General Discussions

General Discussions




  • Member Posts: 5,873
    edited January 2019

    @SnakeSound222 said:

    @Poweas said:

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    I think Doctor is mid tier because of the stun from his shock. Yeah, it won’t work all the time, but when it does (and it can at quite a bit of pallets and windows), it’s pretty good. It works much better after the pallet has been dropped because the Survivor will have a harder time getting away (they can’t vault over anything and you’re going to be running towards them, so the Survivor has to either try to stay away from you while the stun is active or just take the hit). All he needs is just some buffs to his base shock and a small illusion buff and he’ll make it into the bottom of top tier.

    Myers is way too high. Without add-ons, the best things he has are an instadown and small terror radius. The instadown can be countered by looping and hiding from him and his terror radius can be countered by looking around. It’s also really easy to deny him of evil by just standing behind an object. I would put him in the middle of mid tier. 

    Nope he'd be top of mid tier but I wanted to give him a better rating. Myers is an extremely strong killer if played correctly. I considered putting him in mid tier but he certainly has top tier.

    Doc is unreliable and against a simple loop, he's quite powerless. He can just delay the game. He's really weak compared to Myers.

    Myers really only has to deal with 1 or 2 loops before he instadowns but Doc gets looped so hard and most the time, nobody even drops a pallet against him.

    Doc is reliable against windows. He can shut down jungle gyms easily. You just have to start charging up your shock early (when you start depends on if you're running a shock range increase add-on or not). It's the same thing with pallets (although there aren't as many safe pallets for him as there are windows).

    Myers only has deal with 1 or 2 loops if the Survivors are dumb enough to feed him. If they stay behind objects and out of his LoS, then reaching another EW tier can be hard.

    Mike can easily shut down a jungle gym with his increased vaulting in EW2/EW3. And add bamboozle to the mix and the results are obvious. Doc is very unreliable at shutting down pallet loops.

    Myers is a tough killer to face because it's IMPOSSIBLE to stop him from reaching EW2/EW3 all game. No matter how good the survivor is, he will get it. He's also able to stalk much more effectively with Shadowborn/Moniter and Abuse.

    You're far too biased towards Doctor. He's not as strong as Myers. Myers can just do so much more, have good map pressure, keep the survivors on edge, mindgame pretty well because in EW3 survivors are extra jumpy to be fair you could say they're tilted in a way and he is reliable to kill. Unless they buff Doctor a ton, he's pretty much Leatherface compared to Myers.

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    Your list is close to mine except all my spots are filled with the word LATENCY.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    @MegaWaffle said:
    Your list is close to mine except all my spots are filled with the word LATENCY.


  • Member Posts: 7,669

    @Poweas @Axelson
    i dont think you two fully understood my argument, so let me explain this a little further:
    no, trapper is not above hag or billy.
    however, he does have to potential to end chases much faster than both of these killers.
    as i have said, a trapper with the right setup (nothing you spot from 1km away, nothing you expect at all and still in a good place where many survivors pass through) will become unloopable, if the survivor happens to be in his trapped area.
    here is an example where trapper outclasses both hag and billy: survivor vaults the ironworks of misery window. billy is forced to follow him and gets looped on that window. hag will teleport to the trap behind it and hit the survivor, but he will still be going. trapper however instantly ends the chase by trapping him and therefore instadowning him and getting him on a hook.

    so yes, with the right setup trapper can outclass both billy and hag, but why he doesnt do that the majority of the time is stated in my 1st comment (setup can easily be destroyed / used up and avoided when expected).
    also @Axelson the problems you stated were mostly something that only happens with bad trappers.
    a good trapper wont run into his own trap or place a trap somewhere where you can easily spot it.

  • Member Posts: 5,873
    edited January 2019

    @Mister_xD said:
    @Poweas @Axelson
    i dont think you two fully understood my argument, so let me explain this a little further:
    no, trapper is not above hag or billy.
    however, he does have to potential to end chases much faster than both of these killers.
    as i have said, a trapper with the right setup (nothing you spot from 1km away, nothing you expect at all and still in a good place where many survivors pass through) will become unloopable, if the survivor happens to be in his trapped area.
    here is an example where trapper outclasses both hag and billy: survivor vaults the ironworks of misery window. billy is forced to follow him and gets looped on that window. hag will teleport to the trap behind it and hit the survivor, but he will still be going. trapper however instantly ends the chase by trapping him and therefore instadowning him and getting him on a hook.

    so yes, with the right setup trapper can outclass both billy and hag, but why he doesnt do that the majority of the time is stated in my 1st comment (setup can easily be destroyed / used up and avoided when expected).
    also @Axelson the problems you stated were mostly something that only happens with bad trappers.
    a good trapper wont run into his own trap or place a trap somewhere where you can easily spot it.

