Dying Light

So, as we all know(if not most of us), this perk isn't used very often just simply due to the fact that it not only requires the obsession to stay alive to function, but it also buffs the obsession by giving them +33% action speed for unhooking and healing.
I was thinking that what if each token that Dying Light received it reduced this buff to the obsession by 3%? This way the perk still has a downside, but the downside is slowly lessened over time. By the time you get 6 tokens on this perk(usually your 6th hook) the downside would be reduced from +33% down to +15%.
That’s not a bad idea for a buff, though it still leaves the perk as mainly a hindrance for the killer early in the game and only helps when it already has a lot of tokens and is already stronger. Part of the issue with Dying Light is that it’s often a win-harder perk. If you do get a lot of tokens (to the point where the effect is actually strong), you’re likely already in a good position to win anyway. If you don’t get a lot of tokens, it doesn’t do much and usually won’t really help you.
What if we flipped this idea around so that at the start of the match the bonus for the obsession is 0%, and the bonus (along with the penalty for the other survivors) is increased by 3% for each token? This way they both grow larger at the same time, which means the perk won’t just penalize the killer early in the game anymore when it has little or no benefit to them. The healing speed buff would only become noticeable when the other survivors have a more significant repair penalty, at a point in time where the perk is strong enough that the downside is actually worth it for the killer.
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It needs a ground-up redesign, it would still be a win-more perk
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That wouldn't change much. The problem with Dying Light is that it's horrible in the early game, bad in the mid game and only good near the end of the game. But then you have people so close to being dead, that Dying Light becomes unnecessary. It's like Fire Up in that regard.
As a killer, you have no issues with the late game but more so with the early and mid game when you have no pressure yet and most of (if not all) the resources are still available. If you manage to get enough hooks to make Dying Light do its work, then you're already winning anyway. This whole design of building up stacks by hooking survivors doesn't work because it is the exact opposite of what is actually needed.
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Not enough. It just needs the negatives removed entirely. It's not good enough to warrant buffing the Obsession.
Just keep the stacking effect per token, but if the Obsession dies it just pauses where it's at like stbfl, it doesn't deactivate. This wouldn't even make it "good", just okay enough to not be trolling to run it.
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Not bad, but I rather prefer this perk affects everyone, regardless of their are the obsession or not. Because at most, this perk is affecting 2 to 3 teammates (if you chase another survivor that is not the obsession). And turn the Buff into a debuff, as the obsession with a 5th perk slot of being able to know they can heal teammates and unhook faster (that this perk makes it seem like bait that you need to kill the obsession, when you can't).
2 simple changes; make the debuff when earning tokens, affecting every Survivor, even obsession and make the obsession get negative debuff when makes them heal and unhook slower. Of course, we can be bit merciful for the obsession by allow them to heal regularly when self healing, but no healing buffs toward teammates.