down the survivors most beloved looping spots. however, a trap can only be used once before the trapper has to reset it and also needs to switch places so it wont get disarmed conclusion: a good trapper can be a very scary enemy, while a bad trapper will be an easy task.
Trapper is certainly not at bottom tier, but somewhere in mid tier.
he does need some buffs to be a great killer though.
also, i might accept him in bottom tier when we take the ridiculous amount of bugs that are going on with him atm in consideration. like, i know of 3 bugs atm, which are completely breaking him.<-- is a trapper main (so he doesnt like to see his main boi at the bottom of the list)
Trapper above Hag and Billy? AHAHAHAH
His power is useless, you can see him traps from 1km, and it's the only killer that is afected by his power, even when you are charring a survivor to the hook. Hag isnt affected by his traps and she even can teleport to them. Only the trapper can lose a charring survivor because of his power. He can be countered so easy, you just need to pay atention in the match. Good trapper vs 2 good survivors is death.0 -
@Axelson said:
@Poweas said:
@Axelson said:
Here is my opinion about to Killer Tier List (2.5.0). I'll just don't want to add 1000 explicantions.- Nurse
- Spirit
- Billy
- Hag
- Pig & Myers
- Huntress
- Wraith
- Legion
- Clown
- Doctor
- Leatherface
- Trapper
- Freddy
Nice tier list. Only reason I didn't put Spirit above Billy just FYI is the same reason I don't put Hag above Billy, her power without addons is quite bad. I mean Wraith without addons does great but Spirit without addons has a really rough time and is bad. But with addons (especially the 'tryhard beads' Spirit is amazing and almost as good as Hag who would be 2nd best if you put her best addons. Billy with his best addons is closely matched to Hag and Spirit with theirs, but not there.
If you know how to do mind-game with Spirit then you don't really need add-ons.
@Mister_xD said:
you really dont like the trapper, do you?i mean, "Trapper - Pretty much trash at everything. - Moderate skill cap/Non existent reward." is a little extreme.
he himself is the most basic killer in the game.
he is just as good as wraith (ignoring the first hit out of invisibility) or M1 billy at chases, so he isnt trash at that. M1 legion would be trash at chases, but trapper is in a solid spot.
his map pressure is pretty bad, i'll admit that, due to the fact that he has the 115% mms and a 36m terror radius.
however, combine him with his power and he has the potential to become VERY strong.
thanks to his traps, his chase potential goes up by a lot. he is even above hag, maybe even above billy.
also, his map pressure gets up by a lot, as you never know weather he put a trap in the looping spot you want to go to next or not. in conclusion: his traps make him almost, this all sounds very strong, but there is one big problem:
he is great with a setup, however, without it, he is pretty bad. like, he is nothing special at chases and he has almost no map pressure.
the problem is, that the trappers setup can be used up / destroyed very easily and fast, leaving him with nothing to catch survivors and putting him in a bad spot. also, survivors caught outside a chase are most certainly not in the trap anymore when you arrive there. it does however give you a general direction to go and forces the survivor to heal back up.i'd say he is actually a high skill cap/ moderate reward killer. he has to put a lot of thoughts in his setups, he needs to predict his preys movement, even before he chases it. he also needs to handle his 6 (number can be increased with add ons) available traps in a way, where he doesnt waste any by putting them in a spot where no one walks by, while also hiding them in places where the survivors outside of chases wont expect them and dont see them, so they dont get disarmed.
his traps are a very powerful tool, as ive mentioned earlier. they oneshot the suvivor inside for a certain periode of time and allow the trapper to end chases instantly, while also cutting down the survivors most beloved looping spots. however, a trap can only be used once before the trapper has to reset it and also needs to switch places so it wont get disarmed conclusion: a good trapper can be a very scary enemy, while a bad trapper will be an easy task.
Trapper is certainly not at bottom tier, but somewhere in mid tier.
he does need some buffs to be a great killer though.
also, i might accept him in bottom tier when we take the ridiculous amount of bugs that are going on with him atm in consideration. like, i know of 3 bugs atm, which are completely breaking him.<-- is a trapper main (so he doesnt like to see his main boi at the bottom of the list)
Trapper above Hag and Billy? AHAHAHAH
His power is useless, you can see him traps from 1km, and it's the only killer that is afected by his power, even when you are charring a survivor to the hook. Hag isnt affected by his traps and she even can teleport to them. Only the trapper can lose a charring survivor because of his power. He can be countered so easy, you just need to pay atention in the match. Good trapper vs 2 good survivors is death.Yeah I suck at mindgaming with Spirit. I'm trying to improve though. For some reason I was much better when I first started playing her lol.
