An Idea for Skull Merchant

Currently, this killer feels like a mesh of abilities that don't work well together… Her power is bland but and crippling at times. There's not really any strategy when it comes to playing her so what i was thinking was this:
Have Skull Merchant gain a token for her power by injuring, downing, (and maybe hooking?) With enough tokens, she can "craft" certain traps, drones etc. We see her with a GPS, why not have her craft a GPS for a token, or crazy traps to grab survivors, but it's going to be expensive. The idea is to make Skull Merchant EXTREMELY versatile, but she has to be more aggressive, and to prevent her from dominating the map too quickly I'd say give her crafting stations or a crafting timer she goes though. Remember this is her play style so I wouldn't make it impossible to have some control.
1 token: claw traps for info, GPS, simple or personal upgrades (like haste)
2 tokens, drones, more advanced upgrades (like the arrow puzzle)
3 tokens MAYBE something you could use in chase like an extend-o arm to break pallets (after all she has it on her)
5 tokens Window traps that ensnare survivors and render them useless. (like a bear trap on a window)
Of course these sound great but could be a different story in practice, but the end I want to see this game grow, Skull Merchant deserves a place in the game and should be fair like all killers, but also stick out.
So bad Oni?
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This looks like a huge nerf to me honestly…