    No. Hag ends chases just as quickly as Nurse. Only difference is, Hag can be consistent. Nurse sometimes gets juked which prolongs her chases but Hag can always be consistent. Hag can set the trap and she can reset it easily.

    With the right setup he'll never outclass Hag because you can't precisely predict the survivors. Please don't try to convince me otherwise, I play all killers at rank 1 except Freddy and Legion. I know exactly where their strengths and weaknesses are. Trapper is simply not as good as Hag and can't ouclass her because she can recover from mistakes easily and he can't. Ever.

    Now for Billy, Trapper is not as good because it's ez to genrush Trapper but Billy can easily stop genrush with his saw. Billy has an instadown and he's scary as hell.


    Billy and Hag with no perks or addons will do better then a fully decked out Trapper.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    @Poweas said:

    @Mister_xD said:
    @Poweas @Axelson
    i dont think you two fully understood my argument, so let me explain this a little further:
    no, trapper is not above hag or billy.
    however, he does have to potential to end chases much faster than both of these killers.
    as i have said, a trapper with the right setup (nothing you spot from 1km away, nothing you expect at all and still in a good place where many survivors pass through) will become unloopable, if the survivor happens to be in his trapped area.
    here is an example where trapper outclasses both hag and billy: survivor vaults the ironworks of misery window. billy is forced to follow him and gets looped on that window. hag will teleport to the trap behind it and hit the survivor, but he will still be going. trapper however instantly ends the chase by trapping him and therefore instadowning him and getting him on a hook.

    so yes, with the right setup trapper can outclass both billy and hag, but why he doesnt do that the majority of the time is stated in my 1st comment (setup can easily be destroyed / used up and avoided when expected).
    also @Axelson the problems you stated were mostly something that only happens with bad trappers.
    a good trapper wont run into his own trap or place a trap somewhere where you can easily spot it.

    No. Hag ends chases just as quickly as Nurse. Only difference is, Hag can be consistent. Nurse sometimes gets juked which prolongs her chases but Hag can always be consistent. Hag can set the trap and she can reset it easily.

    With the right setup he'll never outclass Hag because you can't precisely predict the survivors. Please don't try to convince me otherwise, I play all killers at rank 1 except Freddy and Legion. I know exactly where their strengths and weaknesses are. Trapper is simply not as good as Hag and can't ouclass her because she can recover from mistakes easily and he can't. Ever.

    Now for Billy, Trapper is not as good because it's ez to genrush Trapper but Billy can easily stop genrush with his saw. Billy has an instadown and he's scary as hell.


    Billy and Hag with no perks or addons will do better then a fully decked out Trapper.

    just a question, but have you fully read my comment?
    i gave you a scenario where trapper can easily outclass billy and hag in a chase.
    i was not talking about map pressure or anything like that, genrush has nothing to do with my argument. i just said that trapper can be better at chases than billy and hag, due to his ability to instantly end the chase when the survivor chooses the wrong window / pallet / path.
    and i also stated, that trapper is far below these killers, there is no need for you to bring this up. and i have also said why that is.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    @Mister_xD said:

    @Poweas said:

    @Mister_xD said:
    @Poweas @Axelson
    i dont think you two fully understood my argument, so let me explain this a little further:
    no, trapper is not above hag or billy.
    however, he does have to potential to end chases much faster than both of these killers.
    as i have said, a trapper with the right setup (nothing you spot from 1km away, nothing you expect at all and still in a good place where many survivors pass through) will become unloopable, if the survivor happens to be in his trapped area.
    here is an example where trapper outclasses both hag and billy: survivor vaults the ironworks of misery window. billy is forced to follow him and gets looped on that window. hag will teleport to the trap behind it and hit the survivor, but he will still be going. trapper however instantly ends the chase by trapping him and therefore instadowning him and getting him on a hook.

    so yes, with the right setup trapper can outclass both billy and hag, but why he doesnt do that the majority of the time is stated in my 1st comment (setup can easily be destroyed / used up and avoided when expected).
    also @Axelson the problems you stated were mostly something that only happens with bad trappers.
    a good trapper wont run into his own trap or place a trap somewhere where you can easily spot it.

    No. Hag ends chases just as quickly as Nurse. Only difference is, Hag can be consistent. Nurse sometimes gets juked which prolongs her chases but Hag can always be consistent. Hag can set the trap and she can reset it easily.