0 -
@Mister_xD said:
you really dont like the trapper, do you?i mean, "Trapper - Pretty much trash at everything. - Moderate skill cap/Non existent reward." is a little extreme.
he himself is the most basic killer in the game.
he is just as good as wraith (ignoring the first hit out of invisibility) or M1 billy at chases, so he isnt trash at that. M1 legion would be trash at chases, but trapper is in a solid spot.
his map pressure is pretty bad, i'll admit that, due to the fact that he has the 115% mms and a 36m terror radius.
however, combine him with his power and he has the potential to become VERY strong.
thanks to his traps, his chase potential goes up by a lot. he is even above hag, maybe even above billy.
also, his map pressure gets up by a lot, as you never know weather he put a trap in the looping spot you want to go to next or not. in conclusion: his traps make him almost, this all sounds very strong, but there is one big problem:
he is great with a setup, however, without it, he is pretty bad. like, he is nothing special at chases and he has almost no map pressure.
the problem is, that the trappers setup can be used up / destroyed very easily and fast, leaving him with nothing to catch survivors and putting him in a bad spot. also, survivors caught outside a chase are most certainly not in the trap anymore when you arrive there. it does however give you a general direction to go and forces the survivor to heal back up.i'd say he is actually a high skill cap/ moderate reward killer. he has to put a lot of thoughts in his setups, he needs to predict his preys movement, even before he chases it. he also needs to handle his 6 (number can be increased with add ons) available traps in a way, where he doesnt waste any by putting them in a spot where no one walks by, while also hiding them in places where the survivors outside of chases wont expect them and dont see them, so they dont get disarmed.
his traps are a very powerful tool, as ive mentioned earlier. they oneshot the suvivor inside for a certain periode of time and allow the trapper to end chases instantly, while also cutting down the survivors most beloved looping spots. however, a trap can only be used once before the trapper has to reset it and also needs to switch places so it wont get disarmed conclusion: a good trapper can be a very scary enemy, while a bad trapper will be an easy task.
Trapper is certainly not at bottom tier, but somewhere in mid tier.
he does need some buffs to be a great killer though.
also, i might accept him in bottom tier when we take the ridiculous amount of bugs that are going on with him atm in consideration. like, i know of 3 bugs atm, which are completely breaking him.<-- is a trapper main (so he doesnt like to see his main boi at the bottom of the list)
You kind of have a point but...
Trapper is not above Billy/Hag. They both outclass every single other killer. Nurse, Billy and Hag are so strong that the next highest (Spirit) cannot even come near their power. I'd say the difference between Hag/Billy and Spirit is the same as Nurse (billy/hag) and Freddy (spirit). Trapper just cannot compare to them.
Btw he's not as good as Wraith either, Wraith is so strong with just his base, he needs no addons unlike Spirit or Myers. All you need are decent perks and Wraith will be extremely consistent. Trapper does not have that level, he needs bloody coil or/and that trap resetting addon to be strong.
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@White_Owl said:
@Poweas said:
@White_Owl said:
@Poweas said:
@White_Owl said:
You can loop even a Nurse if she's bad. When I play Doc I rarely allow more than a lap around a loop. Judging a killer based on bad players is anything but smart.
No I'm rank 1. I judge them based on the ones I face/play. And I'll happily admit Doc is not effective at all against a loop. I don't base it on bad players.
You're judging him off of bad survivors. Same thing.
I play him at rank 1, so? The ones you face clearly suck, and it's not astounding considering how easy is to rank up, especially with the Doctor. I spent a ton of time practicing his shocks, but whatever, I guess everyone plays against good survivors except me.
No of course you face good survivors. You should've mentioned you've got practice with his shocking. I know for a fact, if you get enough practice with it, you can shut down a loop first try. I used to be like that when I used to be a Doctor main myself. It was a long time ago though. Now I can't shut down loops as well as before. But yes you're probably right in saying he's strong. But I won't consider him top tier because he's got so much in his base kit but he has it at too little value. If snapping out of it took 10 seconds longer, his shocking range was increased by 40%, he gets his time to shock sliced in half, built in mindgame pallets and they made his terror radius more likely to shock a Madness tier 2 survivor, then I'd certainly put him in top tier.
I know for a fact he'd rival the Hag and Billy if they gave that. I'd probably play him again. Nowadays I have way too much fun with Billy and so much fun playing Hag.
No, I too won't say he's top tier, I just think the whole community underestimate him a lot. Imo it could be re-evalueted if he got some buffs to his shock attacks, which at the moment are very hard to use properly without hurting yourself and whose addons are more of an hindrance since they buff the "wrong" part of the shocks.
Yup. I also want to add that Calm spirit, middle fingers him.