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What can I do, as a M1-Killer, about Holding W?

MvHoeller Member Posts: 48

Last couple of days I tried some new Perk-Combinations with M1 Killers (in low-, mid-MMR games I guess). Everytime I don't use a Oblivious or Undetactable Perk/Item Survivors start running the moment they hear/see the Terror Radius. They don't loop or take any risk. They just run straight from pallet to pallet to window (mostly with windows of opportunity) using haste-perks while the others keep repairing their gens. Catching up with them alone takes so much time that even if I down them quickly its a big loss. If I don't chase them and move to another gen the other survivor will do the same while the frist one is coming back to his gen to start repairing again. Using gen regression perks is out of the question. I don't want to use them anymore because they are boring all they do is prolong the match without any chase improvements or mindgame/jumpscare opportunities.

Any ideas or do I have to stay with my terror radius suppression builds?


  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,244
    edited April 19

    Nothing. Prerunning is hands down the strongest thing you can do against a killer without the means to punish or prevent it. Ideally map design will prevent it from being really bad but outliers like midwich really show off how brutal the strat can be.