    With the right setup he'll never outclass Hag because you can't precisely predict the survivors. Please don't try to convince me otherwise, I play all killers at rank 1 except Freddy and Legion. I know exactly where their strengths and weaknesses are. Trapper is simply not as good as Hag and can't ouclass her because she can recover from mistakes easily and he can't. Ever.

    Now for Billy, Trapper is not as good because it's ez to genrush Trapper but Billy can easily stop genrush with his saw. Billy has an instadown and he's scary as hell.


    Billy and Hag with no perks or addons will do better then a fully decked out Trapper.

    just a question, but have you fully read my comment?
    i gave you a scenario where trapper can easily outclass billy and hag in a chase.
    i was not talking about map pressure or anything like that, genrush has nothing to do with my argument. i just said that trapper can be better at chases than billy and hag, due to his ability to instantly end the chase when the survivor chooses the wrong window / pallet / path.
    and i also stated, that trapper is far below these killers, there is no need for you to bring this up. and i have also said why that is.

    Ok. I did. Now let me just say. Trapper can never instantly end a chase LOL good survivors will always run away from windows and pallets where they know will be trapped. He's predictable. Billy can instantly end a chase himself. So what? Hag can end one in 10 seconds, so what?

  • Member Posts: 93

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    I think Legion is placed too low. Hes not great but hes not Freddy teir either. Freddy is also placed too low, jes got some good mindgames with his phasing 

    Freddy a M1 killer that announces when he is coming, announces when he has seen you(by putting you to sleep) and then only then he can hit you...

    He is sh1t.

  • Member Posts: 262

    Freddy tier:

    1. Legion - He's not bad, he's actually mid tier but he deserves a rework. He has no counterplay, takes almost no skill and annoying as hell. Low skill cap/Low reward.

    Cancer or not this is a tier list, not a fun list. If he is mid tier then he should be ranked as such regardless of how much he needs a rework. Freddy needs his rework BECAUSE he is trash, that's why he deserves the bottom spot. Legion needs his changes for reasons not related to balance (also some balance problems but that's every killer besides the top tiers so yeah).

  • Member Posts: 5,873
    edited February 2019

    @NuclearBurrito2 said:

    Freddy tier:

    1. Legion - He's not bad, he's actually mid tier but he deserves a rework. He has no counterplay, takes almost no skill and annoying as hell. Low skill cap/Low reward.

    Cancer or not this is a tier list, not a fun list. If he is mid tier then he should be ranked as such regardless of how much he needs a rework. Freddy needs his rework BECAUSE he is trash, that's why he deserves the bottom spot. Legion needs his changes for reasons not related to balance (also some balance problems but that's every killer besides the top tiers so yeah).

    I've changed my mind on that spot anyways. He's mid tier.

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  • Member Posts: 3,688
    That's a pretty good tier list. I agree with a lot of it.
  • Member Posts: 3,676

    I know it's your opinon but I still think this is closer to reality. Ofc this tier list is based on not using addons.

    S: Nurse Hillbilly
    A: Spirit Hag Huntress Clown
    B: Michael Leatherface Legion Pig
    C: Trapper Doctor Wraith
    D: Freddy

    I never understoond why people think Myers is high tier. Yeah he's fun to play with/against and has quite usefull power but overall he has really slow start, wastes a lot of time on stalking and has no anti loop tools or mobility. Even when I love playing Michael I still consider him mid tier since good survivors should never allow him to snowball.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    @Kebek said:
    I know it's your opinon but I still think this is closer to reality. Ofc this tier list is based on not using addons.

    S: Nurse Hillbilly
    A: Spirit Hag Huntress Clown
    B: Michael Leatherface Legion Pig
    C: Trapper Doctor Wraith
    D: Freddy

    I never understoond why people think Myers is high tier. Yeah he's fun to play with/against and has quite usefull power but overall he has really slow start, wastes a lot of time on stalking and has no anti loop tools or mobility. Even when I love playing Michael I still consider him mid tier since good survivors should never allow him to snowball.

    Disagree with Hag not being S. Disagree with Leatherface being so high, Wraith should be in that spot imo. Apart from that, decent tierlist.

