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Map (Item) Overhaul Idea


It's probably not controversial to say that the Map item is somewhat neglected, especially in comparison to the genuinely powerful items like medkits and toolboxes. There are a few reasons for this, but I think the main one is that the two maps between them both don't do enough, and do things they don't have any real reason to.

So, for reference, this is what the maps currently do:

  • Map: Green item. 20 charges, 8m detection range. Tracks generators, and starts with one generator tracked.
  • Rainbow Map: Iridescent item. 20 charges, 8m detection range. Tracks generators, hooks, exit gates, and the hatch. Starts with three random items tracked.

Both maps do, additionally, track the objects revealed by Detective's Hunch, but I consider that somewhat irrelevant for these purposes. Additionally, the Bloodsense Map from the recent event is just a Rainbow Map with two extra effects, so while I do think it should change, I have nothing in mind for it specifically. It'll just continue to do what the Rainbow Map does plus its two unique effects. So, with this in mind, here is what I propose the maps do instead:

  • Map: Green item. 20 charges, 8m detection range. Tracks generators, totems, chests, and exit gates. Start with one of each trackable object already tracked.
  • Rainbow Map: Iridescent item. 30 charges, 10m detection range. Tracks generators, totems, chests, and exit gates. Start with one of each trackable object already tracked. Additionally, a pillar of light everyone can see can be placed down anywhere at the cost of 5 charges.

The goal of these changes is to standardise what maps can do, as well as actually having them track the most relevant objects you'd bring a map for without also needing addons to do it. Additionally, I wanted to give the Rainbow Map a real mechanical difference from the Map, while also removing the visual clutter of hooks being tracked by default.

As these changes involve making a few addons basekit, I also have some changes in mind for each of those addons. If an addon isn't listed here, I think it's fine and don't think it needs any changes.

Glass Bead:

  • Current effect: Pressing the secondary effect button allows for the placement of a pillar of light everyone can see.
  • New effect: Pressing the secondary effect button allows for the placement of a pillar of light everyone can see without costing charges.

Notes: I like this addon enough to put it in the Rainbow Map's basekit, but I don't think it needs to go away. It existing in this form allows the regular Map to have the same effect if you don't have any Rainbow Maps left, while also improving the Rainbow Map by allowing the increased charges to be more usable due to your light pillars not consuming charges. Plus, everyone loves spamming light pillars.

Red Twine:

  • Current effect: Allows the map to track "Killer Belongings".
  • New effect: Cleansing a tracked Totem consumes charges for an X% speed boost.

Notes: This addon, in my mind, is notoriously unhealthy. It both shows you things you should not be able to track at all, like Bear Traps, while also being required to show you things that the maps really should show at base, like Totems. Now that the maps do show Totems at base, I think the power-item reveal can be safely removed from the addon entirely, and it can be tweaked to be a totem-hunting and anti-hex support addon. I don't have an exact number in mind for the speed boost, but it wouldn't be huge, just a nice bonus.

Yellow Wire:

  • Current effect: Allows the map to track Exit Gates.
  • New effect: Allows the map to track Hooks. Additionally, the Basement Hooks are tracked automatically at the start of the trial.

Notes: Since both maps can now track Exit Gates by default, this addon needed a new effect. Since I also took away the Hook tracking from the Rainbow Map, I figured a yellow addon would be a fine price to pay for getting it back. Additionally, showing the Basement Hooks by default allows this addon to be a nice sidegrade to the Basement offerings- both show you the Basement location, but the offering forces it to spawn in a favourable location where applicable and the addon only shows you instead of showing everyone - including the killer.

As an aside, this addon will likely need a new name and flavour text, which is a shame because it's one of the more fun ones. I never took the time to appreciate this addon's flavour text until now, it's neat. Good job, whoever wrote that.

Black Silk Cord:

  • Current effect: Allows the map to track the Hatch.
  • New effect: Automatically tracks the Hatch when it spawns.

Notes: This isn't directly related to my changes, I just figured this addon could use a bit of an update since it's a bit of a relic from when the Hatch spawned prior to it opening. This way, it's a nice alternative to a perk like Left Behind or Clairvoyance that gives a boost in Hatch scenarios without being too powerful. After all, you can SEE the Hatch, but that doesn't mean you're closer to it than the Killer is.

Additionally, I would like to propose one new addon of purple rarity;

Occult Addendum:

  • New effect: Start the trial with all Totems tracked.

Notes: The maps don't have that many addons compared to some other items, so I thought there was room for another. This could be an iridescent to actually give this item class one of those, too, but either way something to help boost the item's arguably main purpose in hunting totems seems appropriate. As an aside, having the flavour text reference the initials "M.R." could be a fun way to acknowledge that this is a new addon while tying into some lore.

In conclusion… do I think these changes will make survivors bring maps as often as medkits, toolboxes, and flashlights? No, not even close. I do think, though, that they'd have a clear niche for anyone who might want to run them and who, like me, finds themselves frustrated by how limited and addon-dependant the item class really is.

This way, maps have a clear use even without addons at all, and might actually be worth bringing to support certain builds or as a way of avoiding spending a perk slot on something.