  • Member Posts: 716
    I would move Spirit from 4 to 2. I would rather face a Billy or Hag any day over a really good Spirit with a good build. For Doc to actually be good (even though he is one of the most annoying killers to play against) they just need to buff the range of his shock... That thing is super small and easy to dodge. He's pretty much add-on dependent to be a viable killer.
  • Member Posts: 5,873

    @OGlilSPOOK20 said:
    I would move Spirit from 4 to 2. I would rather face a Billy or Hag any day over a really good Spirit with a good build. For Doc to actually be good (even though he is one of the most annoying killers to play against) they just need to buff the range of his shock... That thing is super small and easy to dodge. He's pretty much add-on dependent to be a viable killer.

    Yes. That exactly except the Spirit thing. Trust me, I've seen the power of an efficient Billy and Hag and they're dominant as hell.

  • Member Posts: 189

    LMAO! "Freddy Tier" - he gets his own tier at the very bottom of the list. classic. sad but true.

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    @Poweas said:

    @Kebek said:
    I know it's your opinon but I still think this is closer to reality. Ofc this tier list is based on not using addons.

    S: Nurse Hillbilly
    A: Spirit Hag Huntress Clown
    B: Michael Leatherface Legion Pig
    C: Trapper Doctor Wraith
    D: Freddy

    I never understoond why people think Myers is high tier. Yeah he's fun to play with/against and has quite usefull power but overall he has really slow start, wastes a lot of time on stalking and has no anti loop tools or mobility. Even when I love playing Michael I still consider him mid tier since good survivors should never allow him to snowball.

    Disagree with Hag not being S. Disagree with Leatherface being so high, Wraith should be in that spot imo. Apart from that, decent tierlist.

    Yeah I though about putting hag into S tier but do you ever get survivor SWF groups where there is one guy who just disarmes your traps constantly with flashlight. If traps were not possible to be destroyed so easily with flasligts then I would put her in S tier but with such huge weakness and while also beiing slow killer who is dependant on survivor mistakes to get their mobility I'd say she's just A tier to me.

    I consider Bubba to be better then wraith since he has an instadown and can not be body blocked. His hook defence is superior and he can do some small mindgames with his chainsaw. Yes he is overall pretty bad and needs some buffs/rework but wraith's main advantage over him is that he can find people faster and has slightly better map control.
    I dunno maybe I'm just a little biased since I really like Bubba and want him to be good. Also if you get really alturistic survivors you can abuse them far more with Leatherface then you can with Wraith.

  • Member Posts: 489
    edited February 2019

    Opinion or not Clown aint even colse to top tier( i assume you put him first in the mid just because you think he is close to top)
    Decent list a bit away from an actually GOOD tier list ( how is clown over huntress only you know the answer)

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    @switch said:
    Opinion or not Clown aint even colse to top tier( i assume you put him first in the mid just because you think he is close to top)
    Decent list a bit away from an actually GOOD tier list ( how is clown over huntress only you know the answer)

    He's better at stopping lops. Although I'll admit I've changed my mind a long time ago about Huntress I think she's at the top of mid tier now. This tierlist is kind of outdated.

  • Member Posts: 489

    @Poweas said:

    @switch said:
    Opinion or not Clown aint even colse to top tier( i assume you put him first in the mid just because you think he is close to top)
    Decent list a bit away from an actually GOOD tier list ( how is clown over huntress only you know the answer)

    He's better at stopping lops. Although I'll admit I've changed my mind a long time ago about Huntress I think she's at the top of mid tier now. This tierlist is kind of outdated.

    Clown is good at destroying pallets, but as pallets are everywhere on the map you can destroy him with only pallets.
    Dont even try to loop the clown just run pallet to pallet to pallet ...yes he will destroy most of the pallets by the time he did that your team should do 4-5 gens easily.
    Clown is not even mid, unless survivors are bad clown will get nothing down.
    I'm almost tempted to say that he is the worst killer in the game.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    @switch said:

    @Poweas said:

    @switch said:
    Opinion or not Clown aint even colse to top tier( i assume you put him first in the mid just because you think he is close to top)
    Decent list a bit away from an actually GOOD tier list ( how is clown over huntress only you know the answer)

    He's better at stopping lops. Although I'll admit I've changed my mind a long time ago about Huntress I think she's at the top of mid tier now. This tierlist is kind of outdated.

    Clown is good at destroying pallets, but as pallets are everywhere on the map you can destroy him with only pallets.
    Dont even try to loop the clown just run pallet to pallet to pallet ...yes he will destroy most of the pallets by the time he did that your team should do 4-5 gens easily.
    Clown is not even mid, unless survivors are bad clown will get nothing down.
    I'm almost tempted to say that he is the worst killer in the game.

    Clown isn't the worst. Trust me with that one.

  • Member Posts: 489

    @Poweas said:

    @switch said:

    @Poweas said:

    @switch said:
    Opinion or not Clown aint even colse to top tier( i assume you put him first in the mid just because you think he is close to top)
    Decent list a bit away from an actually GOOD tier list ( how is clown over huntress only you know the answer)

    He's better at stopping lops. Although I'll admit I've changed my mind a long time ago about Huntress I think she's at the top of mid tier now. This tierlist is kind of outdated.

    Clown is good at destroying pallets, but as pallets are everywhere on the map you can destroy him with only pallets.
    Dont even try to loop the clown just run pallet to pallet to pallet ...yes he will destroy most of the pallets by the time he did that your team should do 4-5 gens easily.
    Clown is not even mid, unless survivors are bad clown will get nothing down.
    I'm almost tempted to say that he is the worst killer in the game.

    Clown isn't the worst. Trust me with that one.

    And whos the worst ? Freddy ?, Legion?
    Trust me you dont wanna go against my freedy, if you dont believe me watch some of hexy's stream VOD he is using the same build as me search a few games where he plays as freedy, he is probably one of the best freedys out there.
    Legion, i would say is 50/50 he is OP at tunneling one individual but the worst at killing 4 without mixtape.
    he is a mix bag...
    Trust me i can say with confidence clown is the worst killer in the game.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    @switch said:

    @Poweas said:

    @switch said:

    @Poweas said:

    @switch said:
    Opinion or not Clown aint even colse to top tier( i assume you put him first in the mid just because you think he is close to top)
    Decent list a bit away from an actually GOOD tier list ( how is clown over huntress only you know the answer)

    He's better at stopping lops. Although I'll admit I've changed my mind a long time ago about Huntress I think she's at the top of mid tier now. This tierlist is kind of outdated.

    Clown is good at destroying pallets, but as pallets are everywhere on the map you can destroy him with only pallets.
    Dont even try to loop the clown just run pallet to pallet to pallet ...yes he will destroy most of the pallets by the time he did that your team should do 4-5 gens easily.
    Clown is not even mid, unless survivors are bad clown will get nothing down.
    I'm almost tempted to say that he is the worst killer in the game.

    Clown isn't the worst. Trust me with that one.

    And whos the worst ? Freddy ?, Legion?
    Trust me you dont wanna go against my freedy, if you dont believe me watch some of hexy's stream VOD he is using the same build as me search a few games where he plays as freedy, he is probably one of the best freedys out there.
    Legion, i would say is 50/50 he is OP at tunneling one individual but the worst at killing 4 without mixtape.
    he is a mix bag...
    Trust me i can say with confidence clown is the worst killer in the game.

    It's Freddy. Imo. I'm not changing my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 489

    @Poweas said:

    @switch said:

    @Poweas said:

    @switch said:

    @Poweas said:

    @switch said:
    Opinion or not Clown aint even colse to top tier( i assume you put him first in the mid just because you think he is close to top)
    Decent list a bit away from an actually GOOD tier list ( how is clown over huntress only you know the answer)

    He's better at stopping lops. Although I'll admit I've changed my mind a long time ago about Huntress I think she's at the top of mid tier now. This tierlist is kind of outdated.

    Clown is good at destroying pallets, but as pallets are everywhere on the map you can destroy him with only pallets.
    Dont even try to loop the clown just run pallet to pallet to pallet ...yes he will destroy most of the pallets by the time he did that your team should do 4-5 gens easily.
    Clown is not even mid, unless survivors are bad clown will get nothing down.
    I'm almost tempted to say that he is the worst killer in the game.

    Clown isn't the worst. Trust me with that one.

    And whos the worst ? Freddy ?, Legion?
    Trust me you dont wanna go against my freedy, if you dont believe me watch some of hexy's stream VOD he is using the same build as me search a few games where he plays as freedy, he is probably one of the best freedys out there.
    Legion, i would say is 50/50 he is OP at tunneling one individual but the worst at killing 4 without mixtape.
    he is a mix bag...
    Trust me i can say with confidence clown is the worst killer in the game.

    It's Freddy. Imo. I'm not changing my opinion.

    Yeah i knew you would say that, i'm not here to change your opinion, but is insane how nobody find out how to play freedy properly.
    He is a monster if played right the amount of time you can drag the game is insane definetly over clown and falls nice in the mid tier.
    I'm kinda glad that nobody find out about him, he is legit a good killer, no troll.
    If this made you interested look up some of the hexy matches where he plays freedy and you will see what i mean by this